Description and features of Podbelskaya cherry varieties, breeding history, cultivation and care

It so happened that in the southern regions of the country, cherry is one of the most popular trees in private households. Juicy fruits are widely used for canning and are eaten fresh. Surely many people know the Podbelskaya cherry variety. The large and lush crown of this tree looks harmoniously on the local area, and during flowering pleases with a fragrant smell.

History of the origin of the variety

Cherry varieties Podbelskaya were obtained by breeding two varieties: Lotova and Griot Ostgeimsky. Its name was dedicated to the Minister of Agriculture of Prussia Viktor von Podbelsky. The tree was bred specifically for growing in regions with warm climates.

Description and features of the variety

This cherry grows and bears fruit most successfully in the southern regions. It belongs to varieties with a mid-ripening period of fruit ripening.

In a seedling planted in the ground, fruiting begins at 4 years. Harvesting takes place in the first half of July.

The Podbelskaya cherry tree does not tolerate the cold winter well. Also reacts negatively to the return of spring frosts. At this time, swollen buds may freeze, and the flowers that have appeared may fall off. Therefore, it is optimal to plant this variety in places where the warm period is stable.

cherry podbelskaya

The description of the variety notes that this cherry can grow up to 5 meters in height. It has an increased yield. Up to 13 kilograms of berries per year can be harvested from one tree. When harvesting, you have to use agricultural harvesting equipment or other devices. The crown has a spherical shape, abundantly covered with foliage. As cherries age, the crown loses its original configuration.

Other characteristics of Podbelskaya cherry:

  1. The bark on the trunk is smooth, with shallow longitudinal cracks.
  2. Branches are light brown.
  3. The leaf plate is matte, dark green. Its size can be up to 12 centimeters long and 6 centimeters wide.
  4. Abundant spring bloom, 3-4 flowers per inflorescence.
  5. The length of the stem is approximately 2 centimeters.

cherry podbelskaya

Growing features

First of all, before planting seedlings, it is necessary to choose the right site for planting. In this place, the groundwater should not rise above 2 meters. Fertile soil is preferred. The cherry tree tolerates well being adjacent to plants such as strawberries, alfalfa or legumes. It is recommended to plant them in the intervals between the rows.

Growing additional plants helps replenish the soil with essential nutrients. After the end of the active phase of cherry growth, planting of additional crops can be stopped. In addition, the soil is periodically loosened in the near-stem zone. It is also recommended to carry out loosening after watering.

cherry podbelskaya


Be sure to fertilize when planting cherries. At the end of the active growth phase of the tree, fertilization is also carried out. Every 3 years, humus is scattered on the ground near the trunk (about 2 grams per 1 square meter). Superphosphate is fed every spring (100 grams per 10-20 liters of water).


The tree needs pruning every year. The spring pruning procedure is carried out in order to remove dried and broken off branches. At the same time, dried bark is removed. In addition, to form the crown, formative pruning is carried out, starting from the second year after planting in the ground.

cherry pruning

New shoots grow from the cherry root system, which are sometimes used for planting new seedlings. The main reason for their appearance is sometimes overdried soil, which damages the roots. Such young shoots protect the root system from frost, but it is still better to get rid of them, since they take nutrients from the tree and put stress on the plant. By removing them, you can provide good access to the tree and facilitate the process. cherry care.

Soil mulching

To insulate the near-root zone, as well as to prevent the appearance of weeds, mulching is carried out. Gravel, pieces of tree bark, peat, last year's dried foliage or hay are used as mulch.

Soil mulching


The disadvantage of the variety is the need for pollination during flowering with other varieties of cherries.

Potential pollinators

In order for the pollination process to take place, other varieties of pollinating cherries must grow near the planted tree: May Duke, Lotovaya, Griot Ostgeisky, Anadolskaya, Angliyskaya early or cherry trees.


Ripe Podbelskaya berry weighs about 5-6 grams. She is maroon in color. The shape is round. The cherry peel is smooth with a characteristic shine. The pulp is colored dark red. It is juicy, with a clear presence of fibers. The taste is quite pleasant, with a sweet and sour flavor. It is used for preservation, various desserts are prepared.

ripe cherry

Diseases and pests

This cherry has an average resistance to diseases and pests. From insects, a tree can be infested by aphids, a slimy sawfly, or a caterpillar. The cherry weevil can affect both flowers and ripe fruits.

Disease prevention

To cope with the invasion of insects and prevent their appearance, the tree is treated with a wide spectrum insecticide. Also, to prevent the invasion of harmful insects, the trunk is treated with copper sulfate.

Avoid planting cherries in the lowlands, as stagnant water can damage the root system, leading to the death of the tree.

  1. Anna Valentinovna
    10.10.2018 05:02

    More than a dozen Podbelskaya cherries have been growing on my site for fifteen years. My husband regularly prunes cherries, but for two years in a row the trees have become less fruitful.I tried, on the advice of a neighbor in a summer cottage, to fertilize them with a plant growth bioactivator BioGrow - so we collected a huge number of buckets of cherries this year! Good tool, it works!

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