How to properly plant grapes with seedlings in spring, summer and autumn step by step

When planning the cultivation of vines in a summer cottage, it is necessary to observe a number of features. To get a good harvest, you need not only to choose a variety that is suitable for the area, but also to constantly look after the plant at every stage of growth. Planting grapes should be carried out taking into account the specifics of the soil, climatic conditions and the variety of fruits.

Recommended timing

Certain grape varieties should be planted in different seasons. The right time for planting berries helps to improve the quality and quantity of the crop. You can start growing vines in any season, except in winter.

In the spring

Planting grapes in spring is allowed from late April to mid-May. As a rule, during this period, annual plants with a lignified trunk are planted.

The right time for landing comes when the air temperature reaches 15 degrees, and the soil warms up to 10 degrees.

The likelihood of return cold in spring is low, so the risk of death of seedlings from inappropriate temperatures is minimal. The planted plants take root well, since the ground after the snow melts is saturated with moisture and contains the nutrients necessary for intensive development.


Green vegetative grapes are planted in June-July. For planting, you need to pick up seedlings with roots that have 3 or more branches. Before direct planting, it is necessary to pour 2 buckets of water into the prepared hole in order to saturate the dried soil with moisture.

grape sediment


In autumn

Autumn planting of seedlings is carried out from the beginning of October to the onset of the first cold weather. Before carrying out planting work, it is necessary to choose annual seedlings with developed roots. Green shoots about 20 cm long should grow on the trunk. 2 days before transferring to the ground, the seedling must be soaked and cut off. The lower roots are pruned 2-3 cm.

There are several advantages to planting grapes in the fall. These include the following:

  1. At the beginning of autumn, special seedlings are prepared for sale. In the spring, seedlings that were not sold last season may be sold, so there is a risk of buying low-quality planting material.
  2. The soil is best prepared for planting on the eve of winter. The soil contains nutrients that have accumulated during the summer, as well as a sufficient amount of moisture.
  3. Before the first spring warming, the seedlings have time to take root and adapt to new growth conditions.During spring sunny days, plants will begin to actively develop.

planting grapes

To protect young seedlings during frosts, it is necessary to cover the ground in the area where the roots are located with a dense layer of mulch. In this case, air should be provided to exclude heating.

Seat selection

When choosing a suitable location for the vines on the site, it is necessary to provide constant natural light for the seedlings. Also, the place should be protected from through winds from the north side. You can plant grapes next to buildings that will act as protection from blowing.

If there are no suitable buildings nearby, you can build a fence to fence off the bushes. A screen made of dark planks is suitable as a fence. The fence will create protection from drafts and, heating up from the sun's rays, will give off heat to the plants.

grape sediment

In most cases, grapes should be placed with shelter against the south wall, but this is not suitable for all areas. In the north-western regions of the country, the land warms up slowly and does not contain a large amount of organic matter, therefore it is better to place seedlings on the western or south-western side, protecting the plantings with covering material.

What soil and planting depth is needed

Before planting grapes in open ground, you must make sure that the soil is suitable in structure and composition for growing berries. The best option is a soil with a high content of gravel or coarse sand, since such land quickly warms up, allows air to pass through and is less prone to drought. The grapes grown on such soil are distinguished by their pronounced taste characteristics.

The mechanical composition of the soil affects the formation of roots, the degree of their branching and the depth of penetration into the ground. The denser the soil, the longer the skeletal roots will form. The plant forms a powerful root system to overcome dense soil, therefore, when preparing a pit for a seedling, it is necessary to take into account that the structure of not only the upper layer of the earth, but also deeper layers, is important.

pit for grapes

Having determined the structure of the soil, it is necessary to figure out how to properly plant a seedling in a hole. The planting pit is dug to a depth of 60 to 80 cm. The width of the pit must correspond to the depth.

Methods for planting seedlings

There are many ways to plant grapes. Landing options differ in the method of site preparation on the site, the type of planting material used and other features.


The most common is the classic scheme. It involves the sequential execution of the following actions:

  1. In the fall, several holes are dug up to 80 cm deep with a distance of at least 2 m from each other. It is necessary to prepare the hole in advance, since then the soil will begin to settle.
  2. A 10 cm thick drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pit.
  3. The cuttings harvested in the fall are cut from the bottom and kept for two days in a growth stimulator at room temperature.
  4. Cuttings are transferred to a container of clean water to form roots and young shoots, and then grown in seedling pots.
  5. Seedlings with a closed root system are transferred to open ground when the ground warms up to 16 degrees.
  6. The soil is covered with a layer of mulch and watered with plenty of warm water.

pit for grapes

On the trellis

In structure, vines are similar to vines and need support. Growing in the wild, the plant twines around nearby trees. To control the direction of growth, you should install a trellis, which can have a different shape and number of planes. The support consists of several pillars connected to each other by wire.

During the first spirit of the life of the plantations, it is enough just to tie the vine to the posts.With further growth, the grapes are stacked on a horizontal trellis in such a way as to alternately twine both wires. If there is a shortage of one support, you can install another one, leaving about 40-45 cm between the rows.

planting grapes

On the ridges

The method of growing on the ridges is appreciated by gardeners for low labor costs in weed control and quick heating of the earth. To prepare the ridges, you must perform the following steps step by step:

  • dig a trench 10 m long to a depth of 30 cm;
  • fill the ditch with earth mixed with sand, gravel and fertilizers in such a way that the beds rise by 20-25 cm;
  • protect the beds with a covering material or cover with a thick layer of mulch;
  • deepen the roots of the seedlings 40-45 cm from the surface of the beds.

grapes in the garden

In the greenhouse

The climatic conditions artificially created in the greenhouse are most favorable for the intensive growth and development of grapes. Due to the high temperature, the vines begin to ripen and bear fruit earlier. When planting in a greenhouse, it is necessary to prepare the soil by analogy with other methods. The cuttings should be rooted in advance in separate containers at room temperature.

The distance between plantings in the greenhouse should be at least 1.5 m between each bush. Watering the plants is sufficient at intervals of 1 time per week.

Into containers

The container method extends the growing season of the seedlings, which is most appropriate when grown in cooler regions. The essence of the method is to plant the seedlings with roots in dense polyethylene bags without a bottom. Packages are placed inside a pallet or container covered with plastic.

planting grapes

The seedlings must be kept warm until the first buds form. As the soil dries up, the sprouts are watered abundantly. Transferring grapes to open ground should be done after the risk of frost has disappeared.


Planting grapes according to the Moldovan method is used if there is a vine longer than 60 cm.The cultivation process is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. With the onset of spring, it is necessary to twist a ring from the vine and fix the turns with a rope.
  2. Laying the vine in a prepared hole on the surface, leave 1-2 buds. To prevent them from drying out, a handful of earth is left over the end of the vine.
  3. By the fall season, the vines grow and the next year they bring the first harvest.

When planting several plantings according to the Moldovan scheme, it is necessary to observe spatial isolation between the bushes. Free distance is required for the development and growth of bushes.

ripe grapes


In hot and dry weather, a thickened growing technique is used. Up to 7 grape bushes are planted on a square of land. This eliminates the need for tying and creating additional support. The main advantage of the thickening method is saving space on the site and reducing labor costs. The disadvantage is that in the absence of proper care, infectious diseases will arise on thickened bushes that can reduce yields.

Features of planting grapes in the lowlands

In the case of growing grapes in an in-depth area, a number of features must be taken into account. Since precipitation accumulates in the lowlands, additional watering is not required with a large amount. To eliminate excess moisture, cover the soil in the area where the bushes are located with a layer of sawdust, which will partially absorb the liquid.


There is no need for a wind protection structure in the lowlands, since the main air flows will pass over the location of the bushes. For the winter, it is enough to use a standard covering material.

Caring for grapes after planting

The key to getting a large harvest is not only proper planting, but also the subsequent care of the plants.Basic care for young grapes involves standard procedures including top dressing, watering, protective treatment and pruning.


If, when transferring seedlings into open ground, additional fertilizing was immediately applied, then over the next 3-4 years additional fertilizers for grapes are not required. For intensive ripening, adult plantations need to receive nutrients that are not always present in the soil.

fertilizer for grapes

Fruits need the following components:

  1. Nitrogen. The element is responsible for the growth of foliage and shoots and is introduced into the ground in the spring when the growing season is activated.
  2. Phosphorus. At the very beginning of flowering grapes phosphate fertilizers contribute to the emergence of new inflorescences, the ripening of clusters with a large number of berries.
  3. Potassium. With the onset of autumn, when it is required to accelerate the ripening of the vines before the arrival of the first frost, the introduction of potassium chloride is required, which stimulates the growth of fruits.
  4. Copper. Top dressing with the addition of copper particles increases the resistance of the shoots to cold and drought.
  5. Bor. The use of boric acid in the soil helps to increase the sugar content of the crop and accelerates the ripening process.


During the first year of development, a significant part of the seedlings may die due to a lack of moisture in the soil. The developing roots require a constant supply of fluid for active formation.

watering grapes

The first watering after planting seedlings is carried out after 10-12 days. It is recommended to water abundantly in the early morning or evening, so that moisture does not quickly evaporate under the influence of sunlight and high temperatures, if the grapes are planted in the warm season. 2-3 buckets of clean, settled water, warmed to room temperature, are poured under each bush.

The next watering is required in 2 weeks, provided there is no rain during this period. Each subsequent watering is performed as the soil dries up.


With negative external influences, unsuitable climate or excessive soil moisture, there is a risk of developing infectious diseases or the appearance of harmful insects. To maintain yields and fight sources of fruit infestation, it is necessary to treat the bushes with preparations from the fungicidal and insecticidal categories. It is also allowed to use drugs to repel pests for preventive purposes.


To give a decorative and neat shape, the crowns of the bushes must be pruned. You can form the vine in spring or autumn. When pruning vegetation ahead of winter, cover the bushes after the procedure to protect them from frost. With the onset of the first warming, the shoots will begin to grow rapidly and form young branches. Spring crown formation helps provide sun and air access to the fruit. During the warm season, cut shoots have time to adapt and bring a good harvest by autumn.

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