Description and characteristics of geese of the Arzamas breed, their breeding and care

The Arzamas geese are characterized by a number of features. These birds are highly productive, and therefore are very popular with farmers. In addition, birds are considered unpretentious to care for and have a strong immune system. However, in order to achieve success in breeding them, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations and provide the birds with a balanced diet.

Origin story

The birds got their name in honor of the city of Arzamas, which is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region. They were originally raised as fighting birds. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, birds began to be appreciated for tender, high quality meat. Detailed information about birds is found in the books of the time of Catherine II. This empress was a fan of goose fights and gave Arzamas the name of the goose capital. There are descriptions of the breed in the book of I. I. Abozin, who was an expert on agricultural poultry.

The breed stopped developing during the Second World War. But soon after the victory, the breeders were able to restore the livestock and began its subsequent development.

Description and characteristics of geese of the Arzamas breed

Representatives of this breed are characterized by the following features:

  • snow-white color;
  • small rounded head;
  • massive forehead and nape;
  • well-developed cheek muscles;
  • massive orange beak;
  • large sky-colored or black eyes with bright yellow eyelids;
  • wide chest;
  • wings tight to the body;
  • short and powerful legs that are orange in color;
  • large paws with straight toes.

Arzamas goose

In addition to excellent external data, birds are characterized by excellent productivity parameters. The live weight of a goose reaches 6 kilograms, a goose - 5-5.5. At 2 months, young birds weigh 3.5-4 kilograms.

The birds are characterized by average egg production. In this case, the goose lays up to 25 eggs during the year. Oviposition begins at about 300 days. The weight of 1 egg reaches 170-180 grams.

The breed is characterized by high parameters of hatchability of offspring. Indicators of egg fat content are 85%. Geese are distinguished by a pronounced maternal instinct. They are excellent brooders.

Main advantages and disadvantages

Pros and cons
high indicators of endurance;
the possibility of pasture maintenance;
resistance to harsh climatic conditions;
high parameters of egg production;
excellent vitality of chicks;
excellent hatchability of eggs;
quality meat.

The egg production parameters of females reach 18-25 eggs during the season. Moreover, their weight is 165-180 grams. At the same time, there are no noticeable flaws in these birds.

Subtleties of maintenance and care

Growing Arzamas geese implies the presence of a poultry house and an area for walking birds. It is desirable that they have access to a reservoir. The size of the room is calculated taking into account the livestock. 1 goose must have at least 1 square meter of area.

Despite the resistance of the breed to cold weather, it is recommended to insulate the floor in the house. This will help to avoid increased dampness and the development of pathologies. The temperature parameters of the air must be at least +10 degrees. It is recommended to place at least 30 cm thick litter on the floor of the house. It is made from hay, peat, straw or sawdust.

Geese need nests. They should be made of wood and have a thick bottom. Preparation of manholes for the birds to go outside is also important. In the poultry house, you should definitely put containers with ash or sand - this will allow the birds to clean their feathers in them.

Arzamas goose

Geese need outdoor walks in winter and summer. In this case, the walking area can be made open or closed. If there is a fence, it is much easier to control the food intake of geese. It is advisable to plant cereal grasses in advance on the walking area.

To simplify the care of the geese, it is recommended to place a reservoir near the house. If this is not possible, it is enough to install water baths.

Feeding ration

When compiling a diet for geese, the following rules should be considered:

  1. At 7-10 days, it is recommended to give goslings boiled eggs in crushed form and greens.
  2. From day 10, it is permissible to introduce chopped millet and corn into the diet. The daily volume of such food for geese less than 1 week old is 30 grams, and at 7-14 days it is increased to 90 grams.
  3. From two weeks of age, it is permissible to introduce compound feed into the diet of feathered animals. It helps you grow faster and gain weight. This is due to the high content of useful elements.

The compound feed can be given to geese dry or in the form of a mash. Wet food helps to normalize the functions of the digestive organs and improve their health. Adult birds need 330-340 grams of food. It is permissible to feed Arzamas geese with vegetables, cereals, and dairy products. You can also use chalk, shell rock, hay flour. However, it is less convenient than using compound feed.


Geese begin to lay eggs at about 8 months old. The maximum productivity of birds occurs at 2 years. After that, the indicators decrease. It takes 22 days to incubate or incubate eggs. After this time, goslings are born.

Toddlers are fast growing. This helps to organize broiler housing, raising birds for up to 2 months. By this time, their weight is 3.5 kilograms. Then keeping the birds is not very profitable, since molting begins, and the condition of the carcass significantly worsens.


These geese are distinguished by strong immunity. They can easily withstand the cold. However, breach of containment conditions can provoke some diseases. They most often develop in high humidity conditions.

In most cases, increased dampness provokes the appearance of aspergillosis. This infectious disease is associated with a fungal infection. Its development is attributed to the formation of mold on the litter. Another dangerous pathology of geese is colibacillosis. The development of the disease is due to infection with E. coli. Most often, pathology develops in weakened birds.

Arzamas geese are considered a popular breed. This is due to their high productivity and undemanding conditions of detention.At the same time, it is important to organize proper nutrition for the birds and avoid high humidity in the house.

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