TOP 30 best varieties of pea seeds with descriptions and characteristics

Pea seeds are planted by almost everyone who has a land plot. Peas contain a lot of sugar and protein; everyone loves to feast on them. Caring for the culture is simple, the main thing is to choose the right variety and prepare the planting material. There are many classifications of what peas are. It may differ in shape, harvest ripening time, direction of use. By the type of growth, the plant can be tall, standard, lodging.

Variety selection

Peas are herbaceous annuals in the legume family. Like all legumes, it enriches the soil with nitrogen, so it is recommended to plant other crops after it. Depending on which variety of green pea seed has been chosen, the stem can be lodging or bushy, simple or branching. The stem of different pea varieties can reach different heights. A tall crop variety in height can stretch up to 2.5 meters.

Different types of peas differ in size and color. The color can be dark or light green, there is also a variety with a bluish color.

Each bean can contain up to 10 seeds. They also differ in shape and color. The polka dots inside the bean can be rounded or angular, and the surface can be wrinkled or smooth.

All pea varieties are divided into three large groups:

  1. The seeds of the shelling group are used for canning, drying, and freezing. They boil well and make soups and cereals well. But they are not eaten fresh.
  2. Sugar pea seeds are sweet, tender. They are eaten unripe. As they ripen, they lose moisture and become wrinkled. This type of vegetable is more difficult to grow. He is whimsical to the composition of the soil, watering, is often sick and is attacked by pests.
  3. Brain vegetable varieties are characterized by wrinkled, square seeds. They have little starch, but a lot of sugar.

pea varieties

In addition to these characteristics, attention is also paid to the timing of seed ripening. The growing season of early varieties of plants lasts 45-60 days, mid-ripening - 60-80 days, plants with late periods begin to ripen in 80-90 days.

Brain varieties

Brain pea varieties are distinguished by the fact that at the end of the growing season or during heat treatment, the seeds acquire a wrinkled surface. They accumulate very little starch, contain a lot of vitamins and glucose, so the taste is excellent. Varieties of this group are used for preparing salads and canning.

Calvedonian miracle

An early ripe, high-yield pea variety is the Calvedon Miracle. The growing season lasts 50 days. The stem grows up to 70 cm. During cultivation, it is advisable to tie the stem to a support. Pods are oblong (up to 8 cm), contain 6-8 dark green fruits.

split peas

The plant belongs to the brain pea varieties, it has a sweet, juicy taste. It tolerates diseases and adverse weather conditions. The variety is picky about care. The soil must be loosened, fertilized and watered in a timely manner. Do not allow the soil to dry out, otherwise the yield will significantly decrease.

Large pea seeds

Large pea varieties delight with their size and taste. The pod length can reach 15 cm. These varieties include: Emerald, Gribovsky 11, Russian size F1. During cultivation, special requirements are imposed on fertilizers. Even if a low-growing variety of peas was planted, you need to install a support so that the stem does not break under the weight of the beans.

pea seeds


The hulled, high-yielding pea variety Prelado gives a consistently high yield, even if the care rules were not followed enough. It belongs to early maturing plants, from the moment of emergence to the stage of maturity of peas, an average of 90 days pass.

The variety belongs to large varieties of peas, shows high resistance to diseases, especially fusarium and powdery mildew, and also tolerates hot weather well. The stem grows up to 65 cm.

The pod is 10 cm long and contains 7 large peas larger than 10 mm. During cultivation, it is enough to water on time, loosen the ground and fertilize twice.

Sweet peas for planting

Sugar varieties have a sweet and juicy taste due to their high sugar content. They can eat the entire scapula whole without removing the peas, since there is no parchment layer. The peas are not very large, but have high taste. Popular varieties of sweet peas for planting: Sugar, Zhegalova, Gigant, Children's Sugar, Oscar, Vera, Salute.


Grow sugar peas simply, since it does not have any special requirements for care, it grows on any soil. Most varieties are cold-resistant, light-loving, and require regular watering. You can plant after cabbage and cucumbers.

Sugar Pea 2 belongs to early maturing varieties. The pods grow up to 10 cm in length, have a soft and juicy structure, without coarse fibers, therefore they are also eaten. The beans are bright green in color, round in shape, the surface is smooth and even.

sweet peas

The Sugar variety tolerates illness and cold. With a decrease in air temperature, development does not stop, but slows down. The yield is high; many sweet peas are formed in the pod.


The high yield will please the Oscar pea variety. Refers to plants with early ripening of beans, they can be harvested after 68 days. Stem height 75 cm. Pod length 9 cm, it contains 12 dark green beans.

The plant is disease-resistant, especially rarely subject to fusarium wilt. If fertilizers were applied before sowing seeds, then further fertilizing is not required.

peas in the fields

Sugar pea seeds are ideal for canning, but can be eaten fresh as well. They contain many vitamins, so the benefits are combined with a pleasant sweet taste.


Pea varieties Zhegalova 112 belongs to the sugar, mid-season groups of vegetable crops. The growing season lasts 60 days. High yield allows you to collect from 1 sq. m up to 1.5 kg of crop. The stem is simple, stretches up to 170 cm.Peas have a fleshy, juicy, sweet flesh. Each pod 10–13 cm long contains up to 8 seeds.

growing peas

The cultivation of this variety of sweet peas is recommended in the open field. It is better to plant in sandy loam and loamy soils. Care consists in the timely loosening and watering of the soil.


Leafless peas Slider-Sugar have early ripening periods. The growing season lasts 58 days on average. The plant grows up to 75 cm and does not require tying to a support. The peas can be eaten with the pod. The pod contains 8-9 sweet, light green, slightly curved, elongated seeds.

Baby sugar

Children's Sugar variety of peas will delight you with high productivity, unpretentious care and sweet taste. The height of the stem reaches 95 cm. The plant belongs to the mid-ripening group; harvesting begins in 60 days. The pod length is 9 cm. Up to 8 dark green seeds with a high protein content (up to 25%) are formed in the pod.

The vegetable culture is characterized by moderate resistance to some diseases. Shows resistance to lodging, ascochitosis and root rot. Withstands spring frosts at night, does not impose special conditions for watering and feeding.

Pea care Children's Joy is standard and consists in timely watering, applying mineral and organic fertilizers and loosening the soil. Since the stem is high, and a lot of pods are formed, a support should be installed.

Polka dots growing without support

For tall varieties of peas, support is required. For medium-sized and low plants, the support can be omitted, but the procedure significantly increases the yield. This allows light and air to penetrate without obstruction to all parts of the plant.

peas with support

Plants, the stems of which do not exceed 70 cm, belong to the undersized group. Tying to the support is not required during their cultivation. The bushes, clinging to each other, do not fall to the ground. Peas that do not require support are in great demand among ordinary gardeners. The variety Tsarevich, Varis, Vera, Ambrosia, Grandma's surprise, Little Miracle can be selected.


The Alpha pea variety is distinguished by its stable, high yield and early maturity. The fruits begin to ripen after 52 days. Plant height 55 cm, the stem is strong, so no props are required. Some gardeners do install supports, which has a positive effect on the yield. The pod is 8 cm long; up to 9 beans of dark green color are formed in it. The seeds contain a lot of protein and vitamin C.

peas growing

The variety is resistant to frost, diseases, especially ascochitosis and fusarium. When leaving, you need to set the irrigation mode, adding fertilizers is optional if they were applied during the pre-sowing period.

Avola peas

The Avola variety belongs to the shelling, early-ripening pea varieties. From the moment the first shoots appear to fruiting, 55 days pass. It is possible to get a high and high-quality harvest under any climatic conditions. Shows high resistance to diseases, especially to fusarium. The dark green peas in the pod form large, most of them are 8 mm in size.

The height of the plant is small, reaching 50 cm, therefore it is grown without support. Care consists in loosening and watering the soil, especially during flowering and pouring fruits.

Shell peas

Rounded pea seeds are high in starch and high in calories. They are used for making soups and cereals.

They start picking this vegetable when the pod is still green, and the peas have reached their size. An overripe bean becomes a dull white color and loses its taste.

green peas


The hulling type of Dakota peas gives a consistently high yield, even if the weather conditions are not encouraging. Plant height 65 cm.Fruit ripening occurs after 55 days. The pod is 8 cm long and contains up to 8 medium-sized green beans.

The plant shows resistance to many diseases characteristic of leguminous crops, especially fusarium and powdery mildew. The harvested crop does not age for a long time and does not lose its taste. Care does not require a special approach. It is enough to carry out loosening, watering and fertilizing in a timely manner.


Pea variety Kamerton has the following characteristics: mid-season, leafless plant, resistant to disease, shedding and lodging. Plant height 120 cm. Pods are light green, peeling type.


In mid-ripening peas, the Adagum growing season lasts 68 days. Plant height 75 cm, during cultivation it is not required to additionally install a support for tying. Pods are rounded with a pointed tip, dark green in color, up to 7 cm in length. Up to 8 dark green grains are formed inside.

Voronezh green

Voronezh Green peas are of the peeling type with a short growing season, which lasts 45 days. The yield is high. Stem height 80 cm, no garter required.

feeding peas

The plant is characterized by good resistance to diseases, especially white rot and ascochitosis. Does not make any special demands on care, tolerates frosts well, fruits ripen early and amicably.


The mid-season Dinga pea variety belongs to the German selection. It takes 60 days from full germination to ripeness. The stem is simple, extending up to 90 cm. The pod length is 11 cm, with a pointed end. Inside there are up to 11 dark green peas.

pea care

Among all varieties of peas, it is distinguished by high productivity, resistance to diseases, especially to fusarium. For planting, it is better to choose sandy loam and loamy soils. It especially needs watering during flowering and fruit formation.


Varieties are considered tall, the stem of which stretches above 115 cm. The stems of some plants can grow up to 2.5 meters. They are difficult to grow, but you can get a rich harvest. A feature of cultivation is the installation of a support after the appearance of 3-4 leaves. It is impossible to plant seeds densely, as they show requirements for light and heat. If there is little sunlight, then the stem lays down, stretches and becomes brittle.

Good pea seeds for open ground are: Zhegalova 112, Alderman, Telegraph, Chudo-shovel, Shuger snap. You can choose medium-sized varieties, the height of their stem is above 70 cm: Excitement, Voskhod, Emerald, Madonna, Horn, Giant.


German breeders have created Madonna pea seeds. They are characterized by high yields and average ripening times. The period of technical maturity is 70 days.

the benefits and harms of peas

The height of a half-leafless plant reaches 80 cm. The pods are light green, slightly curved in shape with a blunt end. Shedding resistance is average, but the variety is well resistant to disease, drought and lodging.


In the description of the Rocket pea variety, it is noted that the plant belongs to the high-yielding type of mustachioed form. The height of the plant is average, 60-90 cm.

The variety is moderately resistant to ascochitosis, moldy gray mold, resistant to lodging and shedding. Rocket pea seeds are responsive to nitrogen and potash fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied only when necessary.

The best varieties for the Moscow region

The Moscow region has a temperate continental climate. The weather is not stable. Summer can be rainy or, conversely, dry. Therefore, it is necessary to select varieties that show resistance to adverse weather surprises.

Pea varieties for the Moscow region for open ground: Valentiy, Orion, Ryabchik, Sputnik, Novator, Flora and many others.

Moscow delicacy

Medium-late ripening periods for shelling peas Moscow delicacy.The bush grows small, its height is 75–80 cm, so a garter to the support is not required. From the moment the first shoots appear until technical ripeness, 80 days pass. The pods are 7 cm long and contain 7–9 large peas.

Average resistance to diseases and pests. For cultivation, chernozem soil is better suited, on which potatoes or cabbage used to grow.

Crop care includes irrigation, loosening, fertilization and preventive treatments against diseases and pests. Harvesting begins 30 days after the start of flowering.

sprouting peas


The leafless pea variety Slovan belongs to high-yielding crops, early ripening. The growing season lasts 90 days. The height of the plant is 110 cm. It is better to tie the stem to a support, this will allow you to harvest a larger crop and prevent breakage.

Does not impose requirements on soil composition and predecessors. The pod is 9 cm long, each containing 5-6 medium-sized grains. The variety is characterized by resistance to drought, lodging, disease. There is a high resistance to ascochitosis, anthracnose and root rot.


The description of the Salamanca pea variety consists of a large list of positive qualities. Subject to good watering, high productivity, amicable ripening of fruits. Resistance to lodging and shedding, characteristic diseases is noted. The growing season lasts 70 days. Plant height 80 cm.

peas gothic


It is proposed to study the description of the Gothic pea variety. A productive variety with a high protein content in grains. Shows drought resistance, therefore it is suitable for southern regions, does not lodge or crack. The variety is unpretentious to growing conditions.

Plant height 85 cm. Pod length 9 cm. The number of seeds in a pod is about 7–9 pieces. Good taste. Subject to the rules of watering and fertilizing, the seeds are juicy, sweet with a delicate skin.


The high-yielding Belmondo pea variety has other positive aspects in the description. The pea stem is simple, the plant height is average and is 80 cm. The variety tolerates cold and drought well, and is resistant to lodging, shedding and cracking. It is infected with ascochitis and powdery mildew.

peas on the table

Suitable varieties for Siberia

Peas are an unpretentious crop that grows well even in Siberia.

The climate in western Siberia is mild. Summer temperatures can reach 35 degrees. Here you can grow the following varieties of legumes: Altai emerald, Sugar pod, Henry, Miracle of Kelvidon.

The best pea varieties for the Urals: Alpha, Berkut, Vega, Children's Sugar, Sprinter, Voronezh Green.

Altai emerald

The Altai emerald pea variety is considered tasty. The harvest is rich and of high quality, begins to ripen after 54 days. The stem is 48 cm long, the pods are slightly curved, 9 cm long. The peas are large and sweet, with a lot of protein and sugar.

As with all legumes, the cultivar cannot tolerate fresh organic fertilizers. Prefers sandy and loamy soils. During cultivation, it requires abundant watering, especially during flowering and ripening of the beans.


Vegetable sugar type of pea variety Ambrosia is an early maturing plant. From the moment the first shoots appear until fruiting, 50 days pass. The stem height reaches 70 cm. The yield is high. To collect the largest possible harvest, it is advisable to install a support.

The plant is unpretentious, basic care is required in the early stages of development of a vegetable crop. Each pod contains up to 8 peas, which have a high taste.

peas on a branch

Seed preparation

To increase yields and reduce the risk of developing diseases, pre-sowing processing of planting material is carried out. The procedure is the same for all pea varieties:

  • In order for all the seeds to sprout at the same time, they are heated.The seeds are placed in a tissue bag and heated for 1.5 hours. For this purpose, the bag can be moved to any warm place, for example, tied to a battery.
  • Before planting, the seed is collected. Seeds are poured into a glass of salt water (1 liter 60 g of salt). Those that come up are thrown away. The seeds remaining at the bottom are washed and dried.

Some vegetable growers believe that soaking and germinating pea seeds is not recommended. This condition is especially important for brain types of culture. This will protect the seedlings from the night drop in air temperature. If the seeds germinate, then the young roots will freeze and die. Dry seeds are planted in moist soil to a depth of 5 cm.

planting seeds

Seed germination advocates argue that germinated seeds germinate faster and the process has a positive effect on the state of future seedlings.

The best varieties of peas are: Telephone, Oscar, Ambrosia, Alpha, Dinga, Prelado, Berkut. All of them give a good harvest with minimal maintenance.

Soaking before planting

Previously, before soaking, vegetable seeds must be sorted out. Suitable for planting a full-weight, solid, not damaged pest peas... You can soak it in special solutions or simply pour the selected seed material with plain warm water.

soaking before planting

For complete swelling, 14 hours is enough. At the same time, it is recommended to change it to new water every three hours. After soaking, the seeds are spread on a dry cloth surface and dried a little.

It is useful to hold the peas for the first three hours in special solutions that will make the plant healthy, strong, and resistant to diseases. Popular preparations for diluting the solution include: Epin, Humat, Nitragin.

To disinfect pea seeds of different varieties, they can be placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes.

Features of growing peas at home and in the ground

Knowing some secrets and choosing the right variety, peas can be grown at home. Pea varieties that are suitable for growing at home: Excellent 240, Viola, Zhegalova 112, Vega, Voskhod, Vera, Inexhaustible 195, Adagumsky. Caring for and growing a plant at home and in an open area has a lot in common.

The seeds of the selected pea variety are selected, soaked and germinated. Healthy peas are kept for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then soaked for 4 hours in warm water and dried. After that, the seeds are spread on a well-moistened cloth surface and covered with another wet cloth layer. After 4-5 days the beans should sprout.

Germinated seeds are planted in containers with prepared soil. Make holes 2 cm deep at a distance of 2 cm. The spacing between rows is about 8 cm. Place one pea in each hole, sprout up. Lightly cover with soil from above. After sowing, the box is covered with foil. After 10 days, the first shoots appear and the film is removed. As soon as two real leaves unfold, they carry out the picking procedure.

Peas are light-loving plants, therefore additional lighting is provided. Before flowering, the plant is watered 1–2 times a week. As soon as it begins to bloom and form fruits, watering is increased up to 3-4 times. After sprouting (when the sprouts stretch up to 13 cm in height), it is advisable to put a support. A liquid solution based on superphosphate and potassium salt is suitable as a fertilizer.

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