Description of the Russian black bearded breed of chickens Galan and the rules of maintenance

The Russian black bearded breed of Galan chickens is considered very popular. These birds are distinguished by their original appearance and can become a real decoration of the courtyard. Feathers are undemanding to care for and can easily tolerate low temperatures. They are characterized by good productivity. To succeed in raising these chickens, it is worth providing them with optimal conditions.


The exact origin of these chickens is unknown. There are several assumptions regarding bird breeding. The birthplace of hens is Russia. Disputes are ongoing regarding the breeds from which the Galan chickens were obtained.

Some scientists claim that the layers were bred from the Wyandotte and Krevker breeds. Others consider the Wyandot and Orlovskaya chickens to be genetic ancestors.

Characteristics and description of Galan chickens

Before growing birds of this breed, you should familiarize yourself with its main characteristics.

Appearance and physique

Chickens of the Galan breed are large in size and a powerful body. They are characterized by a raised figure and strong bones. Chickens have a large, rounded head and a red face. She is adorned with a lush beard.

The beak is thick and curved. It has a black or dark gray tint. The scallop is pinkish. The eyes are large and reddish-brown. The lobes are small. They have a red tint.

chickens galan

Chickens are distinguished by a wide rectangular body. They are characterized by a rounded, raised chest. The back tapers slightly towards the tail, and the loin is covered with lush feathers. The tail is fluffy. The wings are wide and short. They are tightly attached to the body. The birds are characterized by lush feathers that are dense.

The nature of the birds

These birds are distinguished by a calm and balanced character. Chickens are considered a little slow. They are not very active. The birds get along well with other inhabitants of the courtyard. Galans feel equally good in indoor areas and in free conditions.

Incubation instinct

A well-developed maternal instinct is characteristic of birds. Therefore, it is permissible to breed them by hatching. It should be borne in mind that every fifth chicken has a weakened instinct.

Therefore, it is recommended to be attentive to the choice of laying hens.

black cock

Productive qualities

This is a versatile breed that belongs to the meat-and-meat direction and has pronounced decorative characteristics. Such birds are distinguished by good productivity. Adult roosters weigh 3-4 kilograms, chickens - 3-3.5.

Birds are characterized by large, fleshy carcasses that contain little fat. Their meat is distinguished by excellent taste characteristics and high nutritional value.

Growth dynamics and weight gain

The birds are sexually mature at 5 months. From that moment on, they are actively gaining body weight. Then the weight remains stable. It may fluctuate slightly depending on seasonal factors. After 6 months, it is permissible to let the cockerels go to slaughter. The replacement of chickens is planned for 4 years. It is during this period that their egg production decreases.

large individual

Egg production indicators

Chickens begin to lay eggs at 4-5 months. Laying hens are capable of producing 200 eggs during the year. They are large in size and weigh 70 grams. The eggs are covered with a creamy shell on top. It should be borne in mind that with a lack of nutrition, the egg production parameters drop sharply to 100 eggs per year.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of birds include the following:

  • frost resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • good productivity;
  • attractive appearance.

At the same time, birds also have certain disadvantages:

  • the rarity of the breed;
  • long plumage of chickens.

stay in the chicken coop

Features of maintenance and care

In order for the birds to develop normally and bring many eggs, they should be provided with quality care.

Poultry house, walk or cages

These chickens can live in any conditions. At the same time, experienced poultry farmers do not advise keeping them in cages. This option is used only in large poultry farms, as it makes it easier to care for the birds.

In private farms, it is better to keep birds in a chicken coop or provide them with walking content. Thanks to this, birds will be able to independently replenish their diet with nutritional supplements - greens, insects.

poultry house

Walking area

It is permissible to release birds for free range. These birds do not know how to fly, they do not go far from their home. The only requirement for a walking yard is the presence of greenery on it.

Chickens have dense feathers. Therefore, they are allowed to be released outside in winter. This can be done in light frosts.

Humidity and ventilation

Chickens of this breed can hardly tolerate dampness. The humidity parameters in the chicken coop should not exceed 60-70%. To regulate this indicator, it is worth providing a complete ventilation system.

If the humidity in the coop rises a lot, you should use peat bedding. It helps to absorb excess moisture. The rest of the time, it is allowed to lay hay or straw on the floor.

ventilation installation

Arrangement of a chicken coop

The chicken coop should have ash and sand baths. They help chickens to cope with parasites. The perches should be made low - no more than 60-70 centimeters. It is best to equip them with a ladder. The nests should measure 30-40 centimeters. 1 nest is enough for 3 chickens.


Chickens of this breed molt every year. This happens in the fall - at the time of a significant decrease in daylight hours. After recovery, egg production increases.

During the molting period, chickens should be provided with adequate nutrition.

breed sheds

Chicken diet

Galan chickens are unpretentious. However, to maintain good performance, they need to be provided with adequate nutrition.


While chickens are preparing for laying, they should be given a lot of calcium. It is found in eggshells, chalk, cottage cheese. It is also permissible to give the birds serum and shellfish.

When the egg-laying process is normalized, the birds should be switched to a regular diet. It should include the following components:

  • 40 grams of corn;
  • 20 grams of wheat;
  • 30 grams of barley;
  • 30 grams of oats;
  • 100 grams of vegetables;
  • 30-40 grams of mash.

Also, birds need additional supplements. Bran, yeast, chalk should be present in their diet. In addition, the birds are given meat and bone meal and salt.

chicken nutrition


At 1-2 weeks of age, chickens should be given boiled eggs, a mixture of boiled and raw millet, and starter feed. Also chicks need vegetables, cottage cheese, yogurt.

At 3-4 weeks, crushed grains, beets and greens are introduced into the diet of birds. It is recommended to replace eggs with cottage cheese. It is also worth adding chalk to the diet. From the 5th week, the chickens are transferred to Fattening compound feed.

little chickens

Breeding subtleties

Many farmers are interested in breeding birds of this breed. To succeed in this, it is worth following certain recommendations.

When and how

Chickens of this breed are characterized by a pronounced maternal instinct. They hatch eggs and take good care of the chicks. It is important to choose the right hens.

Chickens are born on the 21st day. Usually, the upper body is covered with dark down, and the belly has a sandy tint. Chicks develop quickly while feathers emerge slowly. Therefore, it is desirable that the brood appears in the spring. Thanks to this, he will have time to fledge by winter.

chicken with cockerel


After 4-5 months, it is worth rejecting birds that do not meet breed standards. These include chicks with feathers on their paws, light feathers on their body or beard. For breeding, it is not recommended to leave chickens without a beard.

Young growth care

After hatching, the chicks are placed in a brooder. They need a temperature of + 33-35 degrees. Within 2 months, this indicator is gradually reduced to +25. Use an infrared lamp to heat the brooder.

Chicks need 24/7 lighting for the first 3 days. Then daylight hours are gradually reduced to 14-16 hours.

At 2 months, chickens can be transferred to adult birds.

younger generation

Diseases and methods of dealing with them

These birds are distinguished by strong immunity. They are not prone to disease. To avoid problems, it is recommended to vaccinate on time, keep the house clean and provide the birds with a complete diet.

Breed analogs

The analogue of the Galan breed is the Yurlov chickens. They belong to the meat-and-meat direction and are distinguished by excellent endurance. At the same time, the Yurlovskys are capable of reaching 5 kilograms in weight, however, they have lower egg productivity. It does not exceed 170 eggs per year.

Galan chickens are considered popular. Their advantages include excellent decorative properties and good productivity. To achieve excellent results in raising birds, they should be provided with quality care.

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