Description of Trakehner horses, rules of maintenance and cost

The Trakehner is a hardy horse breed ideal for riders. Differs in a submissive disposition and unpretentiousness. Trakehner horses were bred in Germany, where they were used in military battles. Trakehns are now popular participants in equestrian sports. The elegant appearance of the representatives of the breed and their performance make Trakehner horses the favorites of breeders.

The origin of the Trakehner horse

The first mention of the breed dates back to the beginning of the 13th century, the scene of action is Prussia. During this time period, the Trakehns were used as mounts for military battles. The horses were distinguished by their endurance and showed excellent speed when moving on the ground. The progenitors of the breed are Prussian mares of the forest type and stallions of eastern blood.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the first stud farm for breeding an elegant breed was created, the Trakehns officially acquire breed status, are part of the German cavalry army and even receive the right to transport members of royal families in a carriage. At the same time, representatives of the breed are gaining popularity among farmers and are used as draft draft animals.

Horses were first brought to Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Most often, stallions were used in the cavalry. After the Great Patriotic War, a stud farm was built in the Rostov region, where they are now engaged in breeding Russian trakenes. Horses take an active part in equestrian competitions, where they achieve worthy victories.

Description of the breed

Trakehner horses are versatile in use and find their place in sports, farming, and win prizes at various exhibitions. Consider the exterior of exquisite handsome men.

Trakehner horse breed

Exterior features

A refined and elegant silhouette, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off, is the undoubted aesthetic advantage of the breed. The head of the correct shape, soulful large eyes, straight profile, light legs, shiny coat, tall stature - the horse seems perfect.

The main color of the suit is black, but there are gray, bay and red specimens. In addition, trakehns have a piebald gene, therefore, spotted specimens are allowed in the breed, previously such representatives were discarded.

Stallions are distinguished by a powerful and wide chest, long shoulder blades and a strong body.The position of the legs is correct, the height at the withers in males - up to 173 centimeters, in females - up to 165 centimeters. The average weight of a horse is 500 kilograms.

Trakehner horse breed

Character and learnability

The Prussian horse breed is famous for its submissive disposition, diligence and friendliness. But due to the fact that a large number of bloods are included in the genotype, the nature of many animals is very ambiguous. Among the stallions, you can find obstinate and even aggressive horses. Some specimens do not like to go in a sled, while others, on the contrary, are ready to work all day. Due to their high level of intelligence and docility, the Trakehns are suitable for any equestrian sport and are easy to train.


Even in ancient times, the breed was valued for its endurance, ability to work and maneuverability. Horses can reach good speed over rough terrain, confidently overcoming obstacles. Trackens are suitable for both sports and farming. A combined training system is used for physical development. The more often you train your horse, the better athletic shape the animal will be.

Trakehner horse breed

Pros and cons of content

To compose a complete "portrait" of a representative of the breed, let's highlight the positive and negative sides of the Prussian horses. Pros:

  1. Appearance - it is impossible to take your eyes off the graceful horse.
  2. Submissive disposition and friendly character.
  3. Intelligence, ability to learn and train.
  4. Endurance and courage.
  5. Jumping and running qualities.
  6. Versatility in application.
  7. Diligence and efficiency.
  8. Gracefulness.

The disadvantages of German horses include:

  1. Weak immunity, a tendency to various diseases, frequent death of young animals.
  2. Genetically weak joints, possible hernias.
  3. Pampering, capriciousness in purebred breeding horses.

Trakehner horse breed

Breed deficiencies can be easily corrected by providing horses with proper housing and systemic care.

Where is it used?

Trakehner horses are versatile in use. Stallions are actively involved in farm work, representatives of the breed achieve great success in equestrian sports. Males are often used in breeding work, improving the quality of the main breeds in the stable.

In large cities, Trackens are used in the work of the mounted police to patrol the streets. Horses of this breed are used in tourist trips in areas where there is no way to drive a car.

Features of the content

The main requirement for keeping horses is cleanliness. Stables are recommended to be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Animals must have constant access to clean drinking water. Horses should be washed and hooves looked after.

a beautiful horse

Room requirements

Each member of the Trakehner horse breed needs a separate stall, in which a feeder and a drinking bowl are placed. The litter on the floor must be fresh and changed at least once a week. There should be no drafts in the room where horses are kept, and the stable must be ventilated. In regions with cold climates, the walls, floor and ceiling of the room should be insulated.

Competent preparation of the diet

In order for the horse to demonstrate all the advantages of the breed and show its genetic qualities, it is important to provide the horses with high-quality food and make a balanced feeding diet depending on the age and physical activity of the animal.

Main feeding

The basis of the horse's diet is hay, vegetables and compound feed. The amount of feed is calculated based on the age and physical activity of the animal. Feeding rules:

  • portions should be small;
  • in winter it is recommended to add a vitamin complex;
  • new feed is introduced in stages;
  • feeders and drinking bowls must be clean, dishes are periodically disinfected, heat treatment is required;
  • after feeding the horse, you need to rest a little, the pet is sent for walking an hour after eating.

feeding horses

Important! In the room where the feeding of artiodactyls is carried out, there should be no rodents. Mice and rats are carriers of infectious diseases that can be transmitted to horses.

As long as the animal is in the stall, it must have access to clean drinking water.

Nutritional supplements

It is recommended to include nutritional supplements and vitamin premixes in the basic ration of horses. Table salt should always be present in the diet of adult artiodactyls. Important supplements for horses:

  1. Retinol.
  2. Carotene in oil.
  3. Granuvit E.
  4. Calcium pantothenate.
  5. Trivitamin.
  6. Methane fermentation concentrate.
  7. Yeast.
  8. Lysine concentrate.

feed tremors

In addition to the above supplements, pure vitamins and dietary supplements such as flaxseed oil, garlic, dried kelp, nettle and others are included in the diet of racers and draft horses.

Important! If you choose to supplement your sport horse with supplementation, do so with caution and be consistent with the dosage, some of the ingredients may cause a positive doping test.

Hygiene and horse care

For the prevention of disease, the well-being of animals and their neat appearance, pets must be washed. This procedure must be carried out regularly, once a week; in hot weather, horses are bathed more often. Mane and tail are washed with conditioner shampoo. After washing, the horses are wiped dry and combed. To avoid hoof disease, provide a clean, dry bedding for the animal.


Horse training and walking is carried out no earlier than an hour after a meal. Active horses need daily walks and pasture grazing. In this case, the duration of the walk is from 3 hours. The more often you train your horse, the better athletic and physical shape the animal will be. Trackens cannot be kept in stables without grazing.

horse grazing


Well-groomed hooves are an indicator of the health of an animal. The horseshoe for the horses' hoof is selected individually, according to the size. The animal must be comfortable, and its "shoes" must protect the legs from injury and damage. Race horses are shoeed differently from draft animals.

Vaccinations and disease prevention

Vaccinations made in time will protect riding beauties from a large number of dangerous infectious diseases. In addition to the introduction of vaccines, animals must be regularly worm-driven and treated for parasites. Even if your horse looks healthy, it needs a preventive vet checkup.

If signs of disease are detected, the animal is quarantined. Keep mice and rats out of the stable. The stalls must be regularly disinfected, and the room must be constantly ventilated. Food for artiodactyls is selected of high quality and fresh, because they are prone to poisoning, it is recommended to boil the water, and the vegetables are pre-doused with boiling water.

a beautiful horse

Breeding prospects

Trakehner breeding stallions are often acquired for the purpose of improving the domestic breed in a private stable. To preserve the purity of the breed, this is not recommended. Males reach sexual maturity at the age of two years. But in order to obtain healthy offspring, breeders recommend waiting for the age of 3-4 years. Foals of pure blood are in demand on the market and, while maintaining the pedigree, are valued at a lot of money.

Animal cost

Purebred Trakehner horses are highly respected by professional breeders.Horses of this breed are in demand in sports competitions, where they achieve great success and break records, while they are obedient, easily trained and devoted to humans.

Depending on the pedigree, sporting achievements of the animal and age, the price is determined, which can reach half a million rubles. Before purchasing an animal, read the documentation and get a medical certificate of its health condition. If the price looks too low, there is a risk of buying an old horse. Buy foals from stud farms.

horse and man

Interesting facts about horses

The Trakehner breed is renowned in sporting circles and prized for its intelligence and stamina. Facts about running elite purebred beauties:

  1. On the legs of thoroughbred mares and stallions there is a stamp in the form of elk horns, reminiscent of the belonging of the animal to the Trakehner breed.
  2. Traken is the only breed of sport horse that is bred thoroughly, without crossing with other species.
  3. In the piggy bank of the breed's sporting achievements are victories in the Olympic Games and world championships.
  4. Endurance, grace, intelligence, character and ability to work are qualities that are combined in one breed.

Trackens are appreciated by breeders, the breed is considered elite. Despite its centuries-old history, the breed has been preserved in its purest form and is still one of the best in the sports equestrian arena.

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