Description of the Superexotic tomato variety, its characteristics and productivity

Many gardeners enjoy growing unusual varieties of vegetables and sharing their impressions and experiences with each other. A very rare tomato Superexotic of amateur selection of Ukraine interested summer residents with its appearance and taste.


  • mid-season (105-115 days);
  • indeterminate bush (1.8–2 m), low-leafed;
  • carpal ovary (6–20 fruits);
  • small tomatoes 40–80 g, rarely up to 120 g;
  • fruits are plum, dark red or brown with dark green stripes and streaks;
  • the pulp is tasty, sweet and sour, marmalade.

Tomato finds more and more new fans every season, and you can often hear about it in discussions of successful varieties. Exotic brown tomatoes with dark stripes conquer with their juicy juicy pulp with an excellent sweet and sour tomato taste.


Seedlings of tomatoes are sown 55–65 days before the expected planting in the ground. An indeterminate variety requires diving into volumetric pots of 1.5–2 liters. The soil mixture is prepared from organic components (compost, steamed sawdust, humus, peat) and garden soil from the future bed.

tomato superexotic

To exclude pulling tomatoes, follow the basic rules:

  • maintaining the temperature regime after seed germination within 19-21 ⁰С;
  • providing plants with additional illumination with fluorescent lamps with an extension of daylight hours by 3-4 hours;
  • moderate watering with standing water 20–22 ⁰С;
  • feeding seedlings every 14 days with complex mineral fertilizers without excess nitrogen;
  • hardening of seedlings, if weather conditions permit (daytime temperatures above 16 ⁰С), already from one month of age.

after germination

The soil

The plot for the tomato beds is selected according to the rules of crop rotation. It is forbidden to grow tomatoes in the former place of vegetables from the nightshade family. Tomatoes feel good after root crops, cucumbers, zucchini.

Indeterminate shrub Superexotic develops a powerful root system. 1 m2 it is allowed to plant no more than 3-4 plants. The garden bed is prepared to a depth of 40–50 cm by introducing large quantities of compost, humus, peat into the garden soil. Before planting seedlings, the soil is watered abundantly with hot water. The beds are mulched with peat or steamed sawdust. This will save you from frequent loosening of the topsoil.

crop rotation rules

Bush formation

Tomatoes of the Superexotic variety form a tall indeterminate bush (1.8–2.0 m), which requires an obligatory tie to the support. The plant is formed into 2-3 stems, the rest of the stepsons are removed. Low-leafed bush does not require tops thinning. The ovary is formed by large tassels, sometimes up to 20 fruits.

high indeterminate

In early to mid-August, the tops of the bushes are pinched and subsequent flowers are cut off, preventing the formation of a new ovary.

These fruits will not have time to fill until the end of the season and will interfere with the ripening of tomatoes.

tops of bushes


In 105-115 days after germination, a mid-season tomato begins to bear fruit. According to vegetable growers, the Superexotic tomato is fruitful, but picky about weather conditions. In a good year, each bush is capable of forming up to 5-6 large clusters. Fruiting continues until the very cold. The last unripe tomatoes successfully "reach" on the windowsill.

begins fruiting

Superexotic tomatoes have good keeping quality, at a temperature of 8-10 ⁰С, fruits can be stored for more than 3-4 weeks. This variety combines external exoticism with excellent taste characteristics. In whole-fruit canning, fancy striped plum tomatoes Superexotic will successfully decorate cans of the most demanding housewives.

unripe tomatoes

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