Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Stopudovy Siberian series

Tomato Stopudovy and tomato One hundred pounds have similar names, but they are different tomatoes. Each has its own characteristics and description of the variety. Both are large-fruited and fruitful, but the mention of the ancient measure of weight in their names is a poetic exaggeration, hyperbole. The weight of a pood by modern standards is just over 16 kg. But the name is remembered, it sounds impressive and beautiful.

Option from "Uralsky Dachnik"

Relatively recently, the Stopudovy tomato from the "Mars" agricultural firm went on sale. This novelty is produced in packages labeled "Uralsky Dachnik" as part of the "Siberian Series" project. It is not by chance that Siberia is mentioned. This emphasizes the unpretentiousness of the variety. The tomato is able to grow and bear fruit successfully in any region of the country, because it is intended for indoor use. The variety is not included in the State Seed Register.

Bushes indeterminate, with unlimited growth. They require a reliable tie of stems and brushes, regular pinching, removal of the growth point at the end of the season. They need increased nutrition and regular watering, protection from diseases. With high agricultural technology, it is possible to get a bucket harvest from one bush. This is the potential yield to strive for.

Stopud is a tomato with a record weight of fruits: 500 and even 700 grams is far from the limit. If only one strong ovary is left on the first brush, then it can grow to gigantic sizes - 1 kg 200 grams. This, of course, is not a pound, but very impressive.

Fruits are rounded, flattened at the top and bottom, slightly ribbed. The color is rich, bright red. The pulp is sugary, moderately watery. Ripe tomatoes are not stored for a long time: they go into fresh salads, are excellent for processing into juice.

Alternative from "Aelita"

Tomato variety One hundred poods was created specially for the agro-firm "Aelita" by an experienced team of scientists: V. G. Kachainik, N. V. Nastenko, O. V. Astakhova. The breeding novelty in 2013 received a patent and registration number in the State Seed Register.

tomato grade one hundred pounds

Recommended for open and closed ground in all regions of Russia, suitable for agriculture. Reviews of amateur vegetable growers indicate that the tomato of One Hundred Pounds came to the liking in the Near Abroad.

Original fruits

Tomato One hundred pounds is remembered for the fancy shape of its fruits. Most of all, a tomato resembles a knapsack tightened with a string. From above, folds are formed in the form of an accordion. The general shape is similar to a pot-bellied pear - sometimes elongated, sometimes slightly flattened at the bottom.

There are certain similarities with Truffle tomatoes ("Bulbs"), but their size is smaller, and the ribbing is not so pronounced.

Variety One hundred pounds is closer to the category of large-fruited: fruits weighing 250-300 grams are poured in the first or second cluster... The average weight of this variety is 230 grams, the minimum weight (in the upper clusters) is 150 grams. Such "pears" are already suitable for whole-fruit pickling, although the general purpose of the variety is for salads and decorating dishes with transverse slicing. The color of the surface and the pulp is very bright, with a classic red hue.

growing tomatoes

The skin is thin and strong, it can be easily removed even without blanching. Sufficiently dense - does not crack, provides good transportability and keeping quality quite decent for a large variety. There are few seeds in the fruits. They can be left for planting next season, because the Hundred Pounds variety is not a hybrid. The pulp without voids, medium in density, not watery. A high percentage of dry matter is noted.

Both the authors of the variety and summer residents praise the smelling fruits for their great taste., very rich, truly sweet. The acid is hardly felt.

Tomatoes of the Hundred Pounds variety in appearance resemble another variety - Puzata khata (also from the Aelita company): the same pear-shaped form with an "accordion" near the stalk. But Puzata khata has slightly less fruits, and the ripening period is earlier. Reviews of summer residents about the quality of the pulp give preference to the Hundred Pounds variety as more fleshy and full, less friable. Probably, the early-ripening variety Puzata khata does not have time to fully pour the fruits.

Tall bushes

In open-air ridges, the bushes of the Hundred pounds variety rise to a height of one and a half meters. Growing this tomato in soil requires high pegs or trellis.

In greenhouses, indeterminate stems often reach the ceiling. Without formation, the plants quickly thicken, the fruits become smaller, the overall return decreases.


In terms of ripening, the tomato variety One hundred pounds is included in the mid-season category. In the open field, it does not turn red in all regions, but it is successfully and quickly ripened in maturation. In the greenhouse, the first ripe fruits can be removed 110 days after germination, two months after planting the seedlings in a permanent place.

The yield from tall bushes continues until the very end of the season.

Medium-sized foliage does not obscure fruit twigs. Inflorescences have an intermediate shape between a simple and complex brush. Often they carry 6 - 7 flowers, but, as a rule, 4 - 5 fruits are tied. If the owner wants to grow more weighty tomatoes, it is recommended to normalize the brushes at an early stage of their development (the upper buds are plucked out so that only 3 - 4 flowers bloom).

crop selection

The normative yield of the variety One hundred pounds, declared in the State Register, is 8 - 9 kg per square meter of plantings. Vegetable growers-enthusiasts also remove 6 - 7 kg from one bush. Of course, this is possible only in a greenhouse or open ground in the southern regions. Record harvests are achieved due to the high growth of bushes, a long period of their development.

Not being a hybrid, a hundred poods tomato can suffer from fungal and viral infections, especially in the absence of crop rotation and protective measures.

Features of agricultural technology

Tomato One hundred pounds is not overly capricious, but needs careful care, like any variety of intensive type - high and productive:

seeds one hundred pounds

  1. Seeds are sown 60 days before the planned planting in a greenhouse or street bed.
  2. The seedlings are prone to elongation, suffer from heat and lack of light.
  3. Planting density in the greenhouse - 3 roots per square meter, outdoors - 4 roots in the same area.
  4. The soil must be mulched.
  5. Top dressing is carried out once every two weeks, watering is carried out weekly. The variety is responsive to root and foliar feeding with microelements.
  6. It is imperative to carry out preventive and therapeutic measures against harmful infections.
  7. The greenhouse should not be excessively damp and hot.It is necessary to establish end-to-end ventilation, otherwise flowers and ovaries will fall off, diseases will develop.
  8. Variety One hundred pounds is grown in one or two stems, regularly removing all stepchildren.

Tomato One hundred pounds is still a wonder for most gardeners. Many people have yet to get acquainted with its original fruits.

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