Characteristics and description of the Mongolian Dwarf tomato variety, its cultivation and yield

The Mongolian Dwarf tomato was bred by amateur breeders and was not included in the State Register of Varieties. Nevertheless, this did not prevent him from becoming one of the popular varieties on the domestic market. The main advantage of the Mongolian Dwarf is its unpretentiousness and productivity.

Description of tomato variety Mongolian Dwarf

At present, a huge number of different varieties have been bred and it is sometimes very difficult to choose a specific one. Therefore, it is very important to study the description of the variety in advance. What is the description of Mongolian Dwarf tomatoes?

The Mongolian dwarf is grown mainly in Transbaikalia and in Siberia. But there are times when gardeners from other regions order seeds by mail and adapt them to the climatic conditions of their place of residence.

Due to the fact that the variety is amateur and it was not included in the State Register, tomato seeds are not produced by well-known companies.

As the name implies, the variety belongs to the undersized. The height of the bush can reach 25 to 40 cm. Sometimes the plants can be even lower. The trunk itself is quite strong, highly branched, practically spreads along the ground. Bushes grow strongly in width, can take up more than 1 meter in diameter.

The tomato forms a large number of stepchildren. However, it is not advisable to remove them, because it is on them that a large number of tomatoes are formed.

tomato bushes Mongolian dwarf

The leaves of the Mongolian Dwarf are narrow, have an edge. The tops are very dense, almost completely covering the fruits. Thanks to this, they do not crack or rot.

The Mongolian Dwarf tomato is a very early variety. If you plant seedlings in a greenhouse in March, then by the end of June it will already be possible to harvest the first crop.

They belong to the unpretentious varieties of nightshade crops, but they still need special care. Subject to all the rules of agricultural technology, plants can bear fruit until late autumn.

Mongolian Dwarf tomatoes have good taste characteristics. Tomatoes are perfect both for fresh consumption and for preparing vegetable salads, as well as for preparing tomato juices, lecho and sauces.

The tomato's reviews are mostly positive, but the history of the origin of the variety does not allow it to become quite popular among gardeners. Those who planted the Mongolian Dwarf were generally satisfied.

Characteristics of the Mongolian Dwarf variety and its features

Like any other variety of nightshade crops, the Mongolian dwarf has its own characteristics that you need to know about.

Description of the tomato variety Mongolian Dwarf:

  • High productivity;
  • Early ripeness, fruits begin to ripen in about 90-100 days;
  • High resistance to various diseases, especially late blight;
  • A distinctive characteristic of the variety - fruiting continues until mid-autumn;
  • A low-growing bush, the stem reaches a height of up to 30 cm;
  • The peculiarity of a dwarf plant is that the stems spread along the ground, and do not grow up;
  • The absence of the main stem, 2-3 branches grow from the root collar, on which the fruits are formed;
  • Mongolian Dwarf tomatoes do not need a garter;
  • Does not need special care, tolerates temperature changes well;
  • Tomato fruits are round in shape, red in color;
  • The skin is dense, the flesh is slightly sour, juicy;
  • The maximum weight of ripe fruits can reach up to 200 grams, the average weight of one tomato is about 140-175 grams;
  • Universal use in cooking;
  • For cultivation, it is better to give preference to fertile soils.

Mongolian dwarf tomato in the open field

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any variety of tomatoes, this variety of nightshade crops has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Early ripening of fruits;
  • High yield, up to 8 kg can be harvested from one bush;
  • Resistance to late blight;
  • Fruiting continues until the first frost appears;
  • The possibility of growing in the northern regions of Russia;
  • Does not need pinning and garters to the tapestries;
  • Can withstand strong gusts of wind.

The main disadvantage of this crop is that the seeds are very difficult to buy. This variety of tomato can be bought only from individuals, but there is a high probability of buying low-quality planting material or a completely different variety.

Features of growing in the open field

Despite the fact that the plant is quite unpretentious, in order to improve the taste properties, it is necessary to follow some rules of agricultural technology.

Before sowing planting material, they must be disinfected. To do this, they can be soaked for one hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then the seeds need to be dried and planted in containers.

How to plant seeds correctly:

  • The soil in the box must be loosened and watered;
  • Make grooves to a depth of 1 cm;
  • All seeds and lightly cover them with earth;
  • Cover the containers with cling film and put them in a warm place;
  • Periodically, the film must be removed so that the soil does not become moldy;
  • After the first sprouts appear, the film must be removed and the container placed on the windowsill;
  • When the first leaves appear, the seedlings need to dive.

Mongolian dwarf tomato in the garden

A distinctive feature of seedlings is that they are very small. This does not mean that she is too weak.

It is necessary to plant seedlings in open ground after the threat of severe night frosts has passed. As a rule, this is the end of May - beginning of June. Until the seedlings get stronger, it is recommended to cover them with a warm cloth at night.

Planting seedlings in open ground:

  • Dig up the soil and remove all weeds, make beds;
  • Dig small depressions, add a small amount of humus and 15 grams of superphosphate to the ground;
  • The distance between the holes must be at least 80 cm;
  • Plant seedlings, bury them with earth and lightly tamp them;
  • Sprinkle with plenty of water.

tomato bushes Mongolian dwarf

Growing tips:

  • In order for the fruits to be larger in the soil, it is necessary to regularly make various mineral and organic fertilizing;
  • It is not advisable to plant seedlings in places where there is heavy soil with a high level of acidity, as well as where there is a lot of rainfall. Growing under such conditions will lead to the fact that the bushes will be weak, and the fruits are not very large;
  • You need to sow seeds from mid-March to early April. To separate high-quality seeds from low-quality seeds, they can be left in 5% sodium chloride solution for 5 minutes. Those seeds that float to the surface can be thrown out, and those that settle at the bottom can be planted.

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