Characteristics of the Sofia grape variety, description of fruiting and cultivation features

Among horticultural crops, one cannot fail to note those varieties that were bred not by breeders, but by amateurs. Every summer resident knows about Sofia grapes. This table hybrid has many benefits. And in the southern regions, it is widespread. But fruit lovers in temperate regions also cultivate the vine, creating favorable conditions for it.

Breeding history

The well-known Ukrainian gardener among winegrowers V. Zagorulko has been breeding new varieties for many years. And I got such a hybrid, which combines the best qualities of Arcadia and Kishmish Radiant grapes. From the parents, the Sofia variety received a sweet taste of berries, fleshy and juicy. In addition, the grape has a strong vine and bears fruit abundantly.


In Sofia grapes, a distinctive feature lies in:

  • the strength of a bush with large leaves, slightly dissected;
  • large tapered hands, reaching a weight of 1.5-2 kilograms;
  • pinkish berries weighing 10-20 grams;
  • juicy sweet pulp of the fruit, almost without seeds.

The description of the variety also includes a high yield of the vine. In favorable conditions, you can remove up to 40-50 kilograms of berries from one bush. In addition, the vine is decorative and will become a true decoration of the garden. Leaves on brownish stems are weakly wavy, large, distinguished by a bright green color, acquiring a yellowish tint by autumn.

Sofia grapes

Characteristics of grapes

The main advantage of the Sofia variety is the vigor of the vine, the palatability of the fruit. Among the large leaves, the brushes-giants of grapes look great. There are many berries on each, and they fit tightly to each other. The color of the grapes is interesting. Delicate pink fruits, as it were, glow when illuminated by the sun.

Despite the prevalence of female flowers on the vine, the Sofia variety perfectly sets fruit, perceiving pollen from neighboring bushes.

Long-term flowering of grapes is noted, and the duration of fruit ripening reaches 110-115 days. In early August, the first berries are already harvested. You should not overexpose them on the bushes, otherwise they will begin to crack and fall off.

Differing grapes Sofia:

  • drought resistance;
  • excellent survival rate of seedlings when planting;
  • moderate immunity to fungal infection;
  • poor tolerance to low temperatures.

Sofia grapes

Although the variety requires special growing conditions, it is grown both in Siberia and the Far East.

Planting and care rules

Grape seedlings for planting are chosen one or two years old. Pits are prepared in advance up to 80 centimeters deep, 50-60 wide. Be sure to mix the earth with compost or humus, superphosphate and potassium salt.Before planting, the roots of the cutting are shortened to 20 centimeters. You can dip the seedling into the Kornevin solution, and then place it in a mash made of clay and manure. After planting, water the seedlings abundantly. Watering should be done in moderation. The Sofia grape variety does not like excessive waterlogging, but it does not tolerate prolonged drought.

Sofia grapes

It is necessary to form bushes of berry culture by annual pruning. Every year, 10-12 buds are left on each vine. The lateral processes break off completely. It is imperative to thin out the branches, creating the best permeability of plantings for air and light. The berries in clusters also need thinning, otherwise they begin to rot at such a high density. They are trimmed with scissors, relieving the brush by 30-40% in the peeling stage.

Disease and pest control

To prevent infection of the variety with oidium or mildew, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid in 1%, first in the spring, when the leaves have blossomed. The next treatment is needed in 10-15 days. Among the drugs active against pathogenic fungi, one can single out "Skor", "Topaz". They are also used in the treatment of diseases.

Topaz drug

Wasps are susceptible to the sweet berries of Sofia. They can ruin the entire crop. Insects are scared away from the vine with sticky baits. The nests near the vineyard are sprayed with "Dichlorvos", "Karbofos".


There is such a common method of propagation of Sofia grapes, as cuttings. They are grown in pots and then transferred outdoors after a strong root system has developed.

The grafting is used as propagation to increase the resistance of the variety to frost. The Arcadia variety is suitable as a rootstock.

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