Characteristics and description of the Black Cherry tomato variety, yield

Black cherry tomatoes have a pleasant sweet taste. The variety is also called black cherry tomato, black cherry or black cherry. The fruit of the variety looks like a candy bar. The variety was bred by experts in the USA in 2003. The decision to enter the tomato into the State Register of Russia was made in 2009. Tomatoes of this variety are successfully grown in central Russia. In northern areas and Siberia, tomato is grown only in a greenhouse method.

Varietal characteristics

Black cherry bushes are quite tall. The stems of the tomato resemble a grapevine, with dense clusters of ripe cherry tomatoes. The time from the appearance of the first shoots to the receipt of the harvest ranges from 112 to 120 days. Tomato is resistant to cladosporium... The yield from one bush, subject to the observance of agrotechnical measures, can be more than 5 kg.

The attractiveness of the variety in the unusual form and high taste of tomatoes. The main disadvantage is the need for constant inspection of plants and the formation of a bush, possible cracking of the skin of tomatoes during ripening.

Cherry tomato is quite sensitive to lack of light and nutrients. Fast-growing stems must be tied up in time, otherwise they can break off or bend to the ground.

Cherry tomato has a peculiarity - on the bush, the side stems are thicker than the main one. The largest number of ovaries with fruits on lateral shoots. This variety is not hybrid - having purchased seeds once, you can get them from your harvest for planting the next year.

Description of fruits

Cherry tomatoes are small in size: a diameter of about 3 cm, and the weight is usually less than 20 g. The pulp is with an average density of a cherry hue; when ripe, there is a black palette with a dark purple tint in the shades of the upper skin.

cherry on a branch

This color is formed due to the presence in the fruit of a large amount of anthocyanin - a substance that has a therapeutic effect in colds, has an antiviral effect and increases immunity. Regular consumption of these tomatoes improves vision. Anthocyanin has been noted to act as a cancer prevention.

Each cherry tomato fruit has 2 - 3 seed chambers. Up to 9 tomatoes can ripen simultaneously in one brush.

The main advantage still lies in the originality of the taste of tomatoes. Their description notes that tomatoes are sweetish, with an extraordinary aroma.

The fruits are harvested necessarily upon reaching biological ripeness.If the picking of tomatoes was carried out ahead of time, the fruits that reached technical ripeness on the bush, and only then went through the ripening process, have lower taste and fewer nutrients.

sweetness of tomato

Black cherry tomatoes can be stored for quite a long period. They are pickled and canned in pickles, added to vegetable or fruit salads. Black cherry is used as a decoration for ready-made dishes when serving. Tomatoes are dried and dried for the winter. If fresh tomatoes are transferred to a room with a temperature of +5 to +8 degrees, they can be stored for 1 month.

Growing Cherry Tomatoes

The description of the variety includes information about the resistance of tomato bushes to low temperatures. Tomatoes sprout amicably, have a high resistance to disease. In order to grow this tomato variety with the best results, Black cherry is planted in the soil in seedlings.

Seeds are sown about 2 months before planting seedlings in open ground or in a greenhouse. The distance between the bushes should be at least 60 - 70 cm, and between the rows - at least 1 meter. The peculiarity of tomatoes is that the plants require pinching.

The characteristic of the variety notes that the bushes can grow up to 180 cm, and in greenhouse conditions - up to 2 meters in height. Reviews of those who planted these tomatoes confirm the need to tie the stems to the trellis. An important task for gardeners is the timely removal of stepchildren from Black cherry tomatoes.

Usually 1 - 2 stems are left. The stepsons cut off in a timely manner, leaving the stalk no more than 2 centimeters. Powerful bushes and a large number of fruits force the use of top dressing.

cherry disease

Irregular watering leads to cracking of the fruit at the time of ripening. Fruiting lasts a long period, up to autumn frosts.

Possible tomato diseases and pests

There is a danger of infection of Black cherry tomatoes with diseases, viruses, fungi characteristic of nightshades.

The most common infection occurs with phytosporosis - foliage falls off. The cause of the disease is often high humidity. To avoid the problem, the bushes are treated with Fitosporin, and in greenhouses with tomatoes they are often ventilated.

You can cope with phytosporosis using the folk method: milk whey is diluted with water in equal proportions and sprayed with tomato bushes. If the previous options did not have the proper effect, every 15 days, the bushes are sprayed with a solution consisting of 1 Trichopolum tablet per liter of water. The beds are treated with Bordeaux liquid or Mikosan.

cherry black tomato

Apical rot disease manifests itself as darkening on the top of the bush. As a preventive measure, when planting seedlings, a handful of wood ash and calcium nitrate are added to each hole - it is enough to take 1 tbsp. l. of each substance. The lack of trace elements and moisture in the soil is evidenced by the process in which the foliage of tomato bushes curls.

Plants grown in greenhouse conditions can be affected by aphids and whiteflies, and in open beds, bushes are eaten by a spider mite. It is possible to cope with tomato pests thanks to the use of ready-made insecticide Fufanon or Verticillin.

Folk methods will also help - spraying the bushes with herbal infusions of chamomile, yarrow or ordinary tobacco.

  1. Natalia
    11.11.2018 12:24

    A very tasty variety of tomatoes, from year to year I plant them and have never failed. I like great fertility, they are suitable for salting and for food. I bought them from Valery Medvedev (, I recommend to everyone. I planted, I am planting and I will plant this variety!

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