Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Bonsai (Banzai), cultivation and yield

Bonsai Tomatoes are a small potted plant. It can be attributed to the most famous varieties that are grown at home. This variety is so undersized that it can grow on the windowsill in your home without any problems. True, if there is a desire, these tomatoes are planted in open ground.

Cherry tomatoesthat can live in flower pots or balcony boxes are very popular today. They differ from tomato standards not only in size, but also in memorable taste characteristics. Such tomatoes can often be seen on the balcony.

Potted tomatoes: a little history

The hobby to grow tomatoes as a potted plant had its peak in popularity three centuries ago. Moreover, it is interesting that our predecessors did not even suspect that the fruits of these plants can be eaten, considering them poisonous. It is quite clear that unripe green vegetables did not change their opinion on this matter.

But now there is a second wave of popularity for such dwarf tomato species. These include the name of the variety "Bonsai", which reminds us of Japan. True, this plant has nothing to do with the consonance with the war cry of the samurai for the Emperor. Most likely, it is associated with the proximity to small trees "Bonsai", which have long been cultivated in the Chinese and Japanese soil as indoor flowers.

The popularity of culture dates back to the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of this century.

As a vegetable producer, this tomato is no match for the taller varieties of the Cherry group. With the appearance of these tomatoes in the Old World, they are generally applicable as interior decorations. The Banzai tomato bushes are sometimes compared to the presence of an aquarium with goldfish in an apartment.

potted tomatoes on the balcony

The culture has many advantages - compactness, no need for a garter, original and tasty fruits. But to get a decent harvest, you must follow the rules for planting and caring for this baby.

We give the characteristics of "Bonsai"

Tomatoes "Bonsai" are a determinant species that are distinguished by their low height. Bushes are never taller than 50 centimeters and ripen quickly enough. Tomato is grown on balconies, verandas, loggias. But many amateur gardeners are engaged in planting these tomatoes in the open land: and there the harvest of this crop is not bad at all.

According to the description of the variety, these tomatoes are good for salad use and for some preparations, having optimal taste characteristics for this.

The described tomato variety is placed, according to the rules, in a sunny or shady place.It is only important that there is decent lighting on the loggia or balcony. Then the yield will be higher.

This variety has several subspecies, any of which are characterized as compact or super compact. So the "Bonsai micro" version grows up to a maximum of two tens of centimeters. Plants of this culture have a high degree of aesthetics, so the Bonsai tomato has another purpose, in addition to food, - decorative.

Descriptions of tomato fruits

The characteristics of the fruits themselves are reduced to the following points:

  • Vegetables are not large, weighing about 30 grams;
  • The fruits are firm and sweet in taste;
  • As tomatoes ripen, they gradually change color: from green to orange, and then to bright red.
  • Fruiting of tomatoes is very abundant;
  • Tomatoes ripen all together and then stay on the branches for a long time, giving the bush the appearance of a Christmas tree in red balls.

Features of growing tomato

These tomatoes are not difficult to grow at home. You just need to follow the general recommendations for breeding tomato crop on the windowsill... In order for the tomatoes to sprout successfully, at least half a liter of soil will be needed. If the culture is supposed to appear outdoors, then it is best to place the seedlings in separate cups at the beginning of spring. And after about two months, it should be planted in the ground.

tomato seeds bonsai

To grow seedlings for an early harvest, they are planted at the beginning of the May holidays. It is important to remember about covering vegetables with a film from possible frost. Planting is carried out in three bushes at the usual distance of 70 centimeters.

Tomatoes are not advised to plant in place of potatoes, eggplants or peppers. And although this variety can be placed in the shady side, it is recommended to do this in the sun, with sufficient warmth, with protection from possible cool winds.

A few words about the flowering of mini tomatoes

With proper development of plants, after a while they will begin to bloom. But the flowers will not differ in special beauty. The description of flowers is reduced to their faded yellowish color, small size, unprepossessing. Each of the colors has male and female sex cells. This means that pollination or shaking is not required in order for the number of ovaries to become large or to stray pollen.

When clusters with ovaries are formed, it is recommended to eliminate the lateral branches that have not yet entered the flowering period. This will accelerate the cultivation of the bushes itself with the growth and maturation of the fruit. However, this will shorten the time when the culture will delight with an elegant appearance, thanks to the abundance of fruits that have reached various degrees of maturity. And as we have already found out, the fruits undergo several color metamorphoses.

You should not pick the fruits before they are fully ripe; you can also use unripe miniature tomatoes. Location on the windowsill will protect them from frost and cold dews. Also, it doesn't make much sense to ripen them in large cardboard boxes. Enjoy the bushes as a decoration for your home.

Between the time you planted the tomatoes and the first fruits are obtained, it takes about 105 to 115 days. When fixing the exact date, it is a good idea to time the picking of tomatoes for some event or a significant holiday for you. And now, fresh, very original, and very tasty small red vegetables will appear on the festive table.

bansai tomato on the balcony

About the advantages of the Bansai variety

Reviews of the described vegetable are usually positive, and there are many reasons for this:

  1. Tomatoes are highly productive. One bush can give about a couple of kilograms of baby tomatoes.
  2. The plant does not need a garter;
  3. The first fruits appear after three months;
  4. In appearance, the fruits are fresh and neat, round shaped, weighing a maximum of 60 grams, when ripe they are bright red.
  5. The balcony view is immediately transformed: tomatoes serve as the optimal decor, rewarding the hosts and their guests with their flavoring.

"Balcony miracle", as this variety is called in another way, will already delight you with fruits at home, when other garden types are not yet ready. Growing this variety at home, without even realizing it, you are giving a tribute to the most ancient human hobby - merging with nature and craving for the earth. And a pleasant taste and good fruiting with the right care are doubly pleasant.

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