Characteristics and description of the variety of tomato Cherry Blosem F1

Cherry Blosem tomatoes gained popularity among gardeners 20 years ago. Tomatoes of this variety are of particular value - the fruits grow sweet and small. These criteria are admired by the majority of summer residents who grow vegetables in their own beds. This hybrid variety is considered universal, so even inexperienced gardeners who are not familiar with the intricacies of growing tomatoes can get a harvest.

The variety was bred in 1999 in Japan, but appeared in Russia much later - only in 2008. During this time, the tomato has become widely known, so you can find Cherry Blossom bushes in the beds of most summer residents.

general information

The description of the variety makes it clear that the tomato has a large number of positive properties. Bushes of medium early ripeness, the harvest ripens 90 - 100 days after the emergence of seedlings. This is a determinant hybrid produced by the Japanese company Sakata.

It is recommended to grow Cherry Blosem F1 in a greenhouse or open field. When planting seedlings in the ground, you need to correctly assess the climate so that the bushes can provide a good harvest. If the weather conditions are unsuitable, tomatoes will not grow well and will not bear fruit.

With proper care, the bush grows powerful - often the plant height varies within 1 meter. Experienced summer residents recommend tying the bush to a support and pinching. F1 Cherry Blossom tomato leaves are green, medium-sized. The inflorescences are complex, due to which one bush is capable of bearing up to 7 kg of fruit. In most cases, the plant forms 3 stems in the process of growth, which significantly increases the yield - 3.7 - 4.5 kilograms can be harvested from one square meter.

cherry blossom tomato

Features of the variety:

  1. High productivity. With proper care, the yield will be about 4 kg.
  2. No wilting. If you do not water the plant in a timely manner, this will not negatively affect the harvest. However, do not forget that feeding is not watering, since the fertilizer does not contain the elements necessary for the plant contained in the water.
  3. Good survival rate. After planting seedlings in the ground, the seedlings in most cases take root normally, even if the soil is not fertilized in advance.
  4. Can be planted in any region of the country. Cherry Blosem tomatoes take root well and bear fruit in different climates.

Negative qualities include the obligatory garter of the plant, since the stem, in most cases thin and well bending, grows up to 1 meter. This means that under the weight of ripening tomatoes, the branches will bend strongly to the ground, and in the end they may even break.

Fruit characteristics

The characteristic of tomatoes shows what kind of harvest you can get with proper care of the beds. Fruits that ripen within 90 - 100 days are distinguished by their rounded shape, dense skin, smooth, sweetish. The average weight of one tomato is 20-30 grams.

Once fully ripe, when the tips of the branches begin to dry, the fruits do not crack or lose their flavor. When mature, tomatoes can hang on the branches for 1 - 1.5 weeks, after which the tomatoes become not so juicy.

Due to its dense peel, the Cherry Blosem tomato is often used for winter harvesting, since after heat treatment the tomatoes do not burst, do not crack or lose their shape.

Fresh tomatoes are also tasty and healthy. Thanks to these qualities, it is allowed to store the crop in a cool place for up to 30 days.

The hybrid is characterized by increased resistance to diseases, therefore, when planting seedlings in open ground, you should not be afraid of the death of the plant. Tomato Cherry Blosem F1 does not lend itself to the development of such diseases:

cherry care

  • alternaria;
  • verticillosis;
  • brown spotting;
  • fusarium wilting;
  • tobacco mosaic virus.

These are the most dangerous diseases of tomatoes, in the presence of which not every bush is able to continue active and healthy growth. When buying seeds, you need to keep in mind that before packing, the seed is treated with the fungicide "Tiram". When planted in open soil, the seeds do not need to be presoaked.

cherry fruit

In order for the fruits to turn out large and tasty, the hybrid must be fed with fertilizers during its growth, sprayed from harmful insects. Although it will take time, the harvest will turn out "wonderfully well".

How to grow properly

Sowing seeds for growing seedlings is carried out in special seedling boxes - long, but shallow, which allows you to grow bushes with a strong root system and stem. At a temperature of 20 degrees, the seeds germinate within a week after planting.

As soon as the seedlings have 2 true leaves, they are transplanted into separate pots. Already at this time, the seedlings will need to be fed with minerals, fertilizers and vitamins, which will allow the bushes to grow quickly and acquire a strong rhizome.

Once the seedlings are 15 to 25 cm tall, they can be planted in open soil. In order for the tomatoes to grow well, the hole must be treated with fertilizers so that the plant does not die after planting in open ground. It is recommended to feed the bushes before flowering 3 5 times.

How to properly water Cherry Blosem? After planting seedlings in open ground, they need to be watered 2 - 3 times a week, especially if the weather is hot outside. Tomatoes should be fed every week:

  • potash fertilizers;
  • phosphoric salts;
  • complex dressings;
  • organic fertilizers.

By taking proper care of the tomatoes, it will be possible to remove large and ripe tomatoes, which can be eaten fresh or used to prepare blanks.

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