A step-by-step recipe for making pear jam with lemon for the winter

The combination of honey sweetness of pear and aromatic sourness of lemon gives a unique taste that does not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, winter preparations based on these fruits occupy a special place for every housewife. The process of preparing a delicacy is quite complicated, but, strictly observing the dosages and recommendations indicated in the recipe, you can cook pear jam with lemon for the winter without much difficulty.

Features of making pear jam with lemon for the winter

The whole difficulty of the process of making this jam lies in the fact that it is necessary to achieve an amber shade of the final product. In this case, the delicacy will be delicious and beautiful. This will require simmering the fruits for four cycles of heat treatment, preventing the jam from boiling.

Required ingredients

All the ingredients that are required in the cooking process are simple and affordable.

You will need:

  • pears - 2 kg;
  • medium-sized lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • purified water - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

The yield of jam from this set of products is 2 liters.

making jam

How to prepare food?

Pears of any type, size and taste are suitable for winter harvesting, the main thing is that their pulp is firm enough, not overripe, otherwise the delicacy will resemble jam. Pears need to be washed thoroughly and their skin removed with a housekeeper knife. Then cut each fruit into 4 pieces and core. The final stage of preparation is cutting slices along the entire length with a thickness of no more than 1.5 cm.

Pre-pour lemons with boiling water, and then wash thoroughly to get rid of the paraffin shell on the surface of the peel.

Then, using a housekeeper knife, cut the zest without affecting the subsequent white layer. It contains the main amount of essential oils that can give bitterness to jam. These fibers should be carefully peeled off with your hands so that only the pulp remains. At the end of the preparation, cut the lemon into slices at least 0.5 cm thick.

jam for the winter

It is also important to remove all seeds from the fruit, since during heat treatment they emit a characteristic bitterness, which negatively affects the taste of the final product.

Cookware preparation rules

To make jam, you must use a copper or enamel bowl with a thick bottom. This will eliminate the likelihood of sticking during the cooking process.

It is recommended to pack the finished product in glass jars without damage with a volume of 0.5-1 liters. They need to be washed with detergent beforehand and then rinsed twice in warm and cold water.As a result, steam clean containers in a water bath for 15 minutes.

preparation of containers

How to cook "royal" pear jam with lemon?

To cook delicious jam of a beautiful amber shade, you need to strictly follow the main stages of preparation.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Put the peeled pear slices in a separate container and cover with sugar (1.5 kg), cover and leave to infuse.
  2. Put the chopped lemons in a saucepan, add the remaining sugar, and stand for 2-3 hours to let the citrus fruit juice.
  3. After the time has elapsed, pour water (250 ml) into the lemons, put the container on a small fire, bring to a boil, and then boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Pour the hot lemon mass into a container with pears and use a spatula to immerse the fruits so that the syrup completely covers them, leave for 5 hours, covered with a lid.
  5. At the end of the waiting time, put the container on fire, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes. In this case, the delicacy should not boil, but only languish, and in order for it to cook evenly, you need to constantly stir from the edge of the container to the center. Leave to infuse for 5-6 hours.
  6. Repeat the languishing process 3 more times at intervals of 5-6 hours.
  7. At the end, spread the resulting mass into jars, roll up the lids.
  8. Turn glass containers upside down, cover with a warm blanket until they cool completely.

delicious jam with pears

The duration of the last stage of cooking depends on the required consistency of the final product. The longer you simmer the jam, the thicker it will be.

How to store a treat correctly?

Ready-made jars of jam can be put in the pantry. Gentle multi-stage heat treatment of fruits helps to preserve most of the nutrients and makes storage at room temperature possible. The shelf life of the jam is 2 years if all stages of preparation and preparation have been followed.

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