How to propagate and grow rosemary cuttings at home

Rosemary has spread throughout the world because of the aromatic and medicinal essential oils it contains. His homeland is the Mediterranean.

It has become popular among Russian gardeners to grow shrubs on plots. He is capricious and thermophilic, so he often does not take root. The method of propagation of rosemary by cuttings is the most rational, because the plant develops and gains strength faster.

rosemary cuttings

Features of growing rosemary from cuttings

One of the wonderful properties of the plant is the release of essential substances that can refresh the air in the room and rid it of pathogens. It will be a plus if you grow rosemary at home in pots and put them in children's rooms and bedrooms.

In the southern regions, shrubs can be propagated at any time, with the exception of the winter period. Gardeners in temperate climates at home are advised to select twigs and prepare seedlings in the spring (late March, early April), and in May, June, transplant them into the ground at the site.

at home

Attention! Rosemary cuttings are the tops of the stems of the shrub. They must be cut from mature plants or purchased from specialized stores or the market. The main thing to remember is that only the upper shoots are taken.

Preparing cuttings

Many growers have a common mistake in growing rosemary using cuttings. They do not withstand the seedlings for a certain amount of time for the formation of roots and plant them directly into the soil. As a result, the cuttings do not take root and die.

essential substances

To avoid problems, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Prepare the plant pot and soil (you can get the substrate from the store). If the soil is harvested independently, then you need to mix black soil, peat, sand and humus.
  2. Place small pebbles at the bottom of the container, then pour earth and moisten it.
  3. Make small holes and bury the seedlings 3-4 cm deep. Be sure to cut off the lower leaves and water the soil again.
  4. Put the container with cuttings on a warm and sunny windowsill for 1-1.5 months.

Attention! The rosemary should be watered at least four times every seven days and the water should not be allowed to stagnate in the pot. It must be drained if it has gathered on a saucer.

typical mistake

  1. Remove the rosemary seedlings and transplant them into an open field.

A good way to root the branches of a plant is to place them in jars of water. It must be updated every 3 days. It is important to provide the twigs with light and heat.

Rosemary is very sensitive to soil type. It does not tolerate alkaline, clay and heavy soils.For the plant to feel great, it is recommended to loosen the soil, this will not allow water to linger. The shrub does not like dry weather, and excessive watering can lead to root rot.

twigs of plants

Landing dates

In central Russia, it is possible to grow rosemary on a site if, when planting, the soil temperature is at around + 5-10 degrees. In the northern regions, the plant is recommended to be transplanted into greenhouses and greenhouses, because the climate will not allow it to develop well. Gardeners of the central regions can start growing shrubs from the third decade of April.

Rosemary can die if grown in freezing conditions when temperatures reach -5 degrees. The shrub grows well all year round in warmth, therefore, in autumn and winter, the plants must be transferred to rooms where the air must be warmed up to plus 5-15 degrees.

temperature value

Choosing a landing site

Rosemary is very sensitive to external conditions, does not tolerate temperature fluctuations and cold. The best place to grow it is in a sunny, wind-protected area. The southern and eastern sides of the vegetable gardens are the most priority for the plant.

The shrub loves light sandy, non-acidic and drained soil, because such land perfectly permeates water, without holding it back at all. In addition, its looseness allows the root system to be saturated with oxygen.

transfers jumps

If acidic soil predominates in the area, it must be calcified. To prevent excess soil moisture, drainage should be laid at the bottom of the planting hole. Basically, it is purchased in stores or used large pebbles and broken bricks.


To plant rosemary in open ground, you first need to root and grow seedlings in pots or boxes. Only then are the plants transferred to the beds. In this case, it is important to maintain a distance of 1 meter between the bushes.

soil moisture

Before planting, a special mixture is prepared that will help the rosemary take root well in the soil. To do this, take river sand, leafy soil and peat in equal parts and 1 tbsp. l. crushed chalk per 1 kg of the resulting mixture.

Plants are dug in to the foliage leaves, watered and covered with polyethylene. It is removed no earlier than a week later. This is necessary so that the rosemary can take root safely.

Very often, the stems of an adult rosemary can be exposed. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the lower shoots. The procedure is performed once every 7 years.

take root in the soil

You can harvest shrubs 3 years after planting during flowering. Fragrant twigs must be cut off along with the flowers.

Rosemary care

Rosemary is slow growing. For its stable development, a sufficient number of leaves must be left. When a bush from a twig reaches a large size and its roots fill the pot, a transplant should be made. Plants usually grow in containers up to 90 cm. Each time they need to be moved to larger boxes.

To prevent the rosemary from becoming too thick, it should not be pruned too often. Botanists recommend doing this in June-July, immediately after flowering.

flowering plants

Pests and diseases

The plant has antibacterial properties. But this wonderful property does not protect him from diseases. If you take care of the shrub incorrectly, then the following problems appear:

  1. Flabby leaves indicate an overabundance of sunlight.
  2. The yellow color of the foliage indicates a lack of moisture.
  3. The lack of characteristic aroma, on the contrary, indicates that the plant is watered too often.

antibacterial qualities

It is easy to avoid the above deviations. It is enough to create the optimal conditions for your well-being in the rosemary.

The hardest part of caring for a plant is pest control. Most often it is attacked by aphids and whiteflies. For destruction, it is more rational to use disinfectants.

If rosemary is grown at home, then insects are fought by soaping the bush. Then all the foam is washed off with a shower. In this case, it is important not to forget to protect the soil from soap ingress.

optimal conditions

The plant can be infected with downy mildew. To avoid its appearance, it is necessary to monitor the humidity of the air in the room and the ground in the container. A fan is recommended during the winter months as it helps to circulate better air in the room.

Growing rosemary on the site and at home on the windowsill does not require much effort. You need to take care of the bushes and provide optimal conditions for good growth. It is noticed that the immunity of plants weakens in winter, at this time more attention should be paid to them.

houses on the windowsill

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