How to properly plant cherry seedlings in spring, summer and autumn, care rules

Regardless of the size of the garden, the owners will certainly try to devote the greatest amount of space to cherries - lush trees regularly delight with an abundant harvest of tasty and healthy berries. Fruiting largely depends on how well you managed to choose the variety for a particular region. Planting errors can also adversely affect the growth, development and fruit of the tree. In order to prevent unfortunate consequences, it is better to figure out in advance how to plant cherries so that they quickly take root and grow rapidly.

What should be the seedlings

Even novice gardeners who have taken care of healthy and high-quality planting material will get a lush cherry orchard. It is better to choose seedlings in proven nurseries with an impeccable reputation. It is recommended to go for the purchase of a seedling in autumn.

When purchasing cherries, attention should be paid to the following details:

  • the root system is well developed, has many lateral processes, it should not have rot, dry areas;
  • there should not be many branches, they will quickly grow later;
  • the height of the seedling is not less than a meter;
  • bark, branches must be clean, free of damage, mold.

It is better to purchase plants with a closed root system, you do not have to worry about how to properly preserve cherries until spring. The tree overwinters well in a cool cellar. If there is no opportunity to send it to the cellar, it is recommended to simply dig in the seedling on the site, cover it with spruce branches and sawdust for the winter.

Nuances when choosing a variety for different regions

Before heading to the nursery, it is recommended that you research the varieties that are most suitable for the region. For cool, harsh conditions, it is best to choose hardy crops early in maturity. If you buy late varieties and plant them in the Urals or Siberia, it will be problematic to get a harvest - ripening may not come.

planting cherries

Late varieties are great for warm areas. It is imperative to purchase several early crops - fruiting will begin at the beginning of summer. For the Leningrad Region, cherries with an average ripening period are recommended - it will be possible to harvest the crop even in a cool summer. Be sure to familiarize yourself with other characteristics - wintering requirements, endurance, frost resistance.

Pampered crops, which thrive in middle or warm zones, will certainly perish in harsh conditions, even if they winter under cover.


It is recommended to plant young trees in the fall, but only in warm regions - the temperate climate will allow the seedlings to take root well and, with the arrival of spring days, actively start growing. Cool areas are not so careful about cherries - it is better to go with the plants to the garden in the spring, after the frost has completely disappeared, otherwise there is a risk of ruining the seedlings. If you need to plant before winter, it is better to start the process in August, the roots will have time to take root well.

planting cherries

Some gardeners manage to plant cherries even in summer, but you should prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to put in a lot of effort for the tree to take root. You will have to create an artificial shade for the plant, otherwise the hot rays of the sun will cause a burn, water abundantly and regularly.

Benefits of spring planting

In regions with a temperate climate, it is recommended to start planting cherries in the spring - this is the best time for the process.

The advantages of spring planting are many:

  • the roots will quickly take root, melt water will provide the necessary moisture;
  • it is easy to follow the growth, development of the tree;
  • you can prepare in advance for planting - add nutrients to the soil, dig it up, by the spring the soil will sag and will be completely ready for planting trees;
  • the plant will have time to prepare for wintering.

cherry sediment

A significant drawback of spring planting - along with the growth of roots, the aerial part of the tree will actively begin to develop. For this you will need a lot of strength, so you will have to take care of the timely introduction of dressings.

Pros and cons of autumn planting

The autumn planting of cherries, if not late, has its own number of advantages. The tree will have time to take root, it will not be threatened by hot sun rays, sharp night and day temperature drops.

The dormant period, which lasts all winter, also plays an important role - after the onset of heat, the seedling will actively start growing.

The disadvantage of planting cherries in the fall is that if winter comes too early, frost can destroy the plant. The only way to protect the seedling is to use a cover, a layer of mulch.

planting cherries

How to plant cherries correctly

Having chosen a seedling, it is important to plant correctly. There are many rules that are best studied in advance, this will allow you to prevent unpleasant mistakes that subsequently affect the development and growth of the tree. It is important to choose the most comfortable place, prepare the soil (it is recommended to do this in advance), study the intricacies of care. Watering and adding nutrients also play an important role - it's better to figure out how to do this without harming the cherries.

Seat selection

It is important for the cherry to grow in the right conditions. Choose a place that is comfortable, sunny, without access to drafts. It is better to choose a site that is closed on all sides by tall trees or outbuildings.

planting cherries

It is also necessary to take into account which landing pattern will be used. It is recommended to leave a distance of at least 4 m between the plants, this is enough for the full development of the crown. If large cherry varieties are grown, increase the space between trees.

Required soil composition

The most suitable soil for growing cherries is light loam or sandy loam. It is imperative to monitor the acidity, a neutral level is recommended. If the soil is too acidic, add a little lime when planting. Sandy soil is also good for cherries, but you will have to regularly add nutrients after planting a tree in open ground. If fertilizers are not used, carelessness will affect fruiting - the berries will be small, with a low sugar content.

sandy soil

Clay soils for growing cherries are not recommended. Heavy soil will certainly affect yields.

At what distance to plant

A prerequisite is compliance with the distance between seedlings. Much depends on the variety - plant large cherries, leaving a gap of 3.5 m between plants. The distance between the rows is 4-5 m.

Planting pit preparation and depth

It is recommended to start preparing the pit no later than two weeks before planting the cherries. It is imperative to dig deep, remove all weed roots. The pit is up to half a meter wide. The depth is at least 80 cm. It is advisable to drive in a peg-support immediately, which will protect against gusts of wind and, if necessary, help to align the trunk.

hole for the tree

Top dressing when planting

When planting a young tree in a hole, it is recommended to add a special soil mixture. It is easy to prepare it, mix:

  • on the part of sheet soil, rotted manure;
  • a handful of superphosphate (per plant);
  • half a handful of potassium sulfate;
  • three parts of nutritious garden soil.

It is better not to introduce nitrogenous compounds - the active growth of the aboveground part will begin, the roots will not have time to supply it with nutrients.

Unwanted neighborhood

It is not recommended to plant cherries near too large trees. Unwanted neighbors are stone fruits (peaches, plums), shrubs (black currants, raspberries).

raspberry bush

Caring for a planted tree

There will be no particular difficulties in caring for the seedling, the cherry is extremely undemanding. You will have to monitor a sufficient amount of moisture, timely make nutritious compositions, protect the plant from the invasion of pests, damage by diseases.

Watering and fertilizing

Overflows for cherries are destructive, therefore, immediately after planting, you will have to monitor the amount of moisture in the soil. It is recommended to add water only on dry days. Irrigate the soil with a warm liquid - pre-withstand the water under the sun's rays.

Top dressing in the first season after planting should not be carried out, the tree has enough nutrients that are in the ground.

Digging in cherry seedlings for the winter

It often happens that the seedlings were purchased too late, weather conditions do not allow to plant them in a permanent place. In such cases, it is recommended to carry out dropping.

planting cherries

There are several rules to follow:

  • choose a suitable sunny place, groundwater should not be near the surface;
  • there should be no heaps of garbage nearby, rodents usually start there;
  • remove all leaves, examine the roots;
  • dig in the seedlings in the groove (depth up to half a meter);
  • sprinkle the roots with your hands, compact the soil with a shovel;
  • cover with spruce branches and straw before frost.

After the snow falls, carry out hilling, pour high snowdrifts on the dug cherries, which will save them from frost.

What problems can a gardener face

There are several challenges that beginner gardeners often face. Usually mistakes made during planting are to blame for growth, development, lack of fruiting. In order to prevent troubles, it is better to study possible problems in advance and their timely elimination:

  • if the cherry does not grow in the first year, incorrect planting is to blame - the root collar is too deep in the ground, it is recommended to re-plant and raise the plant a few centimeters up;
  • frequent diseases, poor growth - the seedling is more than two years old, the immune system is too weak, when buying, be sure to find out the age of the plant;
  • pollination does not occur due to the absence of a pollinator nearby - it is recommended to plant cherries nearby, after making sure that different varieties are planted;
  • the death of a plant causes non-compliance with planting dates - it is recommended to monitor the weather conditions in the region.

Another important rule is to purchase planting material only from trusted sellers. High-quality seedlings are the key to a good harvest. Planting cherries does not require special knowledge; even a novice gardener will cope with the process. The main thing is to study all the requirements and rules for planting, to purchase a high-quality seedling. The tree will certainly thank you for your efforts with generous harvests.

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