Description and characteristics of the Blagovar breed ducks, conditions of detention

Blagovar ducks are considered one of the most productive breeds. They are characterized by excellent dietary meat and excellent egg production parameters. Another advantage of the breed is the high survival rate of young animals. In order for the birds to develop normally and not get sick, they need to provide full and high-quality care. A balanced diet is also important.

The origin of the bird

This breed was developed in Bashkortostan. It owes its name to the place of its creation - the Blagovarsky State Poultry Plant. It is a popular breed that is widespread throughout the world.

This cross is characterized by high productivity parameters. Birds of this breed were bred back in 1998. Since that time, breeders have managed to significantly improve the birds. Today blagovarka produces tasty meat and has excellent egg production parameters.

Expert opinion
Zarechny Maxim Valerievich
Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best summer cottage expert.
The most ancient progenitor of these ducks was the Peking breed. On its basis, a cherry-vellie hybrid was created, and then the X-11. It became the basis of the medeo cross. It was from him that the Blagovar breed was obtained.

Description and characteristics of the Blagovar breed

Many people confuse this breed with the Bavarian. However, these are completely different types of birds. Representatives of the Blagovar breed belong to the meat sector. Males are large in size. They are characterized by a wide, almost horizontal, elongated body and a developed chest. The body is covered with white feathers from above. In this case, the legs and beak have an orange tint.

Unlike ducks, drakes have a goatee. At the same time, a crest, consisting of long feathers, is located on the neck. The tip of the tail is rounded. Plus, males weigh more than females. Ducks are characterized by a less bright color of feathers than males. In this case, the gap from the beak to the forehead is trapezoidal.

Blagovar duck

In males, a fold approximately 4 millimeters in size is located under the cloaca. At the same time, females have only a flat spherical outgrowth in this zone. At 7 weeks, the weight of ducks is about 3.4 kilograms, and drakes - 3.7. At 2 months, the weight of the male reaches 5 kilograms. At this time, they are sent to the slaughter. High productivity is considered a characteristic feature of the birds of this breed. Fertilization rates of eggs are 97%, hatchability reaches 84%, and egg production is at the level of 250 eggs per year.

If we consider behavioral features, birds are distinguished by a balanced and calm character, which helps them get along well in large groups.

Main pros and cons

Blagovar ducks are considered popular.

Pros and cons
large sizes of birds;
high parameters of meat productivity;
rapid increase in body weight;
good egg production;
undemanding to food;
the ability to maintain body weight during molting;
a long period of productivity of layers - it lasts up to 5 years.
growth during the first 2 months;
the need to purchase compound feed;
the need for strict adherence to the diet - if this recommendation is violated, ducks lose weight;
the need for systematic walking;
high cost of hatching eggs;
lack of a pronounced maternal instinct;
Difficulty buying purebred ducks.

Subtleties of maintenance and care

First of all, birds need a poultry house. In order for them to develop normally and not get sick, it is recommended to provide for full ventilation and heating in the room. This will help protect birds from winter frost.

It is strictly forbidden to expose birds to drafts. Otherwise, the threat of a weakening of the immune system is high. This significantly increases the risk of developing disease. To ensure the flow of daylight into the room, it is required to provide windows. Place nests in dark corners. Their size should be approximately 50 centimeters. One nest can be used by up to 5 females. Moreover, their total number depends on the livestock of the flock.

It is important to provide birds with full access to drinkers and feeders. They should be placed in a well-lit place. It is recommended to make bowls with sides. This will help prevent food scattering and contamination of the house. In the case of outdoor keeping birds, it is worth making bedding. It can consist of sawdust, straw or shavings. This layer helps to absorb excess moisture and keeps the house dry.

blagovar duck

For birds to develop normally, they need a place to walk. There should be at least 1 square meter of area per duck. Drinking bowls with clean water should definitely be placed on the walking area. It is also important to create canopies for shelter from the sun or rain. It is advisable to provide a reservoir on the territory. This helps to save on feed costs.

What to feed?

In the daily diet of birds, you should include roots, vegetables, herbs. At the same time, it is not required to reduce the volume of special compound feed, since this will negatively affect the parameters of egg production and worsen the quality of meat. Place a container filled with shells or gravel in the house. Also birds need salt and bone meal.

When feeding adult ducks, you should focus on the following principles:

  1. It is recommended to include roughage in the basis of the diet. The menu should include cereals - wheat, barley, oats or corn. It is also recommended to give the ducks cake and bran.
  2. From 1 month, it is worth using wet bundles. It is recommended to cook them in broths. Violation of this rule provokes digestive problems and increases the risk of developing intestinal obstruction.
  3. Include in the diet a complete food that contains many vitamins and minerals. These substances are required to prevent vitamin deficiency, strengthen bones, improve immunity.
  4. Include fresh herbs, juicy roots, fruits and vegetables in the menu. As an alternative to compound feed, it is permissible to use a composition based on cereals and herbs.

Breeding subtleties

For breeding, it is recommended to choose a hen correctly. It is important that the female is highly active. In addition, she should not be overweight. Another important feature is a light beak. The quality of the eggs is affected by the age of the female.The best eggs are produced by a one-year-old duck. Fertilization parameters are influenced by the ratio of females to males. In this case, the development period is 28 days. It is recommended to place eggs in an incubator.

Diseases and treatment

Ducklings are more susceptible to pathologies than adult ducks. Diseases are infectious and non-infectious. The first category is considered more dangerous, since it greatly reduces the number of livestock. The most common illnesses include:

  1. Coccidiosis - spread by feed or rodents. For prevention, it is worth giving the ducks "Koktsidin" or potassium permanganate.
  2. Aspergillosis is of fungal origin. For treatment it is worth using "Nystatin".

The Blagovarskaya breed of ducks is highly productive, which is why many farmers choose it. To keep birds productive, they need quality care.

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