Why cabbage leaves turn yellow and what to do

Any changes in the appearance of plants are signals of problems that have arisen. If the cabbage has begun to turn yellow, is it dangerous, what can be done about it. This is not an idle question, because there are many reasons for this phenomenon. Some vegetable diseases are too dangerous to ignore. If the leaves of the cabbage turn yellow, then action should be taken immediately. First of all, you need to find out why the leaves of cabbage turn yellow, which is not enough for the plant. If the cause is a disease, what to do and whether it is possible to save the crop.

Unfavorable environmental conditions

The plant is sensitive to any disturbances in the growth process. The question why cabbage leaves turn yellow often arises. The cause can be either a lack of nutrition or a serious fungal disease.

When a cabbage leaf turns yellow and dries up, this may indicate the influence of the following factors.

  • Lack of nitrogen in the soil. Depletion can be associated with a violation of crop rotation when the soil was cultivated by the same crop. If you cultivate cabbage for a long time in one area, the soil will become impoverished and degradation of subsequent plantings will occur, during which the sowing may simply dry out. An elevated temperature can lead to similar consequences, or if there is not enough light on the beds.
  • Unsuitable soil type. Not all types of soil are suitable for growing cabbage. For example, when trying to cultivate on sandstone, the plant will sprout, but the shoots quickly become sick and weak. Leaves wilt, turn yellow and fall off.

sluggish cabbage leaves

  • Insufficient watering leads to drying and death of the roots. The leaves begin to turn yellow, the plant gradually weakens and dies. If the summer is hot and the sun beats down mercilessly, plants can also begin to acquire an unhealthy yellow color.
  • Excessive watering is also harmful to the plant. The roots begin to rot, microelements from the soil cease to enter the leaves. The edges of the leaves turn yellow and begin to curl and then dry out.

Any of the above factors cause partial loss of cabbage yield. Measures to improve the soil and change the irrigation regime should be implemented as soon as possible. After discovering the fact of yellowing of the leaves, you need to use all means so that the culture has time to recover and give a crop before the onset of winter.

Important! For the prevention of fungal diseases, crop rotation should be observed, returning plants of the same species to their previous planting site no earlier than three years later.

yellow cabbage leaves in the open field

Influence of viruses and pests

In addition to the external environment, yellowing of the leaves also affects microorganisms and pests. The most common reasons are as follows.

  • Fusarium wilting through roots or jaundice.The fungus enters the vascular system of the plant and clogs it, causing wilting. Green leaves begin to turn yellow and crumble. It begins to appear through yellow spots between the veins, then the lower leaves turn yellow and the plant begins to die. On the cut of the shoot, brown spots of the fungus are visible. Heads of cabbage that are tied are small and irregular in shape.
  • Peronosporosis or powdery mildew. It is a parasitic fungus. It manifests itself through yellow spots on the leaves. On the reverse side, the leaves turn white due to the formation of fungal plaque. Plant growth slows down, then leaves turn pale and gradually die.

  • The pests eat up the roots, restricting the plant's access to the supply of trace elements from the soil. Parts of the plant begin to dry out, growth stops. Such parasites include scoop, bear, beetle. The presence of pests is one of the reasons why cabbage seedlings turn yellow.

Due to the infection of crops with pests or infection, changes appear on the shoots, the leaves of the cabbage turn yellow. Often, after treatment, the plants continue their normal growth in the garden and produce crops. But it is necessary to be taken seriously and timely monitor the signs of the disease when yellowness appears on the plants.

Important! To obtain a guaranteed yield, hybrid varieties that are immune to common cruciferous diseases should be planted.

yellow cabbage leaves in the vegetable garden

How to cure cabbage from yellowing

If the leaves turn yellow and lethargic, this is a serious problem. The plant gives you a signal that its life processes are under threat. It is important to identify the causes and deal with them with the right methods. The following steps need to be taken.

  • First, you need to carefully inspect the soil and cabbage for uncharacteristic abnormalities. To more accurately determine the cause of the disease, get one of the plants out of the soil, pay special attention to the condition of its roots and examine the edge of the leaf. Check the temperature conditions, observe whether the plants are illuminated by the sun.
  • Cabbage turns yellow if there are signs of depleted soil, or the rules of crop rotation were not followed. In this case, you need to add chicken droppings. It contains nitrogen and trace elements important for cruciferous plants. After the enrichment of the soil, the cabbage of which leaves turn yellow and dry, begins to give fresh green shoots.

chicken droppings in a bucket

  • In case the soil dries up, you need to establish regular watering. If the soil is oversaturated with moisture, it is necessary, on the contrary, to limit watering and ensure regular loosening so that the soil dries out faster.
  • Against fungal diseases kale, such as powdery mildew, you need to use the drugs Fitoftorin and Ridomil Gold. Against other infections, a less aggressive method is suitable; you can water the crops with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  • In the case of pests, plants must be treated with systemic fungicides. For this purpose, Benomil, Tecto, Topsin-M preparations are suitable. It is also helpful to sprinkle ash or charcoal on the yellow leaves to prevent further pest attacks.

Following the above tips will help you quickly solve the yellowing problem and save your harvest.

Topsin-m drug


In order to prevent loss of harvest in the future, the following folk recommendations must be observed when cultivating cabbage.

  • Do not plant diseased seedlings so as not to infect the soil. Remove the yellowed plant residue from the soil from the soil, since the fungus can remain viable in the soil for several years.
  • Process the soil with lime at the rate of 1 kg per 4 sq. m to enrich its composition.
  • Regulate soil moisture. Do not allow to dry out and avoid waterlogging of the soil. Try not to water the plants with cold water, which may cause re-infection with fungal infections. Green cabbage requires mainly warm water for its irrigation.

watering cabbage in the garden

  • Regularly disinfect the soil and residues of planting material in order to prevent re-infection or reproduction of pests, the appearance of yellow-green shoots.
  • Observe the crop rotation, do not plant cabbage on the same ridges in the garden. It is better to plant crops after cucumbers, potatoes, beans.

Following these tips will allow you to effectively fight infection and harvest a good cabbage crop in the future.

  1. Olya
    2.02.2018 00:52

    Leaves can turn yellow for various reasons, I had it because of pests. Also pay attention to watering, it may need to be adjusted. I also recommend using the product BioGrow.

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