Description and characteristics of the apple variety Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, regions of distribution and reviews of gardeners

Perhaps the apple tree is the most common tree in Russian gardens. It would seem: what could be easier - he planted a tree, and after a couple of years he reaped the harvest. But everything is much more complicated, and if you do not know the features of this or that type, the result will not be what we would like. Today we will talk about the features of the Bessemyanka Michurinskaya apple tree.

Description and features of the variety

Sources describing Bessemyanka Michurinskaya say that this is a tall autumn tree with a wide and rounded crown at maturity and an elongated oval one in young specimens. The branches are thick, infrequent. The main harvest ripens on them.

Description and characteristics of the apple variety Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, regions of distribution and reviews of gardeners

The fruit has a pleasant sweet and sour taste with a wine aftertaste. The skin of this apple variety is dense, firm, smooth, with a slight waxy bloom. The color is yellow-green, but a bright red blush goes around the entire perimeter of the apple. The pulp is creamy in color, delicate in texture.

As the name implies, the apple lacks seeds, less often there are literally a few pieces.

Advantages and disadvantages

The apple trees of this variety have distinctive features that make this species attractive to gardeners:

Description and characteristics of the apple variety Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, regions of distribution and reviews of gardeners

  • excellent commercial qualities;
  • give a good harvest regularly;
  • long shelf life (about 100 days);
  • environmental sustainability.

However, there are downsides:

  • lack of the ability to self-pollinate, pollinating varieties are required;
  • fruits quickly fall off, if not removed from the tree in time, they will end up on the ground, which will significantly reduce the shelf life.

Description and characteristics of the apple variety Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, regions of distribution and reviews of gardeners

Characteristics of Bessemyanka Michurinskaya

To have an idea of ​​the variety and understand whether it is worth growing this apple tree, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the species.


The tree belongs to tall apple trees with powerful roots that can go 5 meters deep into the ground. The fruits are large - the average weight is about 170 grams. The apples are round in shape, with a possible slight flattening in the central part and poorly expressed ribbing.

Description and characteristics of the apple variety Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, regions of distribution and reviews of gardeners


The first harvest can be obtained in the 5-7th year of the tree's life. Flowers that bloom before the onset of fruiting age are best cut off to stimulate the apple tree to develop quickly. The yield is high - about 200 kilograms per tree.

Description and characteristics of the apple variety Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, regions of distribution and reviews of gardeners

The frequency of fruiting

With proper care, there is no periodicity in fruiting, and the apple tree pleases with the harvest regularly every year.

Description and characteristics of the apple variety Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, regions of distribution and reviews of gardeners

Winter hardiness

The apple-tree of the Bessemyanka Michurinskaya variety has an average winter hardiness, while it can withstand temperature extremes and unfavorable weather. However, it is better to plant a tree in an area with maximum sunlight.

Description and characteristics of the apple variety Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, regions of distribution and reviews of gardeners

Disease resistance

Bessemyanka Michurinskaya is rarely exposed to scab and fungal diseases, it is resistant to fruit rot. But it is necessary to carry out preventive measures to prevent diseases: spraying, fertilizing, removing diseased branches and spoiled fruits.

Description and characteristics of the apple variety Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, regions of distribution and reviews of gardeners

Fruit assessment

The tasting assessment of the fruit by experts is high: they have an expressive taste and pleasant aroma. The chemical composition of apples is also good:

  • sugar - 11.2%;
  • titratable acids - 0.69%;
  • dry matter - 14.2%;
  • ascorbic acid - 21.3 milligrams;
  • P-active catechins - 229.3 milligrams.

Description and characteristics of the apple variety Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, regions of distribution and reviews of gardeners

Distribution region of the variety

Bessemyanka Michurinskaya is widespread and grows in the following regions of Russia:

  • Central;
  • Central Black Earth;
  • Northwest;
  • East Siberian.

Description and characteristics of the apple variety Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, regions of distribution and reviews of gardeners

Reviews about apple

Alexey, Moscow: “I am satisfied with the apple tree: the fruits are tasty and aromatic. There are no problems with leaving. Winter is also going through with dignity. Apples are stored for a long time, almost until the end of December. My wife and I manage to sell, eat, and preserve. "

Valeria, Lipetsk: “The variety is good, the fruits are delicious. The apple tree does not require special care, apples are stored for a long time. But there is a minus - harvesting. Due to the size of the tree, it is difficult to pick apples even with a stepladder. If you do not have time to remove them, then they fall and break, which negatively affects the appearance and shelf life. "

Natalia, Kazan: “I planted this apple tree. Everything is good: it is unpretentious in care, gives a large harvest, bears fruit regularly. But the fruits are slightly sour with a tart wine taste. I like sweet, honey ones. "

Description and characteristics of the apple variety Bessemyanka Michurinskaya, regions of distribution and reviews of gardeners

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