Description of the tomato variety Mom's love, its characteristics and productivity

Mom's Lyubov's tomato is a large-fruited tomato variety bred by Bulgarian breeders. Due to its high yield and good taste, the species quickly gained popularity among novice and experienced gardeners.

Description of the variety

Characteristics of Mom's love tomato:

mom's love

  • Mid-season semi-determinant variety.
  • From the moment of seed germination to the beginning of fruiting, 110–120 days pass.
  • The leaves are medium in size and have the usual shape for most tomatoes.
  • The average height of the bushes is 1.5–1.6 m. Moreover, in the greenhouse, the height of the bush, as a rule, is slightly higher than that of the plant growing in the garden.

Due to this growth and a large number of fruits, the tomato is tied up and stepson. So that the wind does not injure the stems, they are attached to the support with special twines or nylon strips.

large-fruited variety

Grasshopping means cutting off excess shoots that do not play any role and only take away nutrients from the bush. The best option for growing plants of this variety is considered to be the formation of a bush in 2 stems. Thanks to the formation and proper care, it is possible to increase the yield to the highest possible level.

The bushes are distinguished not only by their yield, but also by excellent disease resistance, which allows you to collect all the fruits that have set. Mamina Lyubov's tomato variety is suitable for growing in open and closed ground.

seed germination

Fruit characteristics

Flat-round tomatoes are colored deep red. The skin is smooth and shiny. The weight of one fruit varies from 300 to 500 g. Under the right conditions, the bush is covered with tomatoes very densely. The juicy pulp has a sweet taste and a pronounced tomato smell. Seed chambers in fruits are practically absent. Tomatoes ripen evenly, which frees the gardener from worrying about processing vegetables.

One bush can collect 3.5 kg of tomato. With careful maintenance, the yield may be slightly higher than the specified value. Tomatoes are used for fresh consumption and for making pastes and juices. Due to their impressive size, they are not suitable for whole fruit canning.

flat-round painted

Growing features

To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown 60–65 days before planting in a plot or greenhouse. Provided that the air temperature is kept within + 24- + 26C, sprouts appear on the surface 5-6 days after sowing. As soon as 2-3 true leaves are formed on young plants, the seedlings are transplanted into separate containers. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place at the age of 50–55 days. As a result of a double transplant, the root system grows and the plant survival rate increases. For 1 sq. m. the beds are planted with 4 bushes.

Like all varieties without exception, Mom's love is demanding on heat and nutrition. Top dressing is applied under the plant according to the generally accepted scheme, alternating mineral mixtures and fertilizers of organic origin. Watering is done as needed.

variety exclusions

Reviews about Mom's love tomato posted on gardening forums confirm the declared yield. The only difference between the opinions of vegetable growers is the taste of tomato. Some argue that the taste of the fruit is ordinary, while others praise the sweetish taste that the juicy pulp is endowed with. What is your opinion about this variety?

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