Instructions for use and the mechanism of action of herbicide Bomb

The broad spectrum herbicide "Bomb" is aimed at destroying particularly resistant weeds, such as sow thistle, hogweed, thistle, and tenacious bedstraw. The unique formula of the drug was developed in Russia, the main active ingredient is tribenuron-methyl and florasulam. The domestic pesticide is irreplaceable and effective in the fight against weeds in the fields with grain crops.

Composition and form of release of funds

The domestic drug is produced in the original binary packaging, in the form of water-dispersible granules, which must be mixed and dissolved before use. There are two main active ingredients - tribenuron-methyl and florasulam.

herbicide bomb

The mechanism and spectrum of action of the herbicide

“Bomb” refers to a selective spectrum pesticide. It affects mainly the green part of the plant, disrupting metabolic processes and protein synthesis in the body, it is used only in the post-emergence period.

The greatest effectiveness of the product was achieved in the fight against dicotyledonous weeds, sow-thistle, tenacious bedstraw. It is used in all types of crop rotations.

Impact speed and symptoms

Within a few hours after spraying, the poison penetrates completely into the plant, disrupting metabolic processes and stopping the growth of the weed. The leaf plates are covered with white-brown spots, become thinner, the growth point dies off. After 2-3 weeks, the weed dies.

To achieve the maximum effect of processing, it is necessary to follow the instructions and rules for mixing the working solution. With high humidity or prolonged drought, night frosts, the effect of the drug slows down. Optimum ambient temperature at the time of spraying - from +10 From to +25 FROM.

herbicide bomb

Possibility of emergence of resistance

Resistance with the use of the herbicide "Bomba" was observed extremely rarely. The unique binary formula minimizes the likelihood of weeds getting used to the pesticide. Tribenuron-methyl and florasulam belong to different chemical classes.

Consumption rates for different plants

The amount of the drug is determined according to the instructions for the herbicide and depends on the type and phase of vegetation of uprooted plants. If the weeds are overgrown, the field is heavily weed, or perennial weeds prevail in the crops of cultivated plants, the concentration of "Bomb" is increased.

To enhance the herbicidal effect, surfactant "Adyu" is added to the working mixture. This technique is used in the fight against thistle, tenacious bedstraw. The average consumption rate of the drug is 25 grams per hectare.

"Bomb" is permitted and is often used for aerial spraying of fields and agricultural plantations.

herbicide bomb

How to properly prepare a working mixture and how to apply it?

The drug is kneaded immediately before use. It is recommended to create a stock solution for convenience. The pesticide solution tank is filled halfway with clean water at room temperature, the mother liquor is poured in and mixed thoroughly. Further, the amount of water is increased to the required level.

Important! Surfactant "Adyu" is added to the working solution after complete mixing of the herbicide. This avoids the formation of foam.

Rules for using the working mixture:

  • The substance is applied to the green part of the plant.
  • The optimal vegetative maturity of the weed is 3-4 leaves.
  • During aviation processing, consumption rates and drug concentrations are changed according to the instructions.
  • It is prohibited to use the drug in coastal areas of water bodies.
  • In case of unfavorable weather conditions: heavy rains, frost, drought, it is recommended to postpone the treatment.

The drug can be used in conjunction with fungicides. Not addictive to most weeds. Before use, read the instructions for use.

herbicide bomb

Safety measures when working with the drug

The herbicide "Bomb" belongs to the 3rd class of danger to humans. The drug is extremely dangerous for the inhabitants of reservoirs and bees. During spraying and when applying the working solution, gloves, a protective suit, a scarf and a respirator must be worn. It is unacceptable for the pesticide to enter the respiratory system and on the human skin.

If apiaries are located near the treated area, it is necessary to warn the beekeepers 5 days before processing.

It is recommended to treat fields with the Bomba herbicide in calm weather.

The degree of toxicity of the agent

The preparation "Bomb" is toxic, it is important to observe safety measures when working with a pesticide. If the herbicide enters the body of water, there is a high risk of poisoning fish and other river inhabitants and plants.

If the working solution comes into contact with the skin or the respiratory system, a person may experience a severe allergic reaction or poisoning.

It is not recommended to use the drug in private household plots.

herbicide bomb

Compatibility with other drugs

The domestic herbicide is suitable for combined use with other pesticides, compatible with amine salt and dicamba. Experienced agronomists practice the joint use of "Bomb" with the herbicide "Ballerina" or "Demeter".

It is unacceptable to use "Bomb" with organophosphorus pesticides.

How to store?

The preparation is stored in a special room for storing pesticides. Joint storage of "Bomb" with food, feed, drinking water is strictly prohibited.

It is important to limit the access of children and persons who are not familiar with the rules for the use of pesticides to the pesticide warehouse. The finished solution is not subject to long-term storage, the mixture is used immediately after preparation.

The shelf life of the herbicide in sealed original packaging is 3 years. Optimum storage temperature - +15 C - +18 FROM.

herbicide bomb

Are there any analogues?

The analogues of the drug in terms of active substances include:

  • "Tandem";
  • "Status Grand".

Bomba is a highly effective herbicide that is non-addictive to weeds thanks to its binary formula. When working with a pesticide, it is important to understand that the main purpose of the drug is agricultural; for the purposes of personal backyard farming, it is recommended to use less toxic herbicides.

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