Description and rules for keeping chickens of the Bress Galskaya breed

Bress Gali breed of chickens is very popular with many farmers. The birds are distinguished by high productivity, decorative appearance and fast growth. To achieve success in growing them, it is worthwhile to properly equip the chicken coop. Ensuring a balanced diet and proper bird care is also important. Therefore, it is so important to follow the basic recommendations of specialists.

Description and characteristics of chickens Bress Galskaya

Certain features are characteristic of this breed of chickens. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them before starting bird breeding.

Appearance and breed standards

The careful work of breeders has made it possible to obtain unique birds, which are characterized by the following exterior features:

  1. Large physique. Feathered have a powerful torso, strong wings, well-developed muscles.
  2. Dense plumage. Chickens are characterized by thick white feathers and a thick layer of down. Thanks to this, the birds are reliably protected from the cold. These feathers ensure that proper thermoregulation is maintained.
  3. Strong legs. They have an unusual blue color. Sometimes there are birds with steel-colored legs.
  4. Small head. It is decorated with a straight red comb with 5-6 teeth. The birds also have small red earrings and expressive eyes with an orange arc. They are characterized by a strong bluish beak.

chickens Bress Gali breed

The standard requirements for keeping chickens include the following:

  • free walking should be at least three quarters of the time;
  • each bird has a specific area for walking - at least 10 square meters;
  • the basis of the bird's diet should be corn.

Origin and features

In Russia, Bress Gali chickens appeared relatively recently - in 2013. In France, these birds were known back in the Middle Ages. The first information about this breed appeared in 1591. By 1900, due to many crosses, the breed almost disappeared.

Local breeders managed to create an official standard for this breed in 1904. As a result, the livestock began to increase slightly. Gray birds appeared first, then white ones. After that, the black variety was bred and the blue one last.

Today these chickens are very popular. They are characterized by rapid development and excellent egg production.Moreover, the meat of such chickens has many advantages - it is distinguished by a delicate texture and a pronounced milky taste.

Bress Gali breed of chickens

Maturation of chickens

Chickens are characterized by rapid development and early maturation. Already at 1 month, chickens reach 600 grams and are completely covered with feathers. At 3 months, the weight of the birds is 1.5 kilograms. Four-month-old chickens weigh 2.5 kilograms.

As a result, chickens reach a mass of 3.5 kilograms, and roosters weigh 5 kilograms.


Egg production

Chickens of this breed are distinguished by excellent egg production. Under normal conditions, chickens produce 180-240 eggs per year. They begin to rush early enough - from six months. The eggs are round and large in size. They weigh 60-85 grams. The shell can be white or pale cream.


The birds are peaceful in nature. Chickens have a friendly disposition. They have good contact with people and other representatives of birds. At the same time, birds are often claustrophobic. Therefore, they need a sufficient area for walking.

Birds have excellent adaptive characteristics. After changing their place of residence, they quickly adapt to new conditions.

Bress Gali chickens

Incubation instinct

Chickens of this breed have a well-developed maternal instinct, therefore they can hatch chickens. This is quite an unusual feature, since modern hybrid birds often have a suppressed maternal instinct.

Main advantages and disadvantages

The key advantages of this breed include the following:

  • delicious properties of meat;
  • high early maturity;
  • versatility of purpose - it is permissible to breed birds for the sake of eggs or use as an alternative to broilers;
  • excellent parameters of vitality - in comparison with broilers, poultry have a stronger immunity.

The disadvantages of the breed include the following:

  • the possibility of acquiring purebred chickens only in French breeding farms;
  • expensive fattening in compliance with traditional technologies.

chickens Bress Galskaya

Specificity of maintenance and care

To succeed in raising these chickens, it is worth following a number of recommendations.

House requirements

Birds are advised to provide warm and dry accommodation. It must be well ventilated. A prerequisite is the presence of comfortable perches, which are not very high.

It is permissible to keep birds on the floor. It is important to control the condition of the deep litter and change it systematically. It is recommended to insulate the floor of the chicken coop with straw, sawdust or shavings.

If you mix insulation with droppings, you will be able to generate heat. This will help save on heating costs.

It is worth worrying about the organization of dust baths. For this, containers with clay, sand, ash are used.

Bress Gali chickens in a chicken coop

Place for walking, feeders and drinking bowls

Chickens of this breed fly well and do not perceive tightness well. Therefore, they need a spacious area for walking. It should be protected with a high fence and a canopy in the form of a net. It is definitely worth equipping feeders and drinking bowls.

Molting and break of egg production

The moulting process in chickens usually begins in the spring. At the same time, birds almost completely lose their feathers. During the molt period, birds stop rushing. The owner must provide the chickens with proper nutrition and access to clean water. In addition, birds should be isolated from other individuals.

When changing feathers, it is worth reducing the amount of foods high in vitamins A and E. Also, reduce the volume of fish oil. Birds should be fed wheat, corn, and other foods that are high in protein and fiber every day.

Molting lasts 2.5-3.5 months. Then the condition of the birds is normalized. At the same time, their productivity is restored.

Bress Gali chickens

Planned herd replacement

This procedure is carried out at intervals of 2 years. By this period, the productivity of layers decreases, so they should be replaced with young hens.

If birds are raised for meat, they are changed based on personal preference. It is permissible to start up such chickens for slaughter from 5 months. Roosters are slaughtered no earlier than eight months of age.

It is recommended to completely rejuvenate the flock at least five years apart. In this case, it is worth choosing the strongest and healthiest individuals.

Diet of chickens and adult birds

Chicks of this breed are characterized by rapid development and rapid weight gain. For this, chickens need quality nutrition. The diet is made taking into account the following features:

  1. On the first day, the birds are given a boiled egg. It is recommended to grind it.
  2. On the second day, chopped green onions are introduced.
  3. From the 5th day of life, they give low-fat cottage cheese, boiled carrots, small cereals. It is worth adding crushed eggshells to the feed.
  4. At 1.5 weeks, foods that contain a lot of protein are required. They help build muscle mass. To do this, use vegetable mash, fermented milk products, fruits, fish and meat and bone meal.
  5. At 1.5 months, chickens are allowed to give food intended for adults.

Nutrition of chickens Bress Galskaya

In the first days of life, chickens need a glucose solution. To do this, 100 grams of the substance should be mixed with 2 liters of water. After that, they are given plain water. It is recommended to change it every day.

The basis of the diet of chickens of this breed is considered to be compound feed. It is a composition based on cereals and useful elements. You can buy such food in a specialized store. You can also easily do it yourself. To do this, mix wheat, corn, sunflower meal, minerals and meat and bone meal in a ratio of 4: 3: 1: 1: 1. 1 bird needs 120 grams of substance per day.

During free range, birds eat very diversely. In addition to the main food, chickens need fresh herbs and grass. They are also given chopped fruits, vegetables, and root vegetables.

In winter, grass flour is used instead of succulent feed. You can also feed the birds chopped cabbage and beets. In moderation, chopped boiled potatoes are introduced into the diet. Also added to the feed are shells in the form of powder, chalk and shells.

To replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, premixes are introduced into the diet. It is recommended to give chickens sprouted grains - oats, barley, wheat, rye.

Chicken nutrition

Subtleties of breed breeding

Chickens begin to lay at 6 months, while the roosters mature only at 1 year. To maximize fertilization of eggs, there should be no more than 12 females per male.

The brooding instinct of this breed is preserved, therefore they do an excellent job with the role of the mother. If you want to get a guaranteed result, you should use an incubator.

Chickens are characterized by a fairly high survival rate. It is up to 98%. About 85% of birds survive to adulthood.

Divorce chickens Bress Gali breed

Frequent diseases and prevention from them

Diseases usually develop when kept in a cold room, drafts, temperature fluctuations or crowding. Often, birds of this breed suffer from colds.

They are characterized by mucous discharge from the beak, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, weakness. Loss of appetite and thirst are common. To combat violations, Biomycin or Tetracycline is used.

Chickens affected by coccidiosis should be disposed of, since this pathology cannot be treated. Then it is recommended to disinfect and ventilate the chicken coop.

Of the parasites, lice, feather eaters, and bed bugs are dangerous to birds. Pests reproduce in conditions of high humidity and crowded birds. Karbofos will help to cope with the problem. They are treated with feathers three times, with an interval of 1 week.



The Jircian giants, which are the largest in the world, are considered an analogue of this breed. These are meat chickens, which are highly productive. Birds produce 200-240 eggs per year.

The Bress Galskaya chicken breed is deservedly popular among farmers. The birds are highly productive, they have tender and tasty meat. To achieve good results in their cultivation, it is worth taking proper care of the birds.

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