Description of the cherry plum variety Traveler, pollinators, planting and care

There are many varieties of cherry plum, but not all of them are in demand among gardeners. This fruit is popular for the purpose of growing for sale or making preparations for the winter. There are varieties that a novice summer resident can easily handle with breeding. These include cherry plum Traveler.

This is one of the subspecies that gives a bountiful harvest on a permanent basis. The plant is resistant to diseases, pests, unpretentious in care. The fruit ripens early, which allows you to enjoy juicy fruits in the middle of summer. For a successful planting of a tree, it is important to familiarize yourself with its features, growing procedure and care.

Breeding history

The cherry plum variety Traveler was created by researchers G. Eremin, L. Velenchuk in the experimental laboratory of floriculture in 1977. The variety is bred by symbiosis of Tauride cherry-plum and Chinese plum Berbank. The fruit crop is intended for cultivation in the middle lane. In 1986, the cherry plum was entered into the State Register.


The cherry plum variety is a hybrid species of Russian plum. Trees grow quickly, up to 3 meters high. The crown is moderately dense, resembling a wide oval in shape. The trunk has a smooth, gray bark. The branches are straight, thick, have long spears that live for a short time.

  1. Inflorescences are large in size, formed in pairs. Flowering occurs in mid-April.
  2. The fruit grows to a weight of 28 grams, round in shape, with a noticeable seam on the side. The skin is of moderate density, poorly separated from the orange pulp with fine fibers.
  3. Cherry plum of the Traveler variety is found in a yellow-purple hue, with many dots.
  4. The sugar content is low, is 7.6%, the acidity is moderate - 2.5%.
  5. The variety received a tasting rating of 4.2 points, 34 kcal in 100 grams.
  6. The plant does not pollinate on its own.

The variety is suitable for cultivation for personal consumption or sale.

cherry plum Traveler

Variety characteristics

Cherry plum Traveler has the following garden characteristics:

  • high frost resistance;
  • average immunity to disease;
  • medium resistance to drought;
  • the root collar is capable of underpinning obscene growing conditions.

The tree of this variety brings a lot of yield, which is its main feature.

Drought and frost resistance

Cherry plum bravely resists frost, withstands low temperatures down to -30. Frosts can only harm during the period of bud formation. A sharp drop in temperature causes flowers to fall off. The hybrid variety does not like drought, but also does not respond well to high soil moisture. Insufficient water supply is fraught with partial dropping of foliage and ovaries. Water stagnation entails rotting of the root system.

large fruits

Variety resistance to diseases and pests

Cherry plum the Traveler possesses a strong immunity to diseases. If the weather conditions are bad, it rains constantly and it is hot, the tree may be attacked by fungi. Summer residents note the high resistance of the variety to pests with proper preventive treatment.

Pollinators and flowering

Cherry plums should be pollinated to get a bountiful harvest on a consistent basis. It is worth planting other varieties of it on the plot. The best cross-pollinators are the varieties of Russian, Skoroplodnaya and Chinese plums.

Productivity and fruiting

The cherry plum variety ripens in the first half of July, the tree bears fruit up to 1 month after the 3rd year of life. You can collect up to 501.4 p / ha per season. One tree gives up to 40 kilograms of cherry plum harvest. Fruits require timely collection, since after ripening, they quickly fall off. The fruits are not suitable for long-term transportation, storage, due to the loose and soft pulp. In the refrigerator, they stay in their original form for about 4 days.

fruiting tree

Where fruit is used

The cherry plum variety is famous for its universal application. Jams, preserves, compotes, homemade tinctures are prepared from it, and consumed fresh. Fruits retain their flavor and become sweeter when preserved for the winter.

Pros and cons

Cherry plum has a number of positive and negative traits. There are fewer minuses than pluses, they can be leveled with the help of additional garden activities. The variety is suitable for cultivation in private gardens and industrial plantations.

Short ripening periodCherry plum small
Resistant to high temperaturesShort shelf life of fruits, impossibility of transportation
Stable, high yieldLow drought tolerance
Disease immunity

ripening period

How to plant a variety in the garden

Cherry plum of the Traveler variety does not imply special planting technologies. It is only important to choose the right land, prepare it, choose a good seedling. If you follow all the planting rules, the tree will take root. Further, periodic care will be required, which does not take much time. Cherry plum is great for summer residents.

Dates and place of disembarkation

It is better to plant cherry plum in the middle and northern regions in spring, in early to mid-March. Autumn planting is not recommended, as the young seedling will not have time to get stronger before frost. You can plant cherry plum in October only in the South.

The place must be selected carefully, it should be abundantly illuminated with ultraviolet rays. In shade and partial shade, fewer fruits are tied on the tree. The culture prefers to grow in places protected from drafts. It is better to plant it next to small outbuildings, fences. The occurrence of groundwater must be at least 1 meter from the ground.

seedling has grown

Desirable and unwanted neighbors

The neighborhood between plants can be mutually beneficial or detrimental. This fact is important to consider, because if you plant cherry plum next to an unwanted crop, it will suffer. You can plant a tree next to a plum variety Krasny Shar, Skoroplodnaya, Asaloda, Vitba, Mara, cherry plums Kuban comet, Cleopatra.

Fruit and ornamental trees, bushes, can grow in close proximity to the Traveler variety.A negative reaction occurs when the rhizomes are located at the same level and compete with each other in the struggle for nutrients or if one of the crops releases substances harmful to the other.

What trees can not be planted next to cherry plum:

  • nut;
  • cherry;
  • pear;
  • Apple tree.

According to some gardeners, the apple tree serves as a good neighbor for the cherry plum, but this fact has not yet been confirmed.

strong branches

Planting pit preparation

3 weeks before planting the future tree, you should start preparing the ground near the planned hole site. Deep plowing is carried out, garbage, weeds, last year's leaves are removed. Prepare the pit 2 weeks before the expected date. This will allow the soil to settle down, the roots will not break off after planting. If planting is carried out in a container, you can place it in a freshly dug hole. Mix the earth with a bucket of humus, compost, add a liter of wood ash, mineral dressings. Take 50 grams of superphosphate, 60 grams of potassium salt. Fill the holes in 2/3 parts with the mixture. Too acidic soil can be limed with wood ash in a ratio of 400-500 g per 1 meter.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

It is advisable to buy 1-year-old seedlings of this cherry plum variety. They are able to quickly recover from freezing. Please pay attention to the details below before purchasing.

  1. The rhizome should be well developed and well-formed.
  2. Shoots without damage, smooth structure, uniform, strong.
  3. The roots should be 10 centimeters long.
  4. The soil in the container is moist, without lumps and mold.

lonely fruit

The seedling must be zoned. Planting materials grown in other regions and with a different climatic zone do not take root. Before planting, dip the rhizome in a clay mash with Heteroauxin. Take 1 part of clay and peat per 20 liters of water, add 0.1 gram of the substance to them. The mixture will improve the rooting process, the adaptation of the seedling in the new territory will be successful.

Planting technological process

For medium-sized trees, a planting scheme is recommended - 3 * 4 meters. Plant cherry plum seedlings in fertile soils, observing the following nuances.

  1. Place a peg 1.5 meters long and 3-4 centimeters in diameter in the prepared recess. Form a mound around it.
  2. Place the cherry plum seedling on a hill, gently straightening the root system. Sprinkle with soil, tamping slightly so that there are no voids.
  3. The spine neck should be at a height of 4-6 cm.
  4. Tie the seedling with twine to the peg.

The final stage will be watering the soil. Pour water gradually so as not to wash out the cherry plum seedling. It will take 1-2 buckets.

full basket

Tree care

With proper supervision, the cherry plum variety will bear fruit for about 20 years. It needs to be watered, fertilized and treated from pests in a timely manner.


Cherry plum the Traveler prefers moist soil. Watering is required often, but you need to pour a little water. As you grow, increase the volume by 2-6 buckets. Reduce the frequency of watering during the rainy season. In winter, watering the plant is not necessary to avoid stagnant water. Drainage grooves should be pulled out, all excess water will go into them.

Top dressing schedule, table

If the soil was fertilized before planting the cherry plum variety, additional fertilizing is not needed for the next 2 years. Afterwards, add nutrients according to the table below. In the absence of soil replenishment, the tree will not bear fruit abundantly, it will be attacked by pests and beetles.

harvest is ready

Barrel circle care, mulching

In case of late frosts, kidney freezing is possible. To protect the tree from this, the trunk circle should be mulched with peat or humus with a layer of 7 centimeters. To prevent attacks of the variety by rodents, beetles, it is possible by covering the trunk with coniferous spruce branches, tied with twine or twine.

They also put a scarecrow in the garden.They scare away birds that harm the culture. They make stuffed animals on their own or buy ready-made ones. You can use materials rustling in the wind, foam rubber, and make a doll out of them.

Spring and autumn pruning

The cherry plum variety Traveler requires periodic pruning. This helps to form a healthy crown, increase yields, and extend the life of the tree. The procedure should be carried out in this way:

  • cut all branches by 1/3 in the first year;
  • to thin out the bush, it is cut with a sharp, disinfected pruner;
  • fast-growing shoots that have grown to 1 meter are shortened by 40 centimeters;
  • in October and April, all diseased, dry, deformed branches are excised.

Description of the cherry plum variety Traveler, pollinators, planting and care

To avoid the entry of pathogenic agents into the tree, the bare places are smeared with garden varnish..

Preventive treatments of the variety

In April, for the purpose of prevention, cherry plum is treated with a solution of 2% iron and 1% copper sulfate. This allows you to protect the variety from viral, bacterial, fungal pathologies, harmful insects. You can spray the tree trunk only before the start of sap flow, or the buds that have begun to open will burn out. The treatment must be repeated in the fall when the leaves fall off.

Gardeners' responses

Many people liked the cherry plum variety, it is widely grown even by inexperienced summer residents. Their reviews say about the following advantages of the tree:

  • early maturity;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • plentiful, stable harvest;
  • early maturation;
  • immunity to disease.

Many gardeners do not like the Traveler cherry plum variety only that the fruits quickly fall from the tree after ripening, it is unstable to drought. These nuances are easily solved, it is only important to pay attention to the culture. Then the tree will thank you with juicy, sweet fruits.

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