Description of the large-fruited tomato variety Maestro f1, its characteristics

 Tomato Maestro f1 is a hybrid variety of large-fruited tomatoes. Represented by Ural breeders. Despite their size, tomatoes are not prone to cracking, they are stored for a long time. Recommended for greenhouse cultivation.

Features of the hybrid

Early maturing, harvesting starts 90 days after germination. Bushes indeterminate, unlimited growth. Stems are densely leafy, powerful... Plants require good nutrition and maintenance.

They are sensitive to frost and shade poorly. In general, they are quite resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Seedlings appear en masse. In the future, they need to support the main stem, brushes with fruits and pinching. Formation of the variety is recommended in one stem.

Description of fruits:

  • ripe fruits have a rich raspberry color;
  • correct spherical shape;
  • the pulp is juicy, high taste characteristics;
  • the weight of one tomato is about 500 g.

Resistant to major diseases: TMV, any rot, necrosis, phytophthora. Responds well to fertilization and watering. For salad purposes, used for juicing and preservation.


The seedlings are sown on March 1-10. After the appearance of the first pair of true leaves, they dive. The pick is made in separate peat or plastic cups measuring 10 x 10 cm with a nutrient mixture. Two weeks after transplanting, the seedlings are fed with a weak solution of bird droppings or mullein.

maestro grade

To support tomato seedlings, it is convenient to use the Agricola composition. The preparation is diluted according to the instructions and the plants are watered. For foliar dressing Agricola is combined with Fitosporin.

In greenhouses, the bushes of Maestro f1 tomatoes are placed freely, the distance between the bushes is 60 cm, between the rows - 70 cm. It is advisable to place the photophilous hybrid on the sunny side. The trellis and tying system is planned in advance.

Optimum greenhouse humidity levels for tomatoes:

  • air 50%;
  • soil 90%.

maestro seeds

To maintain such a microclimate, tomatoes are watered no more than 1-2 times a week. The first watering in the greenhouse is carried out no earlier than 10 days after the seedlings have taken root. Before the flowers appear, the root system of a tomato is not so well developed, so 2-3 liters of water is enough for a bush. During the flowering period, the watering regime is 1 time per week, 3 liters for one plant. A minimum amount of water is required before the tomato starts ripening.

In early August, the indeterminate hybrid Maestro f1 is pinched. To increase the mass, no more than 4 ovaries are left in the hands. For removal, select the weakest inflorescences or not yet blossoming.

The advantages of large-fruited hybrids:

tomato maestro caring for him

  1. The thick skin of the fruit contributes to their long-term storage.
  2. Fruits for universal use.
  3. Productivity (tall bushes save space in the greenhouse).
  4. Attractive presentation of fruits.

As a rule, the largest fruits grow from the first ovaries. Fully ripened Maestro tomatoes taste sugar, while being low in calories (24 kcal per 100 g of pulp).

Large-fruited hybrids are less demanding to care than standards. Inexperienced gardeners are advised to start with hybrids. Reviews characterize Maestro f1 as an unpretentious variety, problem-free in cultivation. In the register of the Russian Federation there is a late-ripening standard with the same name.

Maestro f1 seeds are on sale by NPO Sady Rossii. The manufacturer guarantees laboratory quality control and compliance with the requirements of GOST.

  1. Lera
    2.02.2018 00:00

    Incredibly beautiful tomatoes are growing, now I will only plant them. The fruit is quite large, just such tomatoes I was looking for. As a fertilizer, I recommend using BioGrow.

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