Description of the Lada melon variety, features of cultivation and care

Both children and adults love sweet melons. It is not difficult to grow a culture on a plot where there is a greenhouse. Melon Lada is rapidly gaining popularity among modern summer residents. The reason for this is that the variety is resistant to certain diseases and does not crack.

Variety criteria

Whatever the characteristics of the species from the manufacturer, the summer resident is still looking for a more detailed description. This information helps to avoid mistakes when growing, to find the right place for growing a crop.

species characteristic


  • The fruits are round.
  • Taste: excellent.
  • Flesh: juicy and crispy.
  • The aroma is weak but persistent.
  • The color of the ripe fruit is yellow with a mesh.
  • Weight: 1.5-2 kg.
  • Ripens within 72-96 days.
  • The optimum temperature for ripening is + 17 ⁰С, but the best temperature is + 28-31 ⁰С.
  • Humidity should be 70%.

The characteristics of the varieties are different, each summer resident selects according to the needs and desires of the family.

growing crops


Melon is grown in 2 ways, direct sowing in the ground or seedling. In the first case, the crop will ripen later. Seeds are sown in heated soil, its temperature should be +15 ⁰С.

Optimally heated soil at the moment when dandelions bloom.

Embedding depth of 10 cm, planting material is soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then rinse with clean water.

The distance between the holes is 1.5 m. If the melon is grown in a greenhouse, then leave 70 cm and tie it to trellises.

optimum temperature

The seedling growing method yields a few weeks earlier than the seedling method. The roots of the culture are very fragile, so it should be grown in peat pots or dishes that break easily. This is necessary so that the clod of earth in which the plant has grown is not damaged.

The summer resident needs to calculate the transplantation period, individually, taking into account the climatic features of the growing region. The earth must be warmed up. The threat of recurrent frost is completely excluded. Seedlings are ready for transplantation to a permanent place for 25 days.

weak aroma

Culture care

It's easy to grow a Lada melon. You don't have to do anything special. The peculiarity of caring for her is that it is necessary to pinch the tops and remove excess ovaries. There are 4 of them left. They try to select those that are closest to the main stem.

Thus, it turns out that the melons and gourds remaining on the plant receive a maximum of nutrients. They grow big, tasty and juicy.

Like other crops, melon does not tolerate the neighborhood with weeds, they must be removed in a timely manner.

culture care

Water should be done with caution, without flooding the plants. The plant requires the most moisture at the time of the formation of ovaries and the active formation of green mass. The rest of the time, it is enough to water once every 7 days.

Drops of moisture should not remain on the leaves, this will cause sunburn.

Humus is used as top dressing. It is added to the wells before planting or to seedling pots.

pinch the tops

For pest control and treatment of diseases, a 0.5% solution of carbamide or superphosphate is used.

Lada melon immunity and use in home cooking

According to the description of the variety, the plant is not susceptible to powdery mildew, peronosporosis. Lada melons are not attacked by aphids. It is recommended to carry out timely preventive treatment against other diseases. Summer residents say that it is easier to prevent the occurrence of a disease than to treat plants.

Melon is used for making candied fruits, stewed fruit and jam.

stay on the leaves

Advantages of the variety

Possession of positive properties makes it possible for the species to reach the first lines in the rating of varieties that must be grown.


  • The versatility of the fruit.
  • The unpretentiousness of the plant.
  • Disease resistance.
  • Excellent taste and long shelf life.
  • Melons do not crack.

cooking candied fruits


  • Mandatory bush formation.

The presence of negative characteristics in a variety affects the choice of a summer resident.


Observing all the requirements of agricultural technology, when growing and properly forming a bush, 4 fruits with a total weight of 6 to 8 kg are obtained. There is a way to increase yields; for this, a melon is grafted onto a pumpkin.

melons do not crack

How to vaccinate correctly?

By practicing grafting, the plant's resistance to cold increases, the melon begins to yield and bear fruit 30 days earlier. For this, pumpkin and melon seedlings are grown at the same time. When the first true leaf of the pumpkin seedling is formed, the entire shoot is removed, only a small part of the stem with the root remains. Melon seedlings are peeled from 2 sides, the skin is removed, and inserted into the cut pumpkin stalk.

There is another way to carry out this procedure. The pumpkin should form 3 true leaves, then the growth point is removed from it 2 cm above 3 leaves. A melon cut from the root is inserted inside. Wrap with woolen thread or a piece of foil. In order for everything to go well, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for survival. The air temperature should be + 25-30 ⁰С, and the percentage of humidity should be 95-98. No care is subsequently required, the plant receives everything it needs from the soil, forming ovaries.

bush formation

The opinion of summer residents regarding the Lada melon variety

Having positive comments about the variety works better than any advertisement. Reviews of gardeners about the culture help beginners in this matter. Growers provide tips and advice on growing.

Deirdre: “I grew Lada in the open field, weight 3.5 kg, sweet and aromatic. Left 1 ovary on the bush. Next year I will definitely plant more, only I will limit watering before harvesting. "

pumpkin seedling

Lyudmila: “I tried to grow the Lada variety in the open field, planted it directly in the beds, the fruits did not have time to ripen. Next year I will plant seedlings and see what the result will be. "

Anatoly: “All children love melons, the family is big. We decided to grow it in a greenhouse. The choice fell on the Lada variety, since other varieties of culture were not suitable due to the laborious care process. We didn’t regret it. The melons are excellent, the taste is excellent. A favorite for the site. "

Summer residents like Lada melons due to their taste and high commercial qualities. They are stored for a long time without losing their aroma.

varieties of culture

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