Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Gruntovy Gribovsky

Tomato Ground Gribovsky 1180 was bred by Siberian breeders, included in the State Register. This variety ripens quite early and brings a bountiful harvest. The plant perfectly tolerates cold, practically does not get sick. This variety is suitable for fresh food, the tomatoes are large with a rich tomato flavor.

Details of the variety

Description of the tomato Gruntovy Gribovskiy allows you to determine how to properly grow this variety and care for it. The characteristics and description of the variety are described on the seed package. The variety was created specifically for the cold regions of the country, it is resistant to many diseases.

tomato seeds ground mushroom

This is an early ripe variety, in July you can enjoy ripe juicy fruits. The plant has a growing point, usually does not grow above 60 centimeters. Low bushes are good because they do not need to be tied up, pinned. The harvest is always plentiful, the fruits ripen almost simultaneously.

The fruits can weigh up to 150 grams. The shape is round, correct. They are red, juicy and tasty. The pulp is fleshy. Their average size allows them to be preserved whole. But basically, these tomatoes are grown fresh for eating. Their salads combined with other vegetables are simply incredible. The skin is thin, does not tolerate transportation well.

You need to grow these tomatoes correctly, otherwise you can make mistakes.

red tomato salad

Growing features

Tomatoes can be grown in a greenhouse or outdoors in seedlings. First, seedlings are germinated from seeds at home. They are sown in special containers, covered with foil, and they are waiting for seedlings. During germination, tomatoes need to be provided with the correct temperature and sufficient light.

When the sprouts have already formed three leaves, they can be planted in different pots. This is done to accelerate their growth. Seedlings periodically need to be fed, loosened the ground. They also need to be ventilated, tempered.

They are sometimes taken out onto the balcony, thus preparing them for planting in the garden.

Only seedlings with strong stems and healthy leaves are planted on the site. When planting, it is important to maintain the required distance. The land is prepared in advance, it must be fertilized and loosened. Before the fruits appear, the bushes need care in the form of feeding, watering, and cultivating the land.

the appearance of tomatoes is ground mushroom

Gentle care

Ground tomatoes Gribovsky require special care. It is necessary to study all the rules that apply to it. After all, tomatoes bear better fruit if they pay more attention.

This tomato variety is very fond of fertile land and high-quality watering. All this is important to ensure for their normal development. Water the tomatoes once a week with abundant and well warm water, which has stood for several days in a barrel.

It is necessary to feed with mineral and organic fertilizers several times during the growth of tomatoes. To make the food flow faster, the soil is loosened once a week. It is also necessary to mulch the land. So the fruits will not lie on the ground.

ground tomato mushroom in the garden

It is not necessary to tie up and pinch this plant. But it is important to treat foliage with special solutions against diseases and harmful insects so that they do not overpower vegetable crops.

If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, then the greenhouse is always ventilated on a hot day by opening the vents and doors. Thus, the level of humidity and temperature is controlled.

Removing weeds is necessary, as it takes away all the strength and nutrition from crops. Tomatoes should not be planted in the same place every year, otherwise they will not bear fruit well.

tomato bushes ground mushroom

Tomato variety Gruntovy Gribovsky will be very popular with those who prefer early salad varieties. It is not difficult to grow it, since caring for a tomato is very simple. In order for tomatoes to bring a bountiful harvest, it is important to study all the requirements for this care. Successful landings!

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