Description of Donna Anna tomato variety and its characteristics

Tomato Donna Anna became the author's development of Russian breeders. The hybrid variety appeared relatively recently and quickly gained popularity. The Sibirskiy Sad brand has become the main distributor of planting material on the Russian market. Reviews of experienced and novice gardeners speak of a high tomato yield, excellent aesthetic and taste data.

A distinctive feature of the variety is the combination of a magnificent presentation of the vegetable with a real "tomato" taste and smell, which cannot be said about most analogues. Tomatoes of this selection type are grown today both on an industrial scale and in small garden plots.

Donna Anna

Features of fruits and yield indicators

The characteristics of the tomato variety indicate that the tomato belongs to the early maturing varieties. The average ripening period of fruits from the moment of planting is from 93 to 98 days. Tomato bushes are medium-sized, the height of an adult plant is from 1.6 to 1.7 meters. The shoots of the plant are distinguished by strong, strong stems, capable of withstanding heavy clusters with fruits. The first cluster of a plant with inflorescences is laid over 5, 6 or 7 leaves, the subsequent ones are formed through 1 or 2 leaf plates.

Fruit formation in one cluster is 5 or 6 tomatoes. Description of tomato:


  • have a rounded shape;
  • have a smooth surface;
  • there is a small neat spout on the top of the vegetable;
  • have a dense structure;
  • are multi-chamber.

Tomato Donna Anna f1 has a characteristic red color without the presence of green spots at the base. The average weight of a single fruit varies from 185 to 200 grams. From 1 m2 subject to the rules of agricultural technology, they remove up to 14.7 kg.

rounded shape

Tomatoes tolerate transportation difficulties well and do not crack. The variety is suitable for all types of processing, including canning and making various types of winter preparations. Gardeners note the excellent quality of tomato juice obtained from this type of tomato.

Growing recommendations

The variety is ideal for growing in greenhouse structures and open field conditions. Cultivation involves planting seed material, followed by a dive and transplanting seedlings into the ground. The sowing time is calculated so that 50 to 60 days pass before planting in a permanent place. Recommended temperature for seed germination 23-25 ​​C.

dense structure

The hybrid variety compares favorably with other tomatoes. The advantages are considered to be:

  • good ability to withstand hot weather;
  • increased resistance to stress and quick recovery from stress;
  • resistance to tobacco mosaic viruses;
  • the ability to tolerate apical and root rot, alternaria.

The scheme for planting seedlings in the ground should not exceed 3 plants per 1 m2... When growing, one or two main stems are left, all other shoots and stepchildren must be removed. Tomato bushes, due to the peculiarities of growth, need to provide additional support in the form of tying.

good ability

The hybrid variety responds to fertilization and standard agricultural practices. The plant needs periodic loosening and weeding.

  1. Olya
    3.03.2018 13:47

    The tomato grows very juicy and sweet. You can both pickle and eat salads. In any case, it will turn out very tasty. I recommend using the product for feeding BioGrow, works great.

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