Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Altai Orange

Tomato Altai Orange is an indeterminate mid-season variety that can be grown not only in the southern regions of our country, but also in the middle lane and in Altai. This tomato has many positive qualities that vegetable growers should know about before starting to grow Altai Orange on their plots.

In addition, there are several varieties of this variety, differing in the color of ripened fruits - they can be red, pink or orange. These varieties differ only in color, but their taste and other qualities are approximately the same.

Description and main characteristics

This mid-ripening variety has a high yield and medium ripening times. From the moment the first shoots appear until the fruits ripen, it takes almost four months.

The bushes of these tomatoes should be formed - pinch the tops of the shoots so that the tomatoes do not waste nutrients only for their growth. Since the weight of ripening fruits is large enough, the shoots should be tied up. The best support for them will be trellises. It is better to form these vegetable plants in one stem to achieve better fruit ripening. Shoots usually reach a height of 1.3-1.4 m in height.

Altai heritage

The description of the variety should begin with a description of the foliage and inflorescences. The foliage of tomatoes is large, simple, dark emerald. Inflorescences are collected in clusters (5-6 pieces each). The lower racemes appear after the second permanent leaves, each following after 2 leaves. Usually the largest fruits ripen on the lower clusters - their weight can reach 350-450 grams.

Tomatoes ripening in the upper part of the bushes are usually of medium size and weight - about 200-250 g.

The ripening fruits are slightly flattened, rounded, slightly ribbed at the stalk. The pulp is fleshy, melting in the mouth. Each tomato has up to 6 chambers filled with seed. The skin of ripe fruit is firm, less than average in thickness.

tomato pulp

Ripe tomatoes of this variety are of a beautiful orange color, not prone to cracking, well tolerated during transportation. They include:

  • lycopene;
  • beta carotene;
  • amino acids;
  • the sugar content is high.

The characterization of the variety would not be complete without mentioning what its yield is. If the bushes of these tomatoes are formed into one shoot, then from each bush it is possible to collect up to 4.5 kg of ripe tomatoes per season. And 11-12 kg of tomatoes are usually harvested from each m². The fruits of this vegetable crop begin to sing in the second decade of July, and the last fruits are usually harvested in the fall before frost.

orange balloons

Altai Orange tomato variety has a pleasant sweetish taste with a light fruity aroma. These tomatoes are great for fresh consumption, as well as for making tomato juice or puree.

Positive and negative qualities of the variety

Experts summarized the reviews of vegetable growers who grew this variety, and based on the collected data, they note the following positive qualities of Altai Orange tomatoes:

  • good taste of grown fruits;

mid-season variety

  • the ability to transport the grown crop over fairly long distances without spoiling the fruit;
  • beautiful appearance of ripe tomatoes;
  • tomatoes of this variety are not prone to cracking;
  • high productivity.

The disadvantages include the elongation of fruit ripening - from mid-summer to the first frost.

ripe fruit

The nuances of growing Altai orange varieties

To grow this tomato, you can only pre-grow seedlings at home. But in the southern regions, you can grow Altai Orange immediately in the open field.

Growers say that growing seedlings of this variety at home is no different from growing seedlings of other varieties. But it is better to immediately plant the seeds in peat cups, which you then immediately plant in open ground or in a greenhouse, and also, do not pick the growing seedlings.

rounded shapes

The grown seedlings (at the age of about 45-50 days) can be transplanted into the beds in the garden (or in the closed ground).

Care after planting seedlings in the beds

The main care for it comes down to regular watering, loosening the soil, combating weeds and applying top dressing (best of all, complex).

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