How to sprout beans quickly and correctly at home in 1 day

Many people know that bean sprouts are good for health, but not everyone knows, how to sprout beans correctly. The method depends on what goal the gardeners are pursuing. Some want to get early shoots, while others are interested in healthy eating and eat the shoots. Consider what methods of sprouting beans exist and what are the benefits of this product.

Sprouted beans - benefits and harms

Bean sprouts have become very popular among people who lead a healthy lifestyle. They are the main ingredient in raw foodists. Raw food is usually practiced by people who want to get rid of serious diseases or just maintain their health.

sprout beans

Bean sprouts contain vitamins and a lot of useful microelements:

  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus and much more.

They contain a large amount of vitamin C. Due to the presence of vegetable protein in the composition, this product can completely replace meat. As we know, vegetable protein is much healthier than animal protein.

contain vitamins

Seedlings of legumes are eaten to prevent colds, increase hemoglobin and lose extra pounds. For therapeutic purposes, they are prescribed to patients with atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus. Sprouts normalize metabolism, calm the nervous system, and increase the efficiency of internal organs.

Bean sprouts are not harmful to the body. Of course, if they are not abused. Eating large amounts can lead to flatulence, colic and diarrhea.


How to sprout beans at home

Sprouting beans at home doesn't take long. The only thing worth paying attention to is the quality of the seeds. Before the procedure, they are carefully sorted out, especially if they are from a store. All dried, rotten and spoiled grains should be thrown away. There are several ways to germinate seeds, consider the simplest one. Algorithm of actions in stages:

at home

  • take a small plastic container, make holes at the bottom so that water can come out through them;
  • determine the capacity in a deep vessel; it is important that the bottom of the container does not touch this container, otherwise there will be no room for water;
  • put gauze folded several times on the bottom of the plastic container;
  • pour a thin layer of beans on top of it;
  • pour the seeds with warm water so that it only slightly goes beyond their level;
  • cover the grains with a cloth and put them in a warm, dark place;
  • so that the sprouts appear as early as possible, the beans are watered every 3 hours.

If done correctly, sprouts will appear the next day. Beans for eating should be germinated for 4-5 days, when the plants reach a height of 5-6 cm. Do not forget that the accumulated water must be regularly drained.

put gauze

Sprouting beans for planting in the ground

The technology for sprouting beans for planting is not much different from the previous method. Before the procedure, it is still necessary to sort the spoiled seeds and remove excess debris. Next, a plate of medium depth is shaved, a damp cloth or gauze is placed on it. Selected grains are laid out on top of the material soaked in warm water and covered with a top layer.

It is important that the fabric is just damp. Water should not seep out of it, otherwise it will lead to rotting beans.

Germination time usually takes 1 day. The very next day, fragile shoots will appear, which are planted in the soil. This is done very carefully, the distance between the rows should not be less than 50 cm, between the seeds - at least 20 cm.

medium depth

Germinating beans for seedlings

To germinate beans for seedlings, gardeners use the old proven method. As strange as it sounds, you need toilet paper for it. It is laid on top of an elongated cellophane roll (up to 50 cm in length), moistened with water, and beans are laid on top of it. When laying out seeds, it is important to indent along the edges, preferably if it is at least 1 centimeter. Put another layer of paper on top of the beans, moisten with water and roll up a roll. For seed germination, it is lowered from the side of the empty edge into a container with water.

After how many days will sprouts appear with this method of germination? Seed germination is observed in a few days, but sprouts are planted on the beds somewhere in a week and a half, when they are completely stronger.

beans for seedlings

Germination of legumes for food use

Eating legume sprouts in food brings extraordinary benefits to the body. Sprouted seeds contain many more beneficial trace elements than regular beans. No wonder they are called "live food". The easiest way to sprout beans for food is to place them in a flat glass container, cover with damp gauze and store in a dark place. This method will eliminate excess moisture. Already on the 2-3rd day, sprouts appear, upon reaching 5-7 cm they can be eaten. Although many raw foodists prefer to eat sprouts on the second day. As you can see, sprouting beans in this way is quite simple.

extraordinary benefit

How to germinate mung bean

Mung bean is a small green bean. We used to call it peas. The principle of sprouting mung bean is not much different from beans. Pea sprouts are used as a main dish; salads, stews and even cutlets are prepared from it. This product is extremely beneficial for the body.

Note! Only fresh harvest of mung bean is used for germination. Otherwise, the beneficial properties of the sprouts are significantly reduced.

In order for the mung to germinate, it is pre-soaked in cold water. After 10 hours, the peas are removed, washed and filtered through a sieve. The soaked beans will soften and increase in volume, which will speed up emergence.

call her peas

A small plastic bucket in which you need to make holes is best suited for germinating mung bean. This will exclude the presence of excess water in the container, due to which the grains may turn sour.

Dry gauze is laid out at the bottom of the bucket. Grains are poured over it, which are sprayed with water. Then they are covered with a cloth and determined in a dark place for a day. Every 2-3 hours, add a little water to the mung bean.Within a day, small sprouts will appear, which can be eaten immediately or left for another 2-3 days to achieve greater length.

plastic bucket

How to sprout beans quickly

For the quickest germination of sprouts, it is important not to allow the tissue in which they are located to dry out. Varieties such as mung bean are pre-soaked in water, which greatly accelerates the emergence of sprouts. To get the desired result overnight, growth stimulants are used, which are combined with water. In this case, the first shoots will be ready for planting the very next day.

The easiest way to sprout beans for food is by placing the beans in a damp cloth. As a rule, after one or two days, the seedlings are ready to eat.

drying out tissue

How sprouted beans are used on the farm

Many gardeners prefer to sprout beans before planting in the ground. This process speeds up the harvest. But the main application of legume seedlings was found in food. They are used to prepare first and second courses, casseroles, cutlets and even baked goods.

This product has tremendous benefits for the body. Therefore, many medicines in traditional medicine are prepared from legume seedlings. To achieve a therapeutic effect, bean sprouts are used in the following conditions:

landing in the ground

  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • decreased immunity;
  • obesity.

decreased immunity

How to use sprouted beans - recipes

Many people consume bean sprouts to maintain good health and strong immunity. This product can be served as a main course or as an addition to main courses. There are a large number of recipes with the addition of sprouts, consider the simplest of them.

Korean sprouted beans

A simple recipe that goes well with meat. Cooking takes place in several stages:

number of recipes

  • sprouts are washed with cool water, placed on the bottom of the pan and slightly crushed;
  • filled with water so that it only slightly goes beyond the level of the grains;
  • cook the first 3 minutes over high heat, the next 3 minutes over medium; the container must be closed with a lid;
  • the cooked sprouts are strained through a colander.

Sprinkle with spices before the sprouts have cooled. It can be any seasoning you like. But chili and vinegar must be present. Add bell pepper or green salad if desired.

slightly crushed

Sprouted Bean and Soy Salad

For this dish, you will need not only bean sprouts, but also soy sprouts. They are dipped in boiling water and boiled for no more than 7 minutes. For lovers of crispy sprouts, just scald them with boiling water. For the recipe, you will also need dried tomatoes and bell peppers, they are cut into thin strips and mixed with sprouts. For this dish you will need a dressing made from garlic, balsamic vinegar and olive oil. It is better to give preference to unrefined oil, it contains more nutrients.

beans and soybeans

Stewed bean sprouts with mushrooms

Prepared bean sprouts (250 g) are washed with cold water. Fry 2 medium onions in half rings in unrefined olive oil. When the onion is browned, add 300 g of fresh mushrooms and a little water to it. Stew on low heat for 7-10 minutes. After this time, the prepared sprouts are added to the pan, cook until they soften. Add cinnamon, salt and spices to taste.

sprouts with mushrooms

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