Description and characteristics of the Gala apple tree variety and its varieties, features of cultivation and care

The Gala apple variety has been winning the hearts of gardeners for more than one year. For the first time, the hybrid was bred in New Zealand, and after a few years it spread throughout the world. Apples of this variety are most often found on shelves in stores because of their beautiful red color of the skin and the shape of the fruit. From the parental hybrid, 20 more similar varieties with improved characteristics were subsequently bred.

Description and characteristics of the apple tree Gala Mast

Before buying a Gala apple tree sapling, you should study the characteristics of the tree and its description. First of all, you should pay attention to the favorable areas in which the tree will grow best. In addition, the size of the mature tree and the yield are important characteristics.

description and characteristics

Favorable growing areas

The most favorable regions for growing the Gala Mast apple variety are forest-steppe and steppe. The variety is planted in the Central and Volga regions, where the soil is predominantly of black earth type. Also, the hybrid grows well in the regions of the Caucasus. Trees are positive for the subtropical climate. But in the North, Gala Mast is unlikely to take root because of the harsh climatic conditions.

Tree height

The hybrid belongs to medium-sized apple trees, reaching a height of 3 to 4.5 m. Even in old age, an apple tree can reach a height of 5 m. In order to prevent the tree from growing too tall, it is cut off every year.

apple tree gala

Crown width

In shape, the crown resembles a circle flattened at the top and bottom. The crown itself is spreading, the branches are unevenly located. The crown width matches the selected rootstock.


The Gala apple variety is a fruitful one. Up to 90 kg of apples are harvested from one tree. Since the tree tends to be overloaded, the number of inflorescences and ovaries must be regulated. Fruiting annually at the same level. Those apple trees that have been growing for a long time give less harvest, and the tree does not bear fruit every year.

tasting assessment

Tasting assessment

Apples of this variety are considered one of the most delicious. The tasting score is 4.7 out of 5 points. The pulp is dense and juicy, fine-grained. The peel is red-orange. The fruits are rich in trace elements and vitamins, especially ascorbic acid.

Winter hardiness

Trees endure freezing winters when temperatures drop to -30 degrees. But on condition that such a temperature in winter will hold for several days. If all winters in the growing region are frosty, the tree will not be able to survive the extreme drop in temperature.

red fruit

Disease resistance

There is no apple variety that is 100% resistant to fruit tree diseases. The Gala hybrid has medium resistance to scab and bacterial cancer. The tree is immune to powdery mildew and European crayfish. Regular preventive measures will prevent the appearance of diseases on the apple tree.

Tree life

Apple trees are long-lived plants and can grow up to 150 years. Naturally, fruiting decreases with age.

many apple trees

Sapling planting rules

Planting seedlings is a crucial stage, during which the basis for the yield and health of the tree is laid. Planting an apple tree seedling Gala does not differ from planting seedlings of other varieties. The main thing is to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology while planting a bush in a permanent place.

Landing time

The optimal time for planting in spring is the period from early April to early May. In autumn, seedlings are planted 20-25 days before the onset of autumn frosts. The seedling should have time to take root in a new place until frosts hit.

ripe fruit

Seat selection

The first thing to remember when planting the Gala variety on the site is the illumination. The hybrid prefers to grow in open, sunny areas away from darkening. If you plant a plant in the shade, the yield will decrease, and the apple tree will not grow well... Due to the lack of sunlight, the number of buds decreases, which in turn leads to poor flowering and the formation of ovaries.

The apple tree tolerates partial shade, but fruiting in this case will begin later after planting.

Gala prefers to grow on loamy, sandy loam soils or black soil. It is recommended to give preference to elevated areas where melt water will not accumulate in spring. The Gala apple tree prefers to grow on dry soils without excess moisture.

seat selection

Choosing a quality seedling

Before buying a seedling, it is carefully examined. The seedling should be free of damage, dry branches, stains and insect marks. Also pay attention to the root system. The roots should be elastic and strong, not broken. The trunk is straight, with dense bark.

Planting process

The process of planting a seedling takes place in several stages. Stages of planting an apple tree Gala:

quality seedling

  • Dig up the soil, dig a hole to a depth of 1 m.
  • Add mineral fertilizers for growth, rotted compost and wood ash.
  • Mix fertilizer with soil and leave the hole in this form for 2-3 weeks.
  • After 2-3 weeks, start planting a seedling.
  • Place the seedling in the hole, carefully spread the roots and bury the seedling with soil.
  • Tamp the soil around the trunk.
  • Sprinkle with plenty of warm water.
  • Then drive a stake next to the seedling and tie the trunk to it.

An apple tree is planted one month before the onset of night frosts, so that the seedling has time to take root and survive the winter.

apples are wet

How to care for an apple tree

The care of an apple tree includes watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil and preventing diseases and insects. It is also important to devote time to crown formation every year. Proper care will increase yields.


Young branches in spring are cut to 1/3 of the entire length of the branch. Such measures allow to regulate tree overload and increase yields.

take care of the apple tree


Apple tree Gala does not like excessive moisture. Watering the tree is enough twice a month. If the summer is rainy, then they completely refuse watering. Young seedlings are watered once a week.

Top dressing

The first feeding is applied at the stage of bud formation. Use nitrogen-containing fertilizers, humus or ammonium nitrate.The second time fertilization is applied in the summer, in the first decade of June. Phosphorus and potassium, slurry, chicken droppings or urea are introduced. The third top dressing is applied in August or September. The last feeding is carried out before the onset of cold weather. In the fall, humus, peat, phosphorus and potash fertilizers, humus and compost are introduced.

crown formation

Preparing for winter

With the onset of autumn, the soil around the trunk is dug to a depth of 30-40 cm. The soil is covered with peat. The apple tree does not need active preparation for winter.

Diseases and pests

With the onset of spring, the lower parts of the trees are whitewashed with a solution of lime. Then, until the buds have blossomed, the trees are sprayed with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid. After the apple tree fades, it is treated with copper oxychloride.

large branches

Variety options

After the Gala hybrid was created, breeders have created more than 20 other varieties with improved characteristics on its basis.


Brookfield begins to ripen in early September. With proper care, the variety has a high yield. The collected fruits are stored until the onset of winter.

created a hybrid


Apples have a deep red hue, with dark stripes. It ripens a little earlier than the Gala variety. The average weight of fruits is 150-190 g. The harvested crop is stored for up to 4 months. The pulp tastes sweet and sour.

dark stripes


This variety is not as common as all other hybrids. Its characteristics are similar to the parent variety Gala.

Delicious fruit


It tastes like Gala Mast, only the apples are slightly smaller in size. On average, the weight of the fruit is up to 150 g.

lacquer berries


The hybrid was bred by breeders from Krasnodar. The peel of the fruit is light yellow, weighing from 140 to 180 g.

yellow tint


It was first bred in 1978 and quickly gained popularity among gardeners. The shape is more elongated than the parent variety.

elongated shape


Natalie's taste and skin tone is no different from Gala Mast, only the apples are slightly smaller in size.

twigs dropped


Prince is another name for the Gala Mast variety.

deliver large


The peel of the apples is red. Fruits ripen in the second decade of August. Stored until March. Differs in average resistance to powdery mildew and scab.

apple peel


The fruits are shaped like Gala. The peel is yellow-red. It was this variety that was first bred on the basis of Gala Mast.

ripe royal

Growing in different regions

The most suitable for growing Gala apple trees are the Central regions and the Volga region. Winters in these latitudes are not so frosty. The Krasnodar Territory is also suitable for cultivation, because it was for this region that the variety was zoned. In addition, most of the hybrid clones were created in the Krasnodar Territory. In northern latitudes, cultivation is problematic due to the fact that the trees are not frost-resistant, and some of them die in winter.

clones hybrids

Useful Tips

The future harvest depends on the correct planting and caring for the apple tree. Tips for growing an apple tree:

  • When planting a seedling, the root collar must not be buried. It should be 2-3 cm above the ground.
  • If the soil is sandy, then a 10 cm layer of clay is laid on the bottom of the pit, and then a thick layer of peat is laid out.
  • Manure is applied in large quantities in the fall.
  • In the spring, an apple tree requires nitrogen-containing fertilizing.
  • Preventive measures to prevent the development of diseases of fruit trees begin to be carried out in March.

If you follow the rules for planting a seedling and caring for it, in a few years the apple tree will bring a rich harvest. It should be remembered that without care, fruiting will be scarce, and the apple tree itself will grow poorly.

planting a seedling

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