How to plant and grow garlic from bulbs?

Reproduction of garlic occurs with the help of cloves, and this is clearly not enough to obtain strong heads of the product. On winter types of vegetables, inflorescences appear at the top of the stem in summer. Then they turn into baskets filled with miniature onions. After they reach a mature state, you can start growing garlic through bulbs. Planting material is planted either in spring or autumn.

Why grow garlic from bulbs?

There is always room for garlic in the garden. A table in winter cannot be imagined without a spicy product. With him, it is easy to resist disease.

Of the plant species, it is better to grow winter. The teeth at the heads are larger. The rod, around which the lobules are located, is a continuation of the arrow. Therefore, another type of seed is obtained from winter garlic - bulbs.

In spring varieties, arrows are absent, therefore, air bulbs cannot form on it. You should not neglect planting garlic with bulbs. Thanks to them, you can reproduce the selected vegetable variety. Using this method of growing will make it possible to rejuvenate the garden culture with an improvement in the seed fund. And you can prepare planting material in advance, starting from the second half of February.

By this time, the air bulbs are sorted out, weak and damaged are discarded. A dense product is put into containers and stored in a cellar. Storage is also possible in the refrigerator, and in warm winters and under the snow in a snowdrift.

Pros of growing bulbs

The advantage of using aerial bulbs for vegetable cultivation is that:

grow garlic

  1. On one arrow, up to a hundred - two small teeth for planting can form. Leaving only three garlic arrows, you can plant large areas with culture.
  2. The garlic is renewed with bulbs.
  3. The lack of contact of the planting material with the soil allows you to protect the vegetable crop from infections, fungal diseases. This method of recovery is safe for the resulting vegetable heads. Therefore, the entire harvest will be well preserved.
  4. It is convenient to plant bulbs in the ground. You should not engage in a laborious process, planting one by one. They are sown like ordinary seeds of other vegetables.

There are also disadvantages of the breeding method. Growing garlic with seeds is one of the protracted processes, because after 1 season you cannot get large heads. We have to wait another year. You can get garlic from only common varieties of bulbs. The growing method is not suitable for creeping species.

one arrow

Secrets of growing a garlic culture

The rules for obtaining heads of garlic, large and dense, include the preparation of planting material, and the timing of planting seed material, competent care for it:

  1. The appearance of arrows and inflorescences in the summer in order to prepare the air bulbs. Arrows are left on those vegetable specimens that have large heads.
  2. Harvest the heads together with the arrows, as winter garlic seeds can be used to refresh the winter look of the vegetable.
  3. The term for planting bulbs is chosen both in autumn and spring. But it is dangerous to plant in winter due to the likelihood of bulbs freezing. In early spring, having prepared the soil in advance, garlic seeds are sown.
  4. It is necessary to discard damaged or glazed bulbs before planting. They will not bear healthy fruit.
  5. The grown teeth are dug in mid-August. After drying, they are placed in the ground in mid-October.

garlic culture

The garlic culture does not require special care. After the emergence of seedlings in the second year, fertilizers are applied, watered, loosened the earth.

How are bulbs grown?

The propagation of a garden crop is successful if you know how to grow garlic from bulbs and when to plant garlic seeds.

The planted bulbs are harvested in late August, along with the arrows. If you plan to plant garlic in the spring, then the bulbs are wrapped in newspaper and placed in a dry room with an air temperature of 18-20 degrees above zero.

grow bulbs

One and a half to two months before planting, at the end of February, the seed is sorted out and placed in fabric bags. The stratification procedure now begins. It will give an impetus to the growth of air bulbs. Place the seed product in a refrigerator, cellar or snow. But the temperature should be around freezing or slightly higher.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for twenty minutes and dried.

Garlic cloves are embedded in the prepared beds to a depth of three to four centimeters. The distance between them is three centimeters, and between the rows - fifteen.

planting seeds

Sprinkle the onions with a layer of soil and mulch on top. This will preserve soil moisture, improve the adhesion of seeds to the soil.

This is how winter crops multiply by seeds types of garlic... The emerging seedlings of the vegetable develop rapidly, giving in the fall single-toothed bulbs that can be planted in the winter.

The vegetable crop does not lend itself to diseases and pests, because the seeds were taken from air bulbs and did not come into contact with the ground.

sprinkle onions

When to collect the grown seed?

The novice gardener does not know when to dig the garlicgrown from bulbs. And it is better to dig it up in early August. By this time, the sharp leaves on the plant will turn yellow. So that the teeth do not go into the ground and it is easy to find them, they begin to collect sets until the aboveground part dies off.

After harvesting, do not leave one-toothed in the sun. They can become glassy and reduce the quality of the bulbs.


Putting the heads under a canopy in the shade or in a ventilated room, they are dried. The appearance of dry husk heads on top indicates that the planting material is dry. It can be collected in canvas bags and hung in a shed. Storage of bulbs in bunches is also suitable.

Since the inflorescence contains a lot of seeds, then a lot of planting material will be prepared - enough for several beds.

with heads down

Preparing the garden

They begin to prepare a place for sevok in advance. Since it is impossible to grow garlic in one place every time, they select a site in a sunny place, with a loose and nutritious soil. Culture grows well where it was planting peas, beans, pumpkin, cabbage.

Before preparing the beds, they think over how to plant the garlic from the bulbs.

If the land is poor in nutrients, then five kilograms of humus are added per square meter, adding potassium chloride (20 grams), superphosphate (30 grams). Wood ash will supply the soil with phosphorus.

preparation of the garden

Garlic needs soil that is neutral in acidity. You can lower the acid level by adding slaked lime. If you are going to plant one-toothed in October, then in the spring you need to prepare a site for sevok.

The garden bed before planting is divided into rows sixty to ninety centimeters wide. The length can be several tens of centimeters, depending on the number of bulbs.

Choose the planting time, taking into account the temperature around zero degrees. Warm weather will stimulate the development of seed material. Seedlings will appear quickly, and they will be killed by frost. And low temperatures in the soil will destroy the seed material, not allowing it to survive until spring.


Bulb planting methods

There are several ways to plant air bulbs:

  1. The depth of the ditch is made from three to four centimeters in the spring, at five to six - in the fall. Having laid the cloves with a distance of three centimeters from each other, sprinkle with a layer of earth. Lightly tamped on top, sprinkle with a layer of peat five to seven centimeters. For the winter, you can mulch with fallen leaves, straw.
  2. In the prepared grooves, sheets of paper with slots for one-tooth are laid. Cover the top with a layer of sand, sawdust. This method will protect the teeth from weeds and quickly develop into full-fledged heads.
  3. Garlic is laid on the beds and ribbons in two to five lines. The gap between the lines is twenty centimeters.

air bulbs

Since it will be possible to grow winter garlic from bulbs in two seasons, more seed will be obtained. Then the places for winter garlic are allocated in more than one bed. The number of square meters is calculated, taking into account the fact that the rate per square meter is sixty grams of planting material.

How to grow garlic from bulbs?

In order for the shoots of garlic to get stronger and give high-quality large heads, the vegetable needs during the growing season:

garlic shoots

  • carry out three feeding with a mixture of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, diluted in water;
  • loosen the ground to a depth of two to four centimeters;
  • weed the beds as needed;
  • water every ten days during dry summer.

After yellowing of garlic leaves dug out. Now the gardener's zeal is rewarded - he will receive heads with strong, dense teeth that will last until the next harvest.


Propagation of garlic bulbs

You can propagate garlic using bulbs all the time, leaving arrows with air bulbs every year. Planting is done twice a year. You just need to decide when bulbs of garlic sow - in autumn or spring.

And the family will eat vegetables all year round, feeding themselves with vitamins and useful elements. The diet can include both leaves and stems of vegetables, which are rich in trace elements. With this method of reproduction of garlic, the gardener will not be left without a useful vegetable.

reproduction of garlic

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