A simple recipe for juice from plums for the winter at home

The supply of vitamins for the long winter months depends on the efforts of the housewife. The more pieces she cooks, the better. It is not difficult to prepare juice from plums for the winter, and it provides a vitamin complex in full. You cannot drink this juice in a concentrated form, it must be diluted with water. It is undesirable to use for people with diabetes mellitus, suffering from stomach diseases.

The subtleties of cooking

In order for everything to work out well, and to please the result, it is required to study the subtleties and rules before starting work. These are the features you need to know when making plum juice:

juice from plums

  • It is made from quality raw materials.
  • It is advisable not to mix with other fruits, digestibility worsens.
  • If the decision is made to add other ingredients to the plum, the banana should be excluded. The high density of the fruit makes the finished product take on a puree consistency.
  • When cooking, the sterility of the workplace, dishes and hands must be observed.

You don't need to do anything special when preparing a drink, it is important to strictly follow the steps of the recipe and the required amount of ingredients that make up its composition.

quality raw materials

How to choose a juice plum

The drink is made from any kind of plum, including prunes, cherry plums and other fruits. When choosing fruits and preparing them, take into account:

  • Fruit variety. Late types of plums are used to obtain a vitamin and aromatic drink. Better if it is a sweet variety.
  • In order for the dry fruit to soften, it is poured over with boiling water.
  • Eliminate the ingress of rotten specimens. Accidentally falling plum can spoil the entire volume of liquid.
  • The fruits themselves should not be overripe.

The use of yellow plum for this purpose is not at all forbidden; a vitamin drink rich in useful substances is also obtained from it.

other fruits

Home cooking methods

The variety of juicing options is amazing. Every housewife will find a recipe to her taste and liking. But there are common cooking methods that will suit any family.

Plum juice recipe with pulp

With prolonged storage, such a drink retains its supply of nutrients longer. To prepare it, you need: 7 kg of plums, 0.5 kg of sugar and 5.5 liters of water.

Plums are well washed, put in a container. Pour 0.5 liters of water, put on fire and cook for 30 minutes.

boggles the imagination

Time must be timed after boiling.

The mass should cool slightly, then it is rubbed through a sieve. Add water and pour out all the sugar, mix well and put on fire.Bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam. After the mass has boiled, reduce the heat and simmer for another 15 minutes. They are poured hot into jars, closed with lids, rolled up and removed to cool under a warm shelter.

pinpoint after boiling

Plum juice with pulp through a juicer

If you have a juicer in the house, the process is facilitated. You will need 3 kg of plums and 0.5 kg of sugar.

The fruits are removed from the pits, washed and squeezed out of juice. There is no need to throw out the remains, they are poured with water, boiled for several minutes and combined with the squeezed liquid.

Then the resulting volume is measured and added with water at a rate of 1: 1. Put on fire, bring to a boil, pour sugar. After its dissolution, boil for 5-7 minutes.

Hot poured into cans and roll them up. Then they are placed in a dark place on the lids until they cool completely. Wrap the top with an old blanket or towels. After they are removed to the cellar.

through a juicer

Plum juice without sugar for the winter

To prepare a drink you will need: 2 kg of fruit.

Rinse the drain in cold water, put it in a prepared container. Heat to 70 ⁰С and leave for 10-15 minutes. Squeeze out the juice using a bag made of gauze. In order for all the liquid to glass, it is suspended and a container is installed under it, into which the juice will drip. You should periodically come up and wring it out.

Combine all liquid together and pour into jars. Sterilize at 85 ⁰C for 25 minutes. At the end of the process, close the lids. Leave in a dark place until it cools completely. Cover with a blanket or blanket.

making a drink

Apple and plum juice - a recipe for the winter

Mixed juices are common among many housewives. The taste of the finished product improves, and the useful composition increases. By combining apples and plums, you get a vitamin cocktail for the winter. To prepare it, you will need: 1 kg of plums, 0.5 kg of apples, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar.

recipe for the winter

Apples are chosen according to taste; no variety has any special privileges.

Prepare the main ingredients, wash, cut, core and pit. Squeeze juice out of them, put everything together. Add sugar, stir and put on low heat. After boiling, remove the container immediately. The finished mass is poured into jars and sterilized. Once completed, they are rolled up and left to cool at room temperature.

special privileges

How to make juice with a juicer

Those housewives who have this apparatus will make their task much easier. Since practically nothing needs to be done. Just prepare the ingredients. You will need: 3 kg of plums, 100 g of sugar and water.

Prepare the plum, wash, remove bones and dry. Put water in a juicer and bring it to a boil. Then send the chopped fruits there, close tightly and, holding the hose, leave for an hour over the slowest heat.

using a juicer

Drain the finished juice and add sugar to it. Bring to a boil, dissolve the grains and cook for 5-7 minutes.

When finished hot, pour into jars and roll up. Put in a dark place, wrap up well.

dark place

Features of storage of juice

How to properly store the finished product so that your efforts are not wasted. For long-term storage, the recipe should be fully observed, sterilized jars and lids. Add all ingredients according to the recipe.

Store at temperatures less than +15 ⁰С. In the warmth, the plum drink disappears. The room should be dark, light negatively affects the chemical composition of the product. The color and taste deteriorate.

Plum juice is a storehouse of vitamins that will support the body in winter. Its disadvantage is that the dosage should be observed, and there are contraindications.

finished product

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