Description and characteristics of the apricot variety Shalakh Pineapple and Tsurupinsky, yield and cultivation

Apricot varieties Shalakh or Pineapple are quite famous among the fruit crops preferred by gardeners. Apricot is valued not only for its excellent taste, but also for the content of nutrients: vitamins of group B, A, C, trace elements (iodine, iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium), tannins, fiber, acids.

Apricot (dried apricots) is especially useful for people suffering from heart and vascular diseases. Strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Not recommended for patients with diabetes, as it contains sugar. The breeders threw all their efforts into breeding a variety called Pineapple Tsyurupinsky.

Description of the variety

When describing the characteristics of the Shalakh variety, it is characterized as an unpretentious, with good yield, apricot. There are middle and early ripening.

apricot shalah

The tree loves loamy, light loamy soil. It is better to choose a landing site that is sunny and warm, elevated, remote from the groundwater and protected from drafts.

Important! For good plant growth, periodic feeding (root and foliar - spraying the leaves) and loosening the soil above the root system is necessary. These procedures are beneficial to do after rains and watering.

The bark of the plant has a grayish color, with cracks. The leaves are dull, deep green, wide.

fruit bone

The plant is prone to crown growth. Pruning branches plays an important role in increasing productivity. This is because when excess foliage is removed, maximum lighting is created for the tree, which contributes to the growth of branches. Pruning can be done in spring or fall. When old and diseased branches are cut, the plant rejuvenates and a crown is formed, which is more convenient for tree care.

The plant is hygrophilous. Abundant watering is especially important within 1 month after planting. Water 2-3 times a week, 10-15 liters per tree.

Apricot Pineapple Tsyuryupinsky is characterized by features:

moisture-loving plant

  • medium height and wide crown;
  • fruit weight, on average, 40 grams, irregular beveled shape;
  • the surface of the peel is bumpy, with a small fluff, dense;
  • fruit color is light yellow, without blush;
  • the pulp is light yellow, medium fiber, juicy;
  • the taste is sweet and sour, with perfect adherence to sweetness and acidity;
  • the stone is small, well separated from the pulp of a ripe fruit.

The difference between the apricot varieties Pineapple Shalakh and Pineapple Tsyuryupinsky is that the Pineapple Tsyuryupinsky is a more capricious species.And, with improper care (poor watering, lack of pruning), it drops unripe fruits and loses good taste.

mass of fruits

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Apricot Shalah has advantages and disadvantages.


  • resistant to moniliosis, clasterosporium disease, leaf curl;
  • self-fertile;
  • good winter hardiness, drought resistance.
  • the ability to quickly recover after winter freezing (however, in severe frost, it may die);
  • late flowering reduces the risk of frost exposure to the plant in spring;
  • excellent yield: annually the tree is capable of producing up to 200 kilograms of apricots in one season, and under favorable climate conditions and good care - up to 350 kilograms. Therefore, it is widely used for processing on an industrial scale in canning factories.

big berries


  • when the fruit is overripe, taste deteriorates, a lot of fiber appears in the pulp;
  • easy crumbling of ripe fruits;
  • not subject to long-term storage (maximum up to 7 days);
  • does not tolerate stagnant water in the area of ​​the root system.


The apricot variety Shalakh has its own characteristics:

  • fruit crop has a good dense crown, fast growth;
  • from the moment of 4 years of age, it begins to bear fruit every year;
  • the trunk can grow up to 5 meters in height.

fruit crop



  • the flowering time of a plant depends on the growing climate - in warm regions it comes earlier than in cold ones;
  • the flowers are large, up to 3 centimeters in size, with curved white petals, slightly pink on the inside;
  • up to 4 years old, it is recommended to pick flowers so that the apricot gets stronger and can bring a good harvest.


Fruit characteristic:

  • the fruits are large (can reach up to 85-90 grams), oval or ellipsoidal, with slight tuberosity;
  • color - from pink-yellow to pale fawn, with a delicate blurry, pale crimson, tan;
  • the skin is velvety, dense;
  • pulp of medium density, juicy, creamy;
  • by sugar content - medium sweetness;
  • has excellent taste;
  • the orange-colored bone is easily separated from the pulp, it is small in size;
  • the fruit is well preserved during transportation;
  • can be eaten fresh, dried, canned, added to baked goods and salads.

velvety skin

Ripening period

Apricots Pineapple ripens by early July. But the exact time depends on the weather conditions. In the southern regions of Russia, fruits begin to ripen from the beginning of June. In the central regions - in late July or early August.

Fruit picking

The crop is harvested in warm, dry weather, no more than 7 days.

Due to the peculiarity of light shedding on the ground and bruising when falling, apricot fruits are best picked by hand. And don't shake the branches.

money on the table

Storage features

Fruits are carefully placed in boxes (wooden, cardboard). Store at low temperatures in special rooms. The mashed fruits cannot be stored. They need to be recycled.

Important! For better preservation, fruits are harvested before ripening, shifting with paper or napkins.

orange fruit

How to grow

A fruit tree is obtained in 3 ways:

  1. From a seedling. Saplings, for better survival, must be planted in the spring, before the growing season. Before disembarking, 1-2 weeks in advance, you need to dig out planting holes 60x60 centimeters, 70 centimeters deep and more. And it is best to prepare the pit in the fall.

The bottom of the pit is covered with gravel, then a mixture of peat with soil and mineral components is placed. When planting, you need to ensure that the root system of the apricot is 7 centimeters higher from ground level. The seedling must be at least 1 year old, with strong roots. There must be at least 2 branches on the trunk. Before planting, it is better to soak the roots in a container with a nutrient liquid (a mixture of water and a growth stimulant).

green leaves

  1. Pitted apricot.

To get a plant from a stone, it is taken from a large and ripe fruit. On the eve of planting, put the bone in water to soften. Planting is done in the nutrient soil, digging a hole no more than 6 centimeters deep, in a place protected from a draft. After it is watered abundantly.

The survival rate is characteristic when cultivating the variety by cuttings on other trees (some types of plums, cherry plums, peaches).

pitted apricot

Growing places

The homeland of the plant is Armenia. The variety has spread widely across Asian countries and warm regions of Russia. Can bear fruit in Siberia and the Urals.

Apricot Pineapple has more advantages than disadvantages, which is why gardeners prefer this variety.

However, it is believed that the most delicious Shalakh apricot is the fruit grown in the Ararat Valley in the Caucasus.

 delicious apricot

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