Why do the leaves of balcony cucumbers dry and take on yellow spots, what to do

As soon as the sun begins to warm up, the human body needs a lot of vitamins. Cucumbers are among the first vegetables used in salads.

And if it is not possible to grow vegetables in a summer cottage, you can get them from plants on the window or on the balcony.

Varieties for balcony cultivation

Popular varieties of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill include those that do not form long lashes, give high yields, and are resistant to diseases:

  • Cucumbers of the Boy-s-finger variety ripen forty days after planting the seeds. The hybrid has long whips, but they do not differ in branching. The fruits of the vegetable reach ten centimeters in length, have tubercles with small thorns on the skin. Crispy greens are distinguished by excellent taste.
  • The Mazai variety belongs to the early maturing. Cucumbers set quickly and produce small lumpy fruits in June. Seedlings are being prepared since March.
  • Hybrid Natasha grows well on the balcony, but the plant needs pollination. Cylindrical cucumbers are suitable for fresh consumption and pickling.

cucumbers on the balcony

  • The powerful stems of the Masha variety are capable of braiding the walls of the loggia, and each knot will tie up to seven fruits, delicious, crispy.
  • Yield cucumber spring is up to seven kilograms per square meter.
  • Urban cucumber was created for growing in an apartment. Strongly branched stems are compact. The plant bears fruit well until the very cold.

  • The balcony miracle is a special variety for cultivation in an unconventional way. It is undemanding to growing conditions. The plant feels great in a planter. The ovaries do not dry out from lack of moisture and soil. The vegetable massively bears fruit fifty days after sowing.

For growing cucumbers on the windowsill, it is best to choose parthenocarpic species containing female flowers. From the ovaries, the fruits develop successfully, since they do not need pollination. Those varieties of vegetables that need insect pollination do not grow.

We grow quality seedlings

In addition to choosing a variety of cucumbers, the preparation of seedlings plays an important role. Before planting in the ground, cucumber seeds undergo a disinfection procedure, they are dipped for thirty minutes in a one percent solution of potassium permanganate. The age of the seeds is important in obtaining a harvest of greens. Take five-year-old seeds of the plant, as they will produce the most female flowers.

potted cucumber seedlings

Peat cups or tablets are suitable for planting cucumber seeds. The seeds are immersed into the soil by one and a half to two centimeters. To make the seedlings hatch faster, the plantings are watered abundantly. The containers are placed in a warm room with an air temperature of 25 degrees above zero.The temperature is lowered to 18 degrees after the first shoots hatch. The emerging young shoots of cucumbers require:

  • abundant watering;
  • daily spraying;
  • organization of illumination with fluorescent lamps;
  • fertilization.

Under well-organized conditions, seedlings will develop quickly.

Vegetation of cucumbers on a window or balcony

Vegetables grown on a balcony or window go through the same developmental stages as in greenhouses, open ground. It is important to choose a container for cucumbers on the balcony.

The roots of the plant do not differ deeply, therefore, containers for seedlings of vegetables with a diameter greater than the height are useful.

Continuing to grow cucumbers on the windowsill, they are not satisfied with the stress of transplanting. The indoor cucumber feels great. A humid climate is created for it by spraying and daily watering. Plants need feeding every ten days. Special complexes of fertilizers for cucumbers are suitable.

After the appearance of the fifth leaf, they organize a support for the plant stems. A net is pulled along the window and lashes of cucumbers are tied to it.

blooming cucumbers on the balcony

If the seedlings have received the nutrition they need, light, heat and moisture in sufficient quantities, then there will be no barren flowers and the fruits will be tied. You can increase the number of cucumbers on the shoots by pinching the top after the seventh to eighth leaf. Female flowers are formed on the formed lateral lashes. The set fruits grow quickly. The daily collection of zelentz stimulates the formation of new cucumber ovaries.

Balcony vegetable plants go through developmental stages in the same way as in the open field. They ripen on time if the conditions for their cultivation and care for them are carried out in compliance with the technology of cultivation of cucumbers.

To support the lashes, a rope is pulled on the balcony, to which the shoots are tied.

Cucumber bushes are formed by pinching the top after the eleventh leaf appears. On the growing lateral shoots, the pinching is done over the second leaf, on the next ones, five to six leaves are left.

Why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow, what to do

Gardening is not always satisfying. It is necessary to learn the technology of growing cucumbers before getting crispy greens in a mini garden, organized in an apartment or balcony. One of the most common problems is when fruits do not set or the ovaries fall off after yellowing. There are several reasons for this state of the plant:

  • The lack of mineral elements in the soil leads to yellowing of cucumber ovaries. Lack of nitrogen is manifested by lightening of the leaves. You can improve the soil with special mixtures, which are laid out in a layer of fifteen centimeters.
  • A decrease in temperature at night leads to hypothermia of plants. The cucumber grows and develops poorly. You can't expect fruit from him.

cucumbers on the balcony in pots

  • Both seedlings and adult plants are watered with warm water. Waterlogging of the soil threatens that the cucumbers will not bear fruit. And the dryness of the air and earth will not allow the ovary to develop in cucumbers.
  • Lack of light for plants on the window will result in barren flowers growing on the stems.
  • If there is not enough space on the windowsill, you should not try to plant all your favorite varieties of cucumbers. For vegetables to grow comfortably, they need an area of ​​half a square meter. Then there will be enough light and nutrition, and yellowing of the ovaries will not occur.

If a large number of fruits are set, this will lead to crushed cucumbers, their drying. For a normal harvest, twenty-five ovaries will be enough. It is not necessary to leave flowers in the lower axils of the leaves, they will draw off the bulk of the nutrients.

Yellow spots on the leaves can appear as a result of cucumber diseases. When infected with a fungus, cucumbers grow weakly.Even if the vegetable has bloomed and the fruit has been tied, the plant will not produce cucumbers. Common plant diseases include:

  • fusarium;
  • powdery mildew;
  • white rot;
  • brown spot.

It is known why balcony cucumbers have stained leaves. Fungi deposit spores on leaves. And pests of cucumbers also affect this part of the plant. Developing diseases end in the death of the plant. Therefore, it is so necessary to organize the prevention of infectious infection. And if signs of pathological development are found on cucumbers, their treatment. Diseases of cucumbers are cured after treating plants with fungicidal preparations.

ascochitis on cucumbers

Signs of cucumber diseases

Cucumbers are more likely than other garden crops to suffer from diseases:

  1. All parts of the plant are affected by white rot. An infection occurs with high humidity in the room and vigorous watering. The spores of the fungus are visible inside the cucumber stem. They are transmitted through human hands, air. Fungal spores can fly into the open window and settle on the leaves of cucumbers. It will help to get rid of the disease by removing the affected parts, sprinkling them with lime or crushed charcoal.
  2. White blooms on the leaves are a sign of powdery mildew. When the first signs of the disease appear, the leaves of cucumbers are pollinated with sulfur powder or the plants are treated with Fitoverm.
  3. Brown spot on the leaves appears when the air temperature drops sharply. Over time, the spots turn into ulceration. Disease can be prevented by raising the air temperature up to 20 degrees Celsius, reducing humidity. Eliminates signs of illness processing cucumbers with Bordeaux liquid.

The development of pathological conditions in cucumbers occurs due to non-compliance with the rules of care. Plants need airing, so cucumbers that are densely planted often get sick.

Why cucumbers don't bloom

If the seedlings of cucumbers have developed correctly, then after thirty to forty days after planting the seeds, flowers will appear. When flowering does not occur, then there is a reason why cucumbers do not bloom.

To eliminate the occurrence of such a situation, you must:

  • water cucumbers with warm water in the morning or evening;
  • plant seedlings of a vegetable at a distance of twenty-five centimeters from each other;

 downy mildew on cucumbers

  • remove shoots and buds in the axils of the lower leaves;
  • purchase vegetable seeds from trusted producers;
  • feed with complexes containing potassium and phosphorus, excluding nitrogen before flowering;
  • disinfect the soil before planting seeds;
  • add chalk or slaked lime to the soil.

So that the problem of the absence of flowering or the appearance of barren flowers does not arise, the seeds of parthenocarpic varieties or self-pollinated hybrids are purchased. And then the question: "why do the ovaries fall off and turn yellow" will not bother you.

  1. Hope
    7.07.2018 03:35

    It is necessary to feed the plant with a growth bioactivator BioGrow... The leaves of the cucumbers also turned yellow and after I watered with this remedy, the plant began to grow quickly, many flowers and ovaries appeared.

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