Is it possible and what are the options for crossing different breeds of rabbits, table

Is it possible to cross different breeds of domestic rabbits on my farm? Scientists are engaged in breeding new crosses. You can independently cross animals belonging to different breeds. True, you need to know about their compatibility and favorable options for mating. Pedigree animals of different types are allowed to cross, but it is advisable to follow the recommendations of rabbit breeders.

Why is this done?

Rabbits of different breeds are allowed to be crossed with each other. From such mating, healthy rabbits with excellent immunity are born. The offspring that is obtained from various breeds is called local. If a rabbit breeder practices purebred breeding, he will have to take care to constantly replenish the livestock with unrelated individuals of the same cross.

Scientists are engaged in the selection of new crosses. On farms, crossbreeding of existing breeds is practiced. The hereditary characteristics of the offspring depend on the females and males participating in mating. Local rabbits receive genes from both parents.

Important! You cannot cross different breeds chaotically. A special table of compatibility of various crosses has been developed. Only the recommended varieties can be mated with each other. If you ignore the advice of scientists, weak offspring will be born.

Advantages of local rabbits:

  • excellent immunity;
  • enriched heredity;
  • strong constitution;
  • intensive growth;
  • more weight;
  • high productivity.

different rabbits

Local rabbits are less likely to get sick and die. Animals inherit the traits of both parents. Animals are born that are better than the original crossed forms. Crossbred rabbits eat less feed, but they gain weight faster. Such animals are more hardy and less demanding to keep.

Crossbreeding methods

There are several known methods for mating rabbits. The chosen technique is used depending on the specific task facing the breeder. By pairing different original forms, a new cross is sometimes obtained.


This mating method has another name - blood infusion. This method is used when it is necessary to improve some valuable breed. With this breeding method, they try to preserve the beneficial qualities of the improved cross.

two rabbits

This method is used if, for example, you need to make rabbits with valuable fur more viable. Females in this case must belong to the main breed. To improve the initial shape, males with the required qualities are selected.


Transformative (another name for the method) mating is used to gradually improve one variety with another. This method of breeding animals is advisable if the breed needs to be left, but significantly improved. There is a consistent crossing of hybrids with a breeding male, and as a result, offspring with a new, improved set of qualities is obtained.


A similar method is used in both large and small farms. Two different breeds are crossed, wanting to obtain an improved first generation cross, exclusively for slaughter. In this case, we are not talking about breeding breeding animals. Local rabbits are obtained from two different parents. Such animals grow quickly, gain weight, eat less and do not get sick. When the animals reach a certain age, they are sent to slaughter.

different rabbits


With this method, local rabbits are obtained, which in the future are alternately mated with the parent or mother of the original breed. Adult animals obtained from different crosses are crossed first with one primary form, and then with another. In the next generation, you can add a third breed.

This method allows you to get new, more viable and productive rabbits. Sometimes alternating mating results in a completely new breed. In practice, this method is rarely used.


This method is also called reproductive. With this method of crossing, a completely new breed is obtained. This method is not used in households. Genetic scientists are engaged in breeding new crosses. The experiment involves two or more purebred individuals. It turns out a cross with the required qualities and new characteristics.

many rabbits


Many novice rabbit breeders mate related animals or buy for such a procedure in the markets of rabbits of an unknown (conditional) breed. If the livestock is not diluted from time to time with thoroughbred individuals, it will begin to shrink. For mating, you need to buy animals only from breeding farms. Chaotic crossbreeding sometimes results in huge losses.

What breeds of rabbits can be crossed with each other

There are several dozen different breed combinations. By crossing these or other breeds, you can improve the result in terms of the rate of weight gain and the amount of feed required for keeping animals. You don't need to invent anything yourself. Scientists have already created mating-friendly options.

Compatibility table:

chinchillawhite giant, Viennese blue
Viennese blue, New Zealand, giant whitechinchilla
silvergray giant
white giant, black-brown, Viennese bluecalifornia
white giant, chinchilla, Viennese bluenew zealand
Californian, New Zealandblack-brown
butterfly, New Zealandwhite giant
gray giantsilver

different rabbits

If you need a quick weight gain, then the best options are white giant males with chinchilla females, boys of the latter with Viennese blue girls. For this purpose, it is allowed to mate rabbits of a gray giant with rabbits of a silver breed. When breeding for meat, it is recommended to cross the following species: silver males with Vienna blue females, chinchilla boys with silver girls.

Important! Chaotic crossing of pets is undesirable. For mating, the best representatives of a certain cross are selected. One breeding male is bought for several females.

A few words about culling

The condition of rabbits must be monitored from the moment they are born. If the animals are lagging behind in weight, get sick, are inactive, it is better to send them to slaughter after reaching a certain age.Only healthy rabbits are selected for mating. If you do not follow this process, the livestock will degenerate. Cull animals with external defects, too aggressive, inactive, lethargic, often ill.

It is forbidden to mate with each other animals from the same litter. The rabbits born from relative parents are also subject to rejection. You can get pedigree offspring by buying a breeding male on the farm.

Possible problems

It is better to never cross such breeds: males of a white giant with females of a silver or Viennese blue, boys of a silver with girls of a white giant. It is not recommended to pair the Viennese blue rabbits with the white giant rabbits and the gray giant rabbits with the chinchilla rabbits. It turns out that with such a crossing, offspring will be born worse than the original forms. It is better to insure yourself against problems in advance, and do not mate the animals of these breeds with each other.

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