Why do cucumber seedlings turn yellow leaves and what to do

Many vegetable growers are engaged in growing cucumbers on their plots. This culture is quite capricious and because of this, certain problems may appear during cultivation. Often, almost all leaves of cucumber seedlings dry out. To deal with this problem, you should find out why the cucumber seedlings turn yellow.

Why do the leaves of cucumber seedlings turn yellow in a greenhouse

Quite often, cucumber seedlings turn yellow in the greenhouse due to improper cultivation.

Incorrect lighting

It's no secret that cucumbers love light, and therefore, sometimes cucumber seedlings turn yellow if there is not enough light in the greenhouse. To prevent the cucumber seedlings from turning yellow, it is necessary to arrange the lighting in the greenhouse in advance. At the same time, it should be diffused so that the whole room is well lit.

improper lighting


Sometimes the edges of the leaves turn yellow in cucumbers due to burns. Very often burns occur if too much sunlight enters the greenhouse and the seedlings grow on the window. They can also appear if liquid remains on the plant after watering.

Due to burns, the seedlings turn yellow gradually. First, the leaves in the upper part of the bushes begin to dry, and then the lower leaves turn yellow. To prevent burns on the plants, it is necessary to ensure that there is not a lot of sunlight in the greenhouse.

leaf burns

Improper watering

It is known that planted cucumber seedlings should be watered regularly. Some vegetable growers water the bushes too rarely or often, and because of this, the cucumber seedlings turn yellow and dry.

With an insufficient amount of moisture, young seedlings begin to average upward. This leads to a gradual drying of the ovaries and leaves. A large amount of moisture also negatively affects the health of cucumbers. Due to frequent watering, the roots begin to rot, and the cucumbers turn yellow.

improper watering

Root damage

Many inexperienced growers damage the roots of the plant when transplanting the cotyledon into a greenhouse. Over time, damaged seedlings begin to turn yellow and dry out. First, yellowness appears on the leaves from below, and after a while it spreads to the rest of the leaves that are on top.

system damage

Why do cucumber seedlings dry up leaves without dressing

In some cases, after planting, the leaves turn yellow due to insufficient feeding.At the same time, the leaves of cucumbers dry in different ways. It all depends on what kind of element the plants lack after planting.

leaves dry

Lack of nitrogen

With a lack of nitrogen, all yellowed leaves become very pale and small. Sometimes their veins take on a slight reddish tint. Over time, the bushes become too weak and dry out completely.

Lack of nitrogen is very dangerous for cucumbers, not only during the growth of seedlings, but also at the time of the formation of the first fruits. Weakened bushes have small cucumbers that do not always ripen to the end.

nitrogen deficiency

If the leaves turn yellow and dry due to a lack of nitrogen, then you should immediately feed the plants with fertilizers. For this, a special mixture is made, consisting of ash, dung, mullein and urea. During dressing, you should not feed the bushes too much, as this may cause necrosis on their leaves.

feed strongly

Lack of phosphorus

Sometimes yellowing appears due to the fact that the plant lacks phosphorus. It is this component that is responsible for the correct development of the roots and the provision of energy to the bushes. If the soil contains too little phosphorus, it will lead to the fact that each tip on the sheets begins to dry out. Over time, the rest of the leaves, along with the stem, will begin to darken and dry.

It is impossible to restore dried leaves, but you can stop the spread of yellowing. To do this, it is enough to add a little phosphorus fertilizer under each bush. If this is not done, then all the cucumbers will die.

lack of phosphorus

Lack of potassium

This component is necessary for proper cell renewal and uniform ripening of cucumbers. If there is not enough potassium in the soil, then the leaves on the cucumber seedlings dry out because of this. The fruits will be covered with dark spots, and the leaves on the cucumbers will gradually turn yellow and dry. The yellowing process is gradual. At first, the color of each leaf turns dark green. After a few days, yellow spots appear on them, which will eventually lead to drying.

So that not all cucumber leaves turn yellow, you must immediately add top dressing to the soil. For this, potassium sulfate or humate is used.

lack of potassium

Lack of magnesium

This substance is responsible for the formation of chlorophyll and therefore a lack of magnesium will negatively affect not only the leaves, but also the fruits. Determining the lack of magnesium is quite simple, since because of this, all the leaves begin to curl and become stained. At first, the lower leaves suffer, but over time, the upper leaves turn yellow, which leads to the gradual drying of the entire bush. If you do not add magnesium fertilizers to the soil in time, then all damaged leaves will begin to dry and fall off.

lack of magnesium

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow in the open field

Most often, in cucumbers on the street, the leaves begin to dry out and turn yellow due to diseases or pests. There are several common causes of yellowing of cucumbers outdoors.

yellowing of cucumbers

Why do cucumber seedlings turn yellow with powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is one of the main causes of yellowing. Any summer resident can detect this disease, since a light red bloom immediately begins to appear on the plant. Most often, powdery mildew develops at low temperatures in high humidity conditions. Also, watering plants with cold water contributes to its appearance.

Correct crop rotation is considered the main preventive measure of this disease. Cucumbers can be planted in their original place only 3-4 years after the previous planting. If they were planted in the previous place before the specified time, then all the bushes should be replanted. Transplanting should be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

 turns yellow with dew

Why leaves dry with cucumber mosaic

Mosaic is a common viral disease that can appear several weeks after the seedlings are planted in the soil.The disease is accompanied by yellowing of dicotyledonous leaves and their gradual drying. It is necessary to treat the bushes immediately after the first symptoms appear, since the mosaic spreads to neighboring plants very quickly.

dry when mosaic

Yellowing due to peronosporosis

Most often, the disease appears in the summer at high temperatures. During peronosporosis, the cotyledon leaves not only brighten, but also become covered with a light bloom of purple. When signs of illness appear, you must immediately stop all feeding and watering. Sprouts should be treated with copper solution and special fungicides.

peronospora in action

What to do if cucumbers turn yellow

Not every gardener knows what to do if the cucumber seedlings turn yellow. There are several common remedies that can help you deal with this problem.


Many people use this particular drug if the cucumber seedlings turn yellow. It can be used not only during the treatment of leaflets, but also to prevent the appearance of various diseases. To spray infected plants with Falcon, you must use a spray bottle and nozzles.

Before proceeding with the processing of plants, a special working solution must be created. To do this, 10 ml of the product is mixed with 10-15 liters of cold water. Cucumber seedlings should be processed immediately after mixing. In this case, the procedure should be carried out in the evening, when there is no wind outside.

Falcon drug


If the leaves of cucumber seedlings turn yellow, then you can use Topsin. With its help, you can get rid of most of the fungal diseases that cucumbers can get infected with. The tool is sold in the form of a powder and therefore, before using it, you will have to prepare a working solution. To do this, dissolve 500 g of the product in 10 liters of water.

After processing the site with Topsin, the drug penetrates the soil and through the roots enters the cucumber bushes. It immediately blocks all spores of the infection and prevents them from spreading further. It is not recommended to use Topsin very often, as the plant quickly gets used to it. You should do the processing of cucumbers no more than three times a month.

fungal diseases


Quite often, Topaz is used to cure cucumber seedlings. It is very effective, especially if the leaves turn yellow at the edges due to powdery mildew. The drug is non-toxic and safe, so it can be safely used to treat cucumber seedlings.

the drug is non-toxic

Topaz is sold in various forms, but most often, special liquid solutions are used to process cucumbers. Dilute with water before use. To do this, add 20 ml of the product to a large 15 liter container. During processing, about one and a half liters of Topaz should be consumed for each bush.

The drug works for two weeks. Therefore, you need to reuse it no earlier than 7-10 days after the previous treatment.

dilute with water


Sometimes when leaves of cucumber seedlings dry, it is advised to use the Strobi fungicide. The drug is produced in the form of granules, which must be diluted with water before use. It is necessary to prepare the working solution several hours before its use. The solution of Strobi granules is most effective only in the first two hours after creation. Therefore, if you start processing them too late, it will not bring any result.

we spread strobe

It is necessary to process cucumber bushes twice at the time of fruit formation. It was during this period that the plant is susceptible to infection with brown spot, powdery mildew and late blight. Plants need to be processed no more than once a month. The drug should be discontinued several weeks before harvesting.

medicine package


Many vegetable growers do not know what to do if the leaves of cucumber seedlings turn yellow.To get rid of yellowing, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance and the methods of dealing with it.

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