Description of the tomato variety Flame Agro, features of cultivation and care

Flame agro belongs to an indeterminate variety with a medium late ripening period. The first fruits are removed 85-90 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Plant height reaches 2 meters, bushes are distinguished by strong powerful shoots. Gardeners' reviews note the unusual shape and color of the tomato.

The variety compares favorably with good yield indicators. The plant is grown outdoors without shelter or in greenhouse structures. A strong quality is considered to be the good resistance of the plant to fungal and viral diseases of tomatoes.

flame agro

Characteristics of tomatoes

The fruits have a pronounced elongated shape. The average length of vegetables reaches 13 cm. Fruits are distinguished by an unusual bright red color with the presence of orange veins, therefore, the outward color of tomatoes resembles fire. The structure of the fruit is compacted, but the skin of the tomatoes is not characterized by increased hardness. The following options for using vegetables are acceptable:

  • eating fresh fruits in salads and recipes for everyday meals;
  • use in crushed form in the preparation of preparations in the form of juices, sauces, winter salads;
  • preparation of marinades and preserves with whole fruit rolling.

first fruits

Vegetables have a rich tomato flavor. The average weight of one tomato Flame reaches 150 grams. A characteristic feature of the variety is the presence of juicy pulp with a small content of seeds. The variety is gaining popularity due to its high yield rates, lack of shedding and cracking of fruits during ripening.

How is the variety grown?

The plant is grown by seedling method. The planting material begins to land in the first half of May. A prerequisite is sufficient soil nutritional value, which is recommended to be prepared from equal proportions of turf and humus. For disinfection, they are treated with manganese or special devices.

ripening period

Experts recommend planting seeds in peat tablets in the amount of 2 or 3 pieces, which makes it possible not to dive the seedlings in the future and leave strong sprouts. When planting in a container with soil, deepening is carried out to a depth of 1 cm, sowing is carried out at a distance of 2 cm.

The optimum temperature for the growth of seedlings is considered to be 21-25 C ° during the day, and from 15 to 18 C ° at night. Watering is carried out only with warm water, the room is periodically ventilated. Thinning is carried out after the appearance of 2 leaves, and after the formation of 3 leaves, a dive is carried out. When transplanting sprouts after 10 days, it is required to feed the seedlings with mineral fertilizer. 3 weeks before transplanting into permanent soil, the bushes are hardened.

the variety is grown

Shrubs are transplanted when the seedlings reach a height of 30 cm, since during this period the plant is able to form a sufficient root system. 1 m2 6-8 plants are planted. A good place for planting is the soil after growing cucumbers, pumpkins, legumes and cereals.

Planting in soil with a previous cultivation of tomatoes, potatoes or peppers is fraught with shoot diseases, since these species have a similar tendency to be affected by pests and diseases.

It is recommended to form bushes in 2 stems with periodic removal of stepchildren up to 5 cm. Timely pinching allows you to avoid thickening of the plantings, increases productivity. The plant requires sufficient watering. To maintain soil moisture, it is recommended to use mulching with humus or straw.

replanting bushes

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